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Fri, 5 Nov 2010 11:15:47 -0400
Cynthia ritenour <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
The Tornado

Have you ever been drawn to look at the car accident or peek to see why
an ambulance is down the road ? Well...... asking how much trouble can
a little 3/4 pound ferret possibly get into in a short period of time
ranks right up there. Curiosity is sort of like being sucked into a
vortex that just draws you in and holds you, no matter how your mind
tells you, you don't have to know.

Such is the case here. This is Chepe's day. (pronounced Chepay an
Algonquin name meaning Fairy, I'm told)

Fairy hah!!!!! Fairys have nothing on this little trouble making

Chepe usually spends the first hour out of the cage just making the
rounds, and listing the things to get into as she wrestles with her
pals. this cute little cinnamon baby, just over a year old is more of a
mousy brown color that has earned her the nickname, Mousykin. She is
absolutely adorable and petite. It's a good thing, cause God could not
have packed any more naughty into her if He tried.

After the wrestling, its' to the gate to see if she can lift it far
enough to get into the office, Russ' man-cave that is off limits to
ferts because it is not safe. Yes, I said lift....and she has been
successful before. No luck, Dad bridged a book from Moms sewing cabinet
to the top of the the gate, just enough weight that she cannot lift it.
well......did the kids leave backpacks by the hall tree, did they leave
a jacket on the bench hanging over that she could climb and get on top
of the bench,then to the top of the gate,then we're in.....now to avoid
the opposition while covertly discovering the secrets Mom hides behind
the gate. I hear a yelp from Russ. "Who's in here? What are you doing
in here? Cin....Chepe's in here, she knows I'm trying to catch her!!"
She goes under the credenza so he can't reach her. I chuckle. He
finally retrieves her and talks to her as he places her on the right
side of the gate. Silly Daddy does not think to fix the avenue, so five
minutes later, she is right there with him again. I hang up the coat
she has been climbing, knowing she is now too short to get in top of
the bench. She heads for the kitchen. A few minutes later, I hear
banging on the stove. We put the trash can in front of the stove so
little people cannot wittle the drawer for pans open then access the
stove insulation etc (learned with my first ferrets) Chepe manages to
get beyond that. The banging I hear is Hamilton (Ham) trying to join
her as she roots through my pans and inspects the makings of the stove
with the interesting detrious that can accumulate over time under a
stove. I open the drawer, retrieve the weasel, and make sure everything
is tighter, and impossible to get beyond again. She watches, I scold.
She runs to the short cabinet with cleaning supplies, lays on her back,
tries wittling the door open. Gotcha weasel-girl! The cases of seltzer
prevent her from entrance. I try to go back to my own things. It's
quiet for a minute...........I hear a bang from the sun room. I get up
to see what is going on. I have a desk in the sun room where I keep
mail and bills etc. I have taken the bottom drawers out so that they
cannot use them as ladders to reach the top from inside. Chepe looks at
me around the corner. There's dirt on her nose. I look at my desktop.
There used to be three bright happy little plants in green, yellow and
red pots sitting on the little yellow desk. A happy place to do the
terrible job of bills....Now covered in dark potting soil. not one
square inch of the top visible, the little top drawer open, with dirt
inside, evidence of the avenue to the top. There is dirt on the white
tile floor and little black/red eyes looking innocently up at me
like"can you believe this mess? I don't know who did this Mom." The
dirt on the nose is the give away. I scold again. She runs off to some
other adventure at the front of the house. Next thing I hear is a thunk
and a couple bangs. I go to the front entryway to find the little
monster has done the same thing with Dads' roll top desk climbing
inside traversing the drawers, weedling the top drawer open and clmbing
the curved front to knock Dads' cup of coins, keys, wallet and work ID
off the top. Looking at me like "Hi Mom, how's it going?" I take her
down, scruffed, tell her No for the millionth time. "What am I going to
do with you?" She sighs. She's getting tired, thank goodness. I put her
down, she runs around a little more,then searches out a friend to
snuggle with........ahhhhhh peace. Just like when the kids were little
and it was nap time. I know this is temporary. She only naps for about
an hour....but a blissful hour, undisturbed........until she wakes
up...........and it all begins again...............

Cindy & the Slightly Used Ferrets (9)

I think God gives us challenges so that we can recognize and rejoice in
the pleasant times

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