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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0904 3684 28 41_in the name of SaraFerret, angels for SOS9_Susie [log in to unmask], 4 Apr 2009 18:47:01 -0500565_- This is Susie Lee in The Ferret & Dove Sanctuary in occasionally sunny
Pensacola, Florida.

No, I'm not jumping on the "bash-Ed-Lip-back" overwhelmingly l3 lbs of it in bulk from Pets Supplies Plus for quite
a bit less than what you pay for the Marshall Farms you buy in the
carton. A small amt makes loads of soup. [...]43_19Dec200807:19:[log in to unmask] 0812 12924 18 31_Weasle "Night before Christmas"15_Michele [log in to unmask], 19 Dec 2008 14:43:51 -0500184_- Roary,

Your "Night Before Christmas" ROCKED!! I could barely read it to my
husband because I was laughing so hard. Thanks for sharing!!

Michele Paulhus, MA42_19Dec200814:43:[log in to unmask] 0812 12943 81 14_To the FML&FHL11_Helga [log in to unmask], 19 Dec 2008 09:37:15 -0800417_- Well....today my check went out to SOS in appreciation for the FML and
the FHL.

I often wonder how many people here ever close their eyes and really
think about how fortunate we all are to have these above resources ..
and... how it would be not to have them. I so often do when I go to
bed at night. Yet, we still don't say "thank you" often enough. Myself
on top of the list. [...]42_19Dec200809:37:[log in to unmask] 0812 13025 20 11_Rose German6_sue [log in to unmask], 20 Dec 2008 06:33:01 +1000545_- This is an unsolicited, unpaid endorsement for the lovely Rose German!!
As most of you know, I was trying to figure out how the make the most
of my dollars for the Giving Tree..I found it in Rose German!! I needed
her 3 times, and she came through every time!! SHe gathered bedding and
toys and sent them on their way almost as soon as she got my requests!!
I know the quality of her bedding, so I know my kids got awesome gifts.
Many were sent with about as much as just the postage from AUstralia
would have been!! [...]40_20Dec200806:33:[log in to unmask] 0812 13046 12 15_Randy, shelters11_Marie [log in to unmask], 19 Dec 2008 08:12:57 -0800242_- I always try to send extra hammy's in the box in case there is ones
that need hammy. Beware I use sewing pins to close up the hammy if
not wrapped to keep the goodies in so they don't fall out.


[Posted in FML 6188]36_19Dec200808:12:[log in to unmask] 0812 13059 89 [log in to unmask], 19 Dec 2008 19:33:47 -0500554_- My wife and I have served as a foster home for FerretsFirst Rescue in
Annandale, VA for 3-1/2 years now. We are one of several families that
foster the ferrets that are not good candidates for adoption due to
their age or medical condition. We provide them with a loving home
until they are ready to go to the Rainbow Bridge. Believe me, we spoil
them all rotten. They get out to play every morning while we are
getting ready for work, and every night for a couple of hours before
we go to bed. There's always plenty of soup, [...]41_19Dec200819:33:[log in to unmask] 0812 13149 69 35_72 ferrets need santas, I [log in to unmask], 19 Dec 2008 15:57:23 -0600404_- I picked and filled out the forms and ordered gifts for -

Dot on tree 40,
Snickers and Bonkers on tree 29,
Brittany on tree 39,
FergusonBogart on Tree 38.

Okay, we are down to the wire. There are 72 ferrets needing santas
so please be a santa to one of the remaining fuzzies or send a box
of assorted gifts to these shelters so every fuzzy has gifts for
christmas! [...]36_19Dec200815:57:[log in to unmask] 0812 13219 17 27_Giving tree page 31 ferrets8_The [log in to unmask], 19 Dec
Fri, 19 Dec 2008 03:29:13 EST
text/plain (18 lines)
I would like to remind anyone traveling into California for the
holidays to be careful. Remember, ferrets are illegal here. The
Agricultural stations are actively confiscating ferrets. I have had
4 pick ups in the last week from the So CA stations alone. Please,
if you can leave your beloved fuzzies at home with a sitter, do it.
If you have to bring them, go to http://www.ferretsanonymous.com
and click on avoid the checkpoints. You can get directions around the
Agricultural stations. There is an acceptation with the directions
coming into CA from Yuma on I8. That route has changed and is no
longer viable. And hasn't been rerouted. So don't used it at all.
Please be careful and have a safe and Merry Christmas,
Robin Jones
Southern California Ag Station Rescue Coordinator

[Posted in FML 6188]