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Sun, 10 Jan 2010 20:08:54 +0300
Sue Hayes <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (113 lines)
As a deaf kid growing up my parents didnt allow me to go to school the
first 7 yrs of my life and when i did go to school my parents took me
out when i was in 5th grade cause they got tired of me comming home
crying cause kids made fun of me

i remember a time when my dad said i would have to prove to him and
others that i can make it in this world and be who i am, i used to
belive that til one day i got to have my first pet i could call my
own when i was 10, my parents forced me to grow up in a hearing world
instead of a deaf world and oh how i hated my dad back then, i used to
have to sit in front of a t v set and have my hands on the screen and
watcha progrem called lucy ball so i could learn how to talk cause she
had a big mouth, my parents didnt want anyone to know thay they had a
deaf daughter and by georage i was going to talk no matter what..

ok enough about me, i never new anything about ferrets til one day my
son brought one a big white rat witch i thought was a rat and not a
ferret and i told him to get that thing outta my house he was watching
it for a friend while they went on vacation so i gavein and let him and
he had to keep it in his room so i couldnt see it, i was scared of it,
a couple weeks later i go in to get dirty clothes forgetting the rat
was in there and saw him in the cage no food no water the littler box
wasnt cleaned out and he was laying flat just stearing at me, Thats how
ferrets came into my life, it made me mad cause i tought my sons better
then that to care for somthing that they was responsable for , the
family never came for their ferret my son didnt take care of it and so
their for i was going to get rid of him, well the ferret wound up being
mine and i feel in love with him, that was 15 yrs ago, next thing i new
i had one ferret after another cause i couldnt say no and i guess thats
when i was becomming a rescue and not even relized that word til i meet
a friend who was a dog rescue and thru her i learned to rescue and
adopt out to the right homes for these little guys. But Maxwell then
Faroke and Aires were the very first 3 ferrets that i kept as my
personals.. sence then they have went to the rainbow bridge with
maxwell being almost 9 yrs old, ok enought of that part..

BUT the other night there was an emerencey meeting for all animal
shelterscause of our weather being so bad , snow ice,digets colds and
the shelters were called togather cause of the dogs cats gunei pigs
ferrets and all other animals being dumped right and left and
surrenderd to shelters and so forth, anyways i to the meeting and one
rescue who didnt even know me said WHATS SHE DOING HERE. shes not a dog
or cat rescue shelter. the guy there said ohh yes she was asked to come
cause shes a ferret rescue shelter and shes titel to be here just like
the rest of us, She looked right at me when she had said that and i did
think about going ahead and leaveing cause i felt i didnt belong
thinking about the words my dad used to say to me but i didnt go cause
Connie came up and said hay egnore her and lets go sit, the meeting
started up and everyone had their say in what to do incase of an
emergey with the dogs cats or even a recoon was even brought up ,
Finaly Stanly looked at me and said Sue i know alot of us no you here
but would you mind comm9ing up here and expline who and what you are
and what you do for shelters and also what you do for us. I was scared
crapless cause i never stood in front of 20 some odd people at the same
time to have to expline something and then i heard them words again
from my dad i had to prove yourself and God how i hated them words, so
connie hit my arm and said go Sue Stan is talking to ya so i got up
there and slowing interdused myself and talking about the ferrets what
i do for them and all what ive learned thru the yrs about them as well
as about other animals i have taken in and helped thru the yrs but my
main thing was the ferrets that were in my life and how they have kept
me wanting to go on as a ferret rescue shelter and helping these kids
out, by the time i was done Stan said any quations from any one to her
ask now, so the lady that wined why is she here was first to asked and
her words were how can you be a rescue if your deaf cause you talk so
well, i explined if you had the parents i had youd be talking too
perfectly but the truth is i told her along was i had 22 ear surgeys i
wear a bionic hearing aid and half the time that dont even help so i
just read lips lol and i laughed when i said that so im deaf an oral is
what i said anyways to make a short story longer and beside it wasnt
about me its the animals were here for.. i told them and im proud of
being a ferret rescue shelter and im proud to be able to help other
rescues that are out there just like us rather they be of any kind of
animal, we all just have our preferances of what we want to do, but
being a Ferret Rescue/Shelter is what i do and will do til they take me
off on a gurney to be 6 ft under lol.

I want you ferret rescue shelters out there who read this and ferret
parents to no how much i appresheate you all and that we have alot in
common and thats Ferrets, for alot of you guys Because of you guys i
have come along ways from here, ferret groups and ferret forums and
just privet ferret friends, my spilling may suck and it probley always
will but at least yas understand me and no where i come from. we have
our hardships, ups and downs, none of us are perfect shelters but we
try to better ourselfs for the ferrets in loving and caring for them
and seeing they get into great homes, we all have made mistakes
encluding me and we learn from our mistakes, i dont have a hate bone in
my body for anyone i love everybody rather they like me or not cause
like i tell a person who cuts me down i always say thats your problem
not mine, im friends with everyone even my enimies that have cost me
friendships with others like one person told me one time and i
complined why did you put a few month old rescue to help me being a
14 yr rescue shelter and it cost each others friendship and his words
was thats yours and hers problem not mine well sence then i have lost
disrespect not only for him but he cost a good friend we wants were, I
guess what im trying to say is Im glad to be here, to be able to call
myself something and to be able to help not only shelter by to help
others out there in need, Im happy to be able to no yas all and i have
learned so so much from yas thru the years and that i pray that the
next 15 yrs with ferrets will be good just like the last 15 ive been
with them, I am proud of being called the Arkansas Ferret Rescue
Shelter for the Hospice and Sp needs and i will carry on that name til
the day its time for me to go and reunited with all my rainbow bridge
kids that have been are waiting for me thru the yrs and oh what a
happpy day that will be Please dont petty me for that is not what wrote
this here for just except me for who I am is what i tell others..,

Arkansas Ferret Rescue....

[Posted in FML 6574]