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Sat, 26 Dec 2009 12:20:09 -0800
text/plain (95 lines)
Hi, everyone! Hope you all had a great Christmas and that the fuzzies
got everything they wanted!

I just have a few questions today. My husband and I just adopted a
new member of our family - an 8 month old pug puppy. So now we have a
chihuahua, 2 ferts, and a pug puppy. Like any puppy, he chews things
and he has a special affinity for my daughter's toys and for chords -
especially chords that are attached to expensive items - like the
laptop lol. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has any homemade recipes
fot a bitter apple/taste deterrent item that's safe for both puppies
and ferts? I've tried the petco brand spray - which claims to be
scentless - but it stinks (I know this is awful - but it reminds me of
the smell of the preservative schools use when dissecting animals) and
it doesn't work. My husband tasted it and said that it doesn't taste
great but not horrible either. Some have suggested Tabasco but I'm
afraid it would drip and stain the carpet. Others have suggested apple
cider and white vinegar but I'm skeptical. One person said to use
clear deodorant with the aluminum in it - one lick and it makes the
tongue feel funny - but I'm not very gung-ho about using something so
chemical. A recipe for a paste or cream would be fantastic - I can't
find any creams or pastes in the stores here. I'm also short on cash
after Christmas so if I could make a taste deterrent out of household
items, that would be great. And if anyone has any tips for using
something found at a hardware store as a chord protector, that would
be great too. The only chord protectors I can find are sold at petco
and they are expensive!

Also - and I know this isn't a ferret-y question, but since most of us
are owned by other pets as well I thought I'd ask. Does anyone have any
tips about keeping doggies active in the winter? We've had the worst
winter in YEARS and it's almost impossible to get out of the house. The
doggies (ferrets and humans too!) refuse to go outside unless they need
to potty. Even then, they will hold their bladders and bowels until
they are about to explode. Then, they dash outside, do their business
in record time, and dash inside - shaking off any excess moisture in
the process. Someone suggested that we try putting coats and booties on
them to persuade them to go for a walk because it works for their dog.
The pug (named Otis) might be game but our chihuahua is totally against
anything other than pure nudity. Also, the ferts seem to have entered
some form of hibernation. They only play for a short time when they're
out and then they crawl into the bottom drawer of my dresser and
snooze. So, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, that would be
great. Are ferts supposed to be this subdued in the winter? My friend's
ferts seem wilder than ever so just curious.

One more quick question and then I'm done! This is for all those people
and shelter people who have experience with animal abuse - how do you
tell if an animal has been abused? When we first adopted Otis (the pug)
we assumed his timidity was due to the fact that he was in a new place
and was anxious and scarred. He didn't eat anything - not even doggy
treats - for the first 24 hours he was here. Now, he's been here for 4
days and he has gotten better. He eats but only when my husband isn't
around. For some reason, he's very nervous around my husband. He won't
let him pet him and he runs away when he comes near. He's really taken
to me though, and follows me wherever I go. He's really unaccustomed
to household noises too - he jumps when you pull toilet paper from
the roll! He flinches when someone other than me tries to pet him. If
you say "No!" to him loudly, he'll flinch and hide behind the sofa.
Basically, I'm the only one who he lets touch him, feed him, or train
him. He's overly frightened of everyone else. I don't think he was
abused to the point of broken bones or bleeding - but I do think he was
inappropriately punished, yelled at, and hit often. He's 8 months old
and not even potty trained yet! He's previous owner was a breeder. She
told my husband that Otis was the pick of the litter and she was going
to use him to breed but she recently decided to get out of the business
and was giving away all her breeding males. When we went to pick him
up, they carried him up from the basement and he looked pretty amazed
to be upstairs which also leads me to believe that he was kept down
there most of the time and didn't receive a lot of human contact.
However, he doesn't really have any other pad behaviors besides the
chewing. He's a good dog, very subdued (except around food!) and
submissive. He rarely growls or barks and hasn't nipped or bitten
anyone. I'd ask my vet about all this stuff, but with the holidays and
the weather he's not in his office and he may not be back until after
the 1st. I will be taking him to the vet as soon as I can for shots
and neutering but I'd like some insights if possible.

Again, I know this post isn't entirely ferret-y but I figured you guys
would know something about this since most of us have other pets than
the ferts. And I trust you guys and your advice so I feel more
comfortable here than anywhere else.

Thanks! Have a Happy New Year!!



"Only a ferret can successfully steal your heart and keep you from
ever finding it again!" ~ Myself

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