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Fri, 19 Nov 2010 04:09:59 -0800
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I don't know what Danee actually heard - because I was NOT at that
presentation. But I do know that what I posted to the FML never
mentioned a correlation between dental issues and heart disease in
ferrets. From what I've read of Bob's writings - it seems to me that
Danee either didn't understand what was being presented or she mis read
her notes. Because if you do a search for posts from BOB Church himself
- you'll see that what Danee posted isn't quite right at all.

The FML archives are a great source of info and one of the more recent
posts from BOB Church himself can be found here:

In case the link isn't active search the archives for posts by 
[log in to unmask] from 2008 and read the ones done in August.

He very nicely outlines the issues that diet causes for the teeth and
some of the related health problems for the ferrets. Bob's research has
definitely shown a correlation between kibble diets and dental disease.
Go to ANY vet's office and check out the posters they have regarding
dental disease - guess what THOSE animals eat? Yup, KIBBLE!

For a mere 5 bucks you too can download a pdf of the information Bob
Church presented to the Veterinary community! Go to www.ExoticDVM.com
and search for "Ferret dentistry" or look for "volume 9.2"

The issue of diet goes well beyond simply the effects upon the teeth.
The fact remains that ferrets evolved and were domesticated LONG before
the invention of kibble! They evolved and thrived upon a diet of
rodents, bugs, invertebrates, small birds, rabbits, even amphibians and
fish. If such a diet was enough to keep them thriving through the eons
and well into the 19th century to hunt for us and kill vermin for us;
then why, as they are now looked upon as companion animals do we insist
upon feeding them things they cannot digest just because it is
convenient for us?

Why is it so hard to accept the fact that forcing the ferret to eat
foreign substances day in and day out, that forcing it's digestive
system to attempt to assimilate foreign matter at every meal is in fact
detrimental to the animal's health? Kibble manufacturers have lots of
resources at their disposal to convince people that what is in that bag
is just hunky dory for the ferret to eat. They plaster statements about
"completely balanced" veterinarian approved", "Certified by research
councils" and yet the ingredients consist of things more suited to
feed an herbivore like: Corn, wheat, barley, rice, cranberries, peas,
potatoes, chicory root, oats, bananas, raisin juice ( which if raisins
are toxic - why wouldn't raisin juice be also?), they put additives
such as gylcol, gluten, smoke flavoring, artificial flavorings, natural
flavorings, garlic, & salt; they make claims that there are meaty items
in there - but usually is some sort of meal or by product. Then they
slap a picture of a ferret on it, retail it for a VERY hefty price
(especially if it says "Premium" or ironically "Natural" on the label)
and people are instructed to put this in front of their ferrets 24/7.

There are tons of veterinarians that have grown up hypnotized by the
pet food industry and now are subsidized by that industry and they
see so many of the same health issues - that they claim its a NORMAL
process of ferret ownership!

Of course no one wants to think that what they've been feeding their
pet(s) for years is the very same reason that pet is suffering from
IBD, Insulinoma, gingivitis and tooth loss, or that the 300.00 multi
level cage the ferret lives in most of the day isn't adequate and the
ferret vents its frustrations by chewing the bars or its bedding.

So some of us take a cold hard look at these accepted practices and
begin to scratch our heads. A bit of time spent researching on our own
- not listening to the brainwashed - and the courageous take a step in
the natural direction. Observe the changes in the ferret(s) and
continue to offer more things along the line of natural foods and
stimulation and housing and VOILA! Frustrated biting ferrets are now
calm and lovable, sedentary sleepy ferrets now have energy to burn and
are active, fat ferrets trim down, thin ferrets beef up, ferrets that
chewed cage bars, or electric cords, or blankets prefer to chew on
chicken necks or wings instead. Young ferrets quickly take to the
natural diets and teach older ferrets. The true glow and brilliance
of the ferret shines through. It is Unmistakable!

Naturally we who have ventured onto this path want other ferrets to
feel as good as ours and we share - and what happens? Definitely NOT
the same thing that happens when a shiney new cage hits the market,
or a great new type of tunnel, or a cutesy fuzzy sleeping cup - where
everyone clamors to get such a grand thing for their own dear little
fuzz-ems; NO! When a natural feeder expounds upon the magnificent
changes in their sweet ferrets - they get shot down, trounced upon,
warned against contaminating the ferret with bacteria (never mind all
the kibble recalls due to bacterial contamination or the tons of kibble
ferrets already suffering from H. Pylori infections). And if the
naysayers don't think that will work to put us back on the righteous
kibble crunching path - they say things like - how could you feed
another pet to your pet? ahem - it wasn't TOO long ago that an expose
was done on the kibble industry and it was revealed that PETS already
were eating pets that got disposed of at the rendering plants! Many
horses that end up at rendering plants were someone's pet. Just because
you don't SEE the eyes of the critter mashed up in that kibble doesn't
mean that it didn't have feelings too - its just convenient for you
that you don't have to see it, right?

I DO chose to feed whole prey and live prey as well as raw. The prey
I raise to feed is well cared for, well fed (naturally too) and is
allowed an enriched life until dinner invitations arrive. Prayers of
thanks are offered for the offering they are making and my ferrets reap
the rewards! I make NO apologies for this process, and those that don't
want to do it for their ferrets don't have to. Bob Church mentioned he
does not feed live prey. Personally I feel its an enrichment that my
ferrets enjoy and benefit from.

I've done my own research regarding feeding naturally, to date, I've
fed over a thousand raw or whole prey meals. I KNOW what my ferrets
are eating - EXACTLY what they are eating - kibble feeders do not.

Ferrets are uniquely designed to capture and eat other animals
(especially rodents). Our ancestors recognized this and put them to
work for us doing just that! Just because we now use chemicals and
mechanical traps to eradicate vermin - and the ferret is now a
companion, does not mean the ferret has turned into a cow! Feed him
like the carnivore he is and love him for the critter he becomes!

please visit :
for ferret help and info:
yahoo groups Natural Ferrets

[Posted in FML 6887]