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Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 08:24:08 -0700
From: Ardith <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (50 lines)
I remember this incident well. This childs face filled the entire
screen on TV news for several days. What wasn't covered in bandages was
horrible. At the time I remember thinking, *how could a tiny animal do
such damage*. I had no ferrets at the time.

There was little mention of the parents responsibility as I recall. Now
days, it would be different, I hope.

You can bet the people that produce this program will present those
same pictures.

The little one was disfigured, that's a fact. The parents were
responsible, that's a fact, but that won't *sell* as well as *the
ferret ate the babies face*.

I'm happy the young lady is getting the needed plastic surgery to
repair the scarring. Breast augmentation? Not sure how that fits in,
but whatever.

There have been more recent, local cases of family pet/child

One, a pet wolf dog tried to remove a crying infant from a stroller.
The infant was left in the back yard with the family pet while the
grandmother took a *quick shower*. The baby was killed.

The other was the family dog was allowed to sleep in the babies room..
The sleeping mother said she never heard a thing. This baby also died.

Several years ago my neighbor boy was walking to the school bus stop.
On the way he decided to *annoy* another neighbors dog that was
tethered in their yard.

The boy lost most of the back of his leg from the buttock to his ankle.

It worries me to hear someone say *my* (insert any pet) would never do
such a thing. I've seen my sweet ferret Korbel attack a squeaky toy,
and a squeaking ferret. Would she attack a crying baby? Yes, I believe
she would.

I have two dogs, big dogs. Would they try and remove a crying baby from
a stroller or crib? I don't know, but they will never be given the
opportunity to do so.

Reno, Nevada

[Posted in FML 6491]