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Fri, 21 Aug 2009 23:32:36 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (110 lines)
It was a lovely morning at de bridge and SaraFerret was waking up from
her sleep. She could hear de kits already at play. Den she heard a
gentle knock at her cottage door. So she got up and stretched and went
to de door. It was Mimi, de little girl courier, with a note in her
paw. She said,

"SaraFerret, I know it is early. But I have this note from the Boss and
this Mommy is requesting that you greet her ferret who is crossing the
bridge. Is there a family you want me to get?"

She handed me de note. I read it and told her the ones to get. I told
de kits to play quietly as I had to be away for a bit. Den I ran for
de entrance. I was just in time to greet an elderly sable point fuzzy
with a small back pack. So I quickly introduced myself,

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering. You will be surrounded by lotsa friends and run on green
grass forever. Did I mention de fun and games?"

She looked and me and said, "I am Surie and I belong to Mommy Debi. She
told me that she wrote lots of notes to you. Did you ever receive them?
She said that you greeted some of her other ferrets so that is why she
had you greet me. She told me all about you and this place. Are you
sure you are a bridgegreeter? You don't look like a ferret with that
important of a position. I guess I shouldn't have said that. Mommy
always said I was a chatterbox. I didn't mean to be rude. Mommy always
said that I was beautiful. Do you think that I am beautiful? I have a
twin sister, but she didn't get to come with me. I guess she decided
Mommy needed her more than I did. I sure do miss her though."

"Well", I said with a deep sigh. "I did get de notes from your Mommy. I
don't know her personally. But I did greet a number of her fuzzies. Yes
I am sure I am a bridgegreeter. It isn't important how I look though.
It is how I am. We aren't selected for our great beauty. If it was
beauty, then I would never ever make it. As you well know. I have
skimpy fur and sort of a bushy tail--the bushy tail was a gift from de
Boss for Christmas one year. As for de rest of my fur ah well maybe
another year. Of course Surie, you are a beautiful ferret; everybody
thinks their ferret is the most beautiful ferret in the world. And of
course you miss your twin sister and perhaps that is why she is still
with your Mommy to keep her from missing you so much-to keep her

Then two very handsome ferrets stepped out from behind the tree. Surie
recognized them immediately. "Mommy and Daddy". Yes it was Tania
and White Russian's Revenge. Oh how heartwarming it was to see dere
reunion. Hugs all around. And then Surie noticed dere wings and asked
about dem. "What are those things on your shoulders? "Oh these are
wings" they replied. "Just perfect for flying about the heavens. And
you are going to get your very own pair."

So off we all went down de garden path to de Wing House where de wings
were stored. We opened de door and on de counter was a big box (of
course). She opened de box and took out de wings and dere were oohs
and ahhs all around--they were blue with silver tips just perfect for
a sable point. Tania helped her put on de wings and White Russian's
Revenge adjusted her halo. Den she ran to de big vanity mirror and
gazed at her reflection--yes she really was a beautiful ferret just
like Mommy had told her. She turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Mommy
could see me now." Den I gots an idea.

So we went out de door and on down de path to de Misting Pond and sat
down beside de cool clear water. With one swish she could see a vision
of Mommy Debi and her sister Ploe appear. Surie got so excited she
started waving and dooking with all of her might.

"I love you Mommy and Ploe. Thank you for loving me. I miss you. I have
wings now. My mommy and daddy are here with me. This place really looks
nice, so I know that you weren't just telling me stories. I saw my
reflection so I know that I am beautiful just like you said. I am still
a chatterbox though."

Then she started to throw hugs and kisses and wrapped dem with all of
her love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star and by de time you
should read dis it should have landed dere. And with another swish de
vision was gone.

We went down de road to #45 FuzzyLoving Lane and mercy fuzzies were
gathered all over de place. Music was playing and a picnic was laid
out. Surie asked, "Who is this planned for?" We all said, "Why for you,
Surie. It is a Welcome to the Bridge party." She really seemed amazed.
There just seemed to be so much food. Dere were even some fuzzies she
remembered as well as many she would need to be introduced to. And yes
there were many visiting ones. In addition, there was a big sign with a
note from Kaos, their big dog protector saying, he had been unable to
be there for the party, as he had been on guard duty, but he would be
over for a marshmallow roast de following day. Everyone really seemed
surprised by that as it was very seldom dat dogs came over to de fuzzy
side of de Bridge. But den Surie took me aside and said, "SaraFerret, I
want to share something with you." She carefully unzipped her backpack
and took out two cloth bags and handed me one. She said, "These are
hugs and kisses that I got from Mommy Debi before I left my home. I
know its been a long time since you have been home, so I thought I
would share one of these cloth bags with you so you would have
something to carry with you, esp. since you sorta know Mommy." Den she
carefully put her cloth bag back in her backpack and zipped it up.
Everyone invited me to stay and dance and eat. But I had kits to take
care and other things to do so I said my good byes.

But I held the little cloth bag very close to my heart all de way back
to my cottage. Yes it had been a very long time since I had been on

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6432]