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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 09:10:36 -0500
Brenda Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (116 lines)
Possum Senior Reporter - Suzie Q cub reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge
November 2010
Possum here: Hey Suzie it sure has been crazy around here this month
hasn't it - I can not believe how many times mum has had to leave us
for one thing or another - only to have Miss Iliana come in to get
things back under control and keep an eye on things while mum was away-

Suzie Q Here: Yeah it sure has - Bandita and Delilah sure enjoy it
though - that is their not so far away - far away mom - mum tries to
make sure that they are out when Miss Iliana comes in so the girls get
to hang out with their far away mom -

Possum here : Mum has been busy with a sick fur kid from Florida that
came here so he could see our favorite Doc - he needs surgery - but
he had a fever when he got to the hospital so Doc would not do the
surgery - mum brought him home to feel better - he is now going back on
the 18th for that surgery - http://www.ferretfarm.org/Camp_Benji.htm
then there are kids that are here hanging out because their dad had to
go to school for his work - then the kid that decided to go for a walk
without his mom - he landed himself in the shelter for a few days until
his mom figured out where he was - here is his story -

Suzie Q Here: isn't that the kids that mum was having a contest to name
him - Miss Mary M named him Contest for his medical records - there
were lots of other names that came in but by the time mum was getting
ready to pick a winner Snatch's mom had found him - he was a cutie -
mum was so happy that his mom was able to find him and bring him home -
he was happy to have his mom back too -

Possum here: 436 of you humans went out to look at our pictures - that
is a lot of humans - Miss Iliana - Miss Mindy - Miss Jackie - Miss
Donna and Mr. Dick were all here on the same day helping out at the
shelter - mum just keeps shaking her head at how blessed we are to have
so many humans that help her to help take care of us - must be these
humans think we are pretty special fur kids - huh Suz -

Suzie Q Here: Excuse me - what did you call me - oh I thought you said
Suzie Q - I am sure of it - yes mum says we are sure blessed to have
so many humans think we fur kids are special enough to help us out -
sometimes I think you get to be a bit much - but fortunately the humans
seem to over look your conceited - arrogant - tantrum ways - Possum
isn't it cool that Christmas time came early - mum had to go move Old
Lady Kay to a new better place to live yesterday -

Mum gets home - pulls into our driveway - there - sitting just inside
the garage is a brand new ferret nation cage with our shelter address
on it - Mum goes over to check on the box - sure enough it is exactly
what it says - ferret nation cage - mum thought she would bring it up
to the shelter - HA! - Mum is a weakling she could not move the box an
inch -

Mum goes in through the basement to get to the shelter so she can get
us moved around - some of us to bed - some of us up - when she goes out
the back door to go back out to the van - there is another brand new
ferret nation cage in a box with our shelter name on it - we are not
sure how they knew mum was wishing to have us in ferret nation cages -
but thanks for thinking of us and making it possible to put us in one
more ferret nation cage -

Possum here: Miss Mindy and Mr Dick put the cage together for mum - got
it in the shelter - while mum was taking down the old cages she was
replacing - after that day mum took a ME day - that is when she hides
the van - locks the doors and pretends she is not home - that is when
she sits on the floor and hangs out with us - we like it when mum takes
a ME day - she does not take near enough of them as far as we fur kids
are concerned -

Suzie Q Here: she may get one this month - Turkey Day is coming so she
will have some days off from the Big Yellow Thingy - Miss Mary B said
she was coming to see us and her far away kid Trunks the Saturday after
turkey day - mum is going to her brothers for Turkey Day Dinner on
Turkey Day - so maybe she will get a ME day some place in that week -

Possum here: I would not plan on it Suzie - remember the big box that
cleans our bedding died - once it gets fixed - if it can be - mum will
be working over time to get the dirty laundry we make cleaned up - the
repair people are suppose to be here this week to look at it - mum says
she hopes they can fix it the day they are here because it has been
down for a week already - there are piles and piles of laundry sitting
in the basement waiting to be washed - mum says she figures if she took
the 3 loads a day to the laundry mat that she does here at home it
would cost her $13.00 a day - and that is not even drying it - so will
you humans out there cross your fingers that the big box that cleans
our laundry can be fixed -

Suzie Q Here: Well Possum I am sure we are missing things in this news
but mum has been so busy - that she did not have a lot of notes for us
this time - I know she has been on line with several families that have
sick kids or post-op kids she is helping their families get though - I
heard she was feeling like she was stretched pretty thin these days -
so maybe Possum you should behave for a bit to cut mum a break -

Possum here: oh Suzie I behave - I am always a good girl - you are the
one that tried to beat up Josie the other morning - all because mum did
not see you there when she was letting Josie and her business out of
their cage - you are the one that did not behave - shame on you for
being such a snot - I guess we need to get this news closed for this
month - if any of you humans are interested in making a fur kid happy
for Christmas you can go here to see who needs a Santa
it looks like Tinker is the only one on our tree left to be picked -
but there are still 169 fur kids that need a Santa -

So for this month have a wonderful Turkey Day - don't eat too much -
and if you have a fur kid that likes Turkey give them some -

Possum Senior Reporter
Suzie Q - the smarter reporter - cub reporter

[Posted in FML 6879]