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Mon, 14 Sep 2009 20:42:34 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (86 lines)
It was a lovely afternoon at de Bridge. SaraFerret was lying in a
lounge chair in front of her cottage feeling very mellow. Just sipping
a cold pepsi and and watching de birds fly and looking at de beautiful
grass and flowers. All of a sudden, she felt de flutter of wings nearby
and in flew Dexter, de little boy courier, with a note in his paw. And
mercy was he excited. He said,

"SawaFewwet, you gots to wead dis note wights away. You mustve forgots
to gweets dese fewwets. Dere Mommy wants to know how they are. You know
how the Boss gets when fewwets aren't gweeted wights away. And here you
is just sleeping away. Please get up, I don't wants you to gets in
twouble, SawaFewwet."

Poor Dexter, he was really gonna have a fit, if he didn't calm down.
So I put a comforting paw on his shoulder and gave him a hug which
surprised him to no end. Den I took de note and read it. Then I told
Dexter, "Oh I see de problem. Dese fuzzies had crossed when I wasn't on
duty. Now see Dexter, you had your conniption over nothing. Now let's
go check in de Boss's Big Book of Ferrets to see where dey are at. I
think I know but I wanna make absolutely sure."

I invited him along which also surprised him since I had NEVER done
this before and we looked thru this the letter T for Trusty which was
de name of de fuzzies owner. Ok, on to another book. Dis was gonna
take a bit more work. Aha, dere was dere names. Wow, Sept. was sure
a sad month for dis fuzzy mommy. Now we knew where to go.

We saw sagebrush along de way. Sagebrush at de bridge????????? We
approached slowly. Den all of a sudden we saw two masked fuzzies with
cowboys hats on stickhorses come out from behind a tree--PAWS UP! dey
said. I couldn't help it. I fell down laughing. Dexter was just plain
shocked. He didn't know what to do: run or stand still. I knew who de
de desparaudos were.

"Okay Frank and Jesse, your cover is blown. And oh by de way where is
Scooter and Lilly Bug?"

Now to be quite honest dey were so disappointed. Dey had wanted me to
play along with dere game. Like everyone else always had. So dey pulled
dere masks down with an "Aw shucks." I met Frank James with his silver
and blue wings and dere was Scooter, dere sidekick, who had come along.
I recognized him right away. His Mommy had described him so well. His
Black and green tipped wings suited him so well. I asked dem where
Lilly Bug was. And Frank said, "Oh she is over at de Saloon setting up
drinks for us boys. She is our dance hall girl." "Dance Hall girl?" I
asked. Jesse replied. "Sure, she is the best dancer of all of us, so
why shouldn't she be the dance hall girl." So off we went to meet Lilly
Bug. Sure enough, dere was Lilly Bug was her pink and silver wings
fixing up sweet iced tea and cold pepsis for all. Music wasn't playing
yet as she hadn't expected anyone back yet and she was surprised to see
me and Dexter.

Den I made my announcement. I gots a note from your Mommy Kimberly
and she wants to know how you are all doing. Well dey all got a bit
misty-eyed thinking of dere beloved mommy. But I tell you what. We
are going to make a little journey. So all of made a trek across de
sagebrush? thru de strawberry patch and down de road to de Misting
Pond and sat down beside de cool clear water. With one swish Frank and
Scooter and Lilly Bug saw de vision of Mommy appear. Dey all got so
excited dey started to wave and dook with all of dere might.

"We love you Mommy. Thank you for loving us. We have beautiful wings
now. We can fly. We play games now and have lots of food and run on
green grass. Oh yeah we even make our own sagebrush. We feel so much
better now."

Den dey began to throw hugs and kisses and laid dem on a nearby
shooting star and by de time you should read dis it should have
landed dere and with another swish de vision was gone.

Well by de time dis was over, I was just plain tired. I sure didn't
know where Dexter was. Hmm, had I lost him somewhere? I was invited
back to Trusty's Hideout for a get-together in honor of de note. But
like I said I was tired so i gave dem all a hug and I said my farewells
and headed for my cottage.

But I was left to wonder just where did dey get dat sagebrush

Lovey and hugs,

SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6456]