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Fri, 20 Aug 2010 00:13:34 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (103 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was playing with badminton
with her kits. She had some free time so what a way to spend it than to
do with Serena and Isabel. They were such fast learners. But it was so
hard to do with them on one side and just a lonely her on de other.
Back and forth de little birdie went until...all off a sudden THWACK!
And she saw that Serena had swatted a low-flying Dexter, instead of de
birdie right over de net. He got right up, just a bit shaken, but not
de least bit hurt. Who is Dexter, you might ask? He is de little boy
courier, who does things just a bit off center. All love him, but. But
the game was over for that day. He came over and had a note in his paw
as always. He said,

"SawaFewwet, how come you and your kits are always doing such goofy
things and getting me in twouble. But anyway, there is a thief coming
acwoss the Bwidge and you best get there before he runs off with his
gang and steals everything here. I has a note here that tells you
everything. I weally don't wants to meet his scary gang, so you best
sent your kits to get them." And with that he flew off.

"Oh geesh, I thought to myself as I read the note. These are not scary.
These are names." I sent Serena and Isabel on a rush trip to get the
rest of the gang and I headed for the entrance hoping I wasn't too
late because of Dexter's silliness. I was just in time to meet this
boy fuzzy wearing a blue bandanna (REALLY?) leaning by de post at de
entrance. (Atta girl, SaraFerret, I thought to myself, always a day
late and a dollar short). So I hurriedly introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Here you will have no more pain or suffering. You will have
lotsa friends and run on green grass forever. Did I mention de fun
and games?"

He looked at me and said, " My name is Cole Younger and I belong to
Mommy Kim. Mommy couldn't be with me when I left, cause I just fell
asleep so quick. Do you think she knows where I am? I bet she is
worried. Where are the rest of my buddies at? I sure don't see them
anywhere. I am sure you are nice, but you are just a girl, and I am
used to hanging with my gang. I don't even know where I am sposed to

I replied, "Cole, its mighty nice to meet you. Your mommy knows where
you are. In fact we got a note about you. You will see your gang later
and they will show you around this place. And guess what you will get
another surprise--you will get wings just like mine--well not exactly
like mine--yours will be specially designed for you. They are so great
for flying about de heavens--beats hopping from cloud to cloud. So if
you will follow me."

So we started down de garden path to de Wing House and all of a SUDDEN
OF US. And from behind the bushes came Frank and Jesse James and Bob
Younger carrying these plastic water cannons. "WELCOME COLE", they
said. (I thought to myself, "yeppers, here I am soaking wet and my
wings are ratty and I look terrible and they are laughing themselves
silly). Cole joined in the fun and reunion and he got another water
cannon from them, but I asked them to wait till they got to their
cottage for more water fights. I was wet enough already. Anyway, where
did those things come from. Jesse said, "I think some PACK WOLFY sent
them from earth." (I should know better than to ask question anymore, I
thought to myself). Finally we reached the entrance to de Wing House,
but Cole said he wasn't sure if he wanted wings as they sounded sissy
to him. But Frank said, "Cole, do you notice that the rest of us all
have wings and we sure aren't sissies, so you may as well get some
too." So we went on in and on de counter was a big box marked COLE.
He opened de box and took out his wings and they were they most
remarkable -- bandanna colored -- Blue bandanna colored--we were in
AWE. I helped him put on his wings--he declined the halo. Then he ran
to de big vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection--My that was one
handsome fuzzy that stared back at him and he sure felt much better.
Then he said, "Gee I wish Mommy could see me now." So I gots an idea.

We left there and went down de path to de Misting Pond. We sat down
beside de cool clear water and with one swish we saw the vision of
Mommy Kim appear. Cole got so excited he started waving and dooking
with all of his might.

"I love you so much Mommy. Thank you for loving me. I am okay. I got
here safe. I am with the gang and we have water cannons to play with
and we are gonna have lotsa things to play hide and go seek with. Not
to worry though we won't be real bad. I have really nice wings like
the rest of the gang and soon I will be able to fly like the birds."

Then he began to throw hugs and kisses and one clap of his paws and
laid them on a nearby shooting star which was headed to your house and
by de time you should read dis it should have landed dere. And with
another swish de vision was gone.

We left there and went down a road to their cottage and it was quite
the hangout. I could see that others were gathered with food and music
was playing. Of course their water cannons were stored elsewhere until
later after the party. It wouldn't do to have the guests all wet. I was
invited to stay and dance and to eat, but I had wings to get dried out
and ironed, so I said my good byes. All the gang seemed so happy that
they had reunited again in their new forever home.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6795]