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Sun, 24 Oct 2010 20:58:13 -0700
text/plain (41 lines)
It is with a heavy heart that I write this request. Dearest Saraferret,
please make sure my Deuce has made it there safely. He lost his
courageous battle with insulinoma on Saturday. True to his loving
nature, he was gracious enough to hang on until I found him and was
able to say my goodbyes, and then he passed in our arms. I am truly
thankful that he made the decision to wander up to that family in the
park 2.5 years ago, and that family knew the lady at the pet store was
crazy about her ferrets, thus brought him to me. He will be missed
dearly by my parents and I, as well as, Merlin, Freckles, Chewy, and
Sassy. Merlin (his old buddy) and Freckles (his favorite lady) were
especially upset to see him go. I told him that he will finally feel
better without the disease robbing him of his energy and weight and
be able to dook and jump again, without worrying about his back legs
making him fall over. I also told him that he would finally be able
to see Lilly again, whom I know that he has missed dearly. Please
Saraferret, you made sure last year that Lilly wouldn't be alone when
she passed (she was my first to go) and you set her up with the Texas
ferrets, I hope that she will be just as happy to see Deuce. Hopefully,
her acquired Texas drawl won't confuse Deuce too much. Also, please
make sure that my Deucers gets all the Mountain Dew that he can ever
want, because he was forever trying to steal Mommy's. And make sure he
has a Croc to play with because he loved to stash mine (I believe his
preference was for the left one...). Thank you so much, and most
importantly, please make sure that he knows that he was loved as much
as a fuzzy can be loved. He stole a piece of his mommy's and grandma's
hearts, and he will be forever missed.

So, please be on the look-out for a big-boned (over 3 pounds!)
black-eyed white boy. He's a very easy-going boy that will most likely
be trying to flirt with any girl he can find. He loves to cuddle, and
all the girls would flock to him for snuggles. I hope that he can have
a pair of wings with blue in them, as he looked so very handsome in
blue. Thank you very much Saraferret for making sure he gets there
safely, and letting him know that one day we will meet again.

Missing Our Sweet Boy,
Betsy and The FuzzButts: Merlin, Chewy, Freckles, and Sassy

[Posted in FML 6861]