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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 21:25:26 -0500
Duane Watts <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (249 lines)
Hi all,

I sent this poem of mine to Troy Lynn for her opinon and she said to
post it here. This was a hard one to write and sometimes I had to get
up and walk away for a while during the writing process. I've never
had any formal writing classes to speak of but this is from the heart.
Pick up a box of tissues and read 'Life, Love and Ferrets'......Duane

*Life, love, and Ferrets*
*  By Duane C. Watts*

      Part One

The old man found the ball of fur
laying beside the road.
The ferret was hardly breathing
on this night so dark and cold.

He stopped and picked her up,
a bony little waif,
and put her inside his coat
where she'd be warm and safe.

At home he made a little bed
that he put her in
and covered her in fleece
and he said, with a grin,

"Now don't you worry, little one",
"I know just what to do".
"I have taken care of ferrets
much worse off than you".

"We used to run a shelter
way back in our day.
Kathryn and I was good at this
before she passed away".

He gave her something yummy
a mixture he called duck soup.
She ate all he gave her
and repaid him with a poop.

He fed her every hour
on into the night.
She seemed a little better
just about daylight.

This ferret gave him purpose
a reason for his life.
Something he really didn't have
every since he lost his wife.

The ferret gained her strength
she liked her ferretone.
It wasn't long before she
was eating on her own.

"What shall I call you"?
He said, "I think I know.
I will call you Katie
for my wife of years ago".

Katie was his companion
about three years or more
and it did his old heart good
to see her dance across the floor.

He played many games with her
like chase and hide-n-seek
and when he couldn't find her
he had a ball that he would squeak.

With concern the old man noticed
Katie sleeping more and more.
He even found her once
fast asleep upon the floor.

He started her on prednisone
it seemed to perk her up.
She just might live another year
with a bit of luck.

The time came soon enough
when she could hardly stand.
He brought home some syringes
to give her food by hand.

Every day he fed her
some chicken or some lamb.
In her ferret mind she thought,
'I love this dear old man.'

He told her of the Rainbow Bridge
where wondrous flowers bloom.
where all pets go to jump and play
and she would go there soon.

He stayed by her little bed
a vigil through the day.
Sometime after midnight
little Katie passed away.

The old man was racked with sorrow
unashamed that he could cry.
He looked up with tear filled eyes
and all he asked was, "why"?

He loved his little Katie
she seemed to give him life
now even she was gone
just like his lovely wife.

Again he had no one
with all his love to give.
But this time in his sorrow
he'd lost his will to live.

Few mourners at his funeral
with last respects to impart.
The old man died alone
from a lonely and broken heart.


Part Two

The old man awoke
on a carpet of green grass
as he looked around he saw
trees that looked like colored glass.

The place was very beautiful
and the air smelled so sweet.
He had on a snow white robe
and no shoes upon his feet.

"I think I know this place",
he said with a smile,
"I read about it long ago
when I was a child".

"I believe the place I'm looking for
is just beyond this hill".
So he went to see
a curiosity to fill.

The old man climbed the little hill
and stood upon the ridge
the awesome sight before him
was the wondrous Rainbow Bridge.

The span was held with columns
of alabaster white.
The walkway was paved with gold
with an aurora glowing bright.

The water fell a thousand feet.
The rainbow stretched across the sky.
With the grandeur of the Rainbow Bridge
he felt as tiny as a fly.

"How could anything so beautiful
even possibly exist,
With this sparkling waterfall
and multi- colored mist?"

He pondered just a moment
and decided with a nod.
This could only be
by the powerful hand of god.

A motion caught his eye
some distance on the ground.
A multitude of ferrets
were running with a bound..

Out in front he saw her
running happily and safe.
The fuzzy he named Katie
his little rescued waif.

His heart was filled with gladness
as he knelt upon the ground.
He looked around in wonder
as the ferrets gathered round.

"Why, your name is Bandit
and there is Scooter too.
Over here is kanga,
and her little friend named Roo".

"You're the ferrets from our shelter
way back in our past.
Its so great to be here
and to see you again at last".

To play with all of them again
filled him with such joy.
He even chased them on the ground
as if he was a boy.

He stopped to catch his breath,
he'd never had such fun.
Then all the ferrets
turned their heads as one.

He looked and seen a woman
of such radiance and grace.
She held her arms out for him
a smile upon her face.

He stood up and held her
and how his tears did flow.
The woman's name was Kathryn
his wife of long ago..

They walked on hand in hand
true happiness he'd found.
He and his beloved wife
and their ferrets all around.

They met all the other pets,
critters of every kind,
and along the path to the bridge
their paws were neatly lined.

The ferrets dooked their goodbyes
to the pets there waiting still.
Ever watching patiently
for their humans top the hill.

They stood there hand in hand
the ferrets all in tow.
All the pets bowed their heads
it was time for them to go.

They walked on along the path,
Two hundred and eleven,
and crossed the wondrous Rainbow Bridge
and entered the gates of Heaven.

Duane C. Watts

[Posted in FML 6503]