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Brenda Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 Dec 2008 19:49:34 -0500
text/plain (165 lines)
December 2008
Master Largo's News

Possum Senior Reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

Possum here: Here comes Peter Cotton tail; hoppen down the bunny

Suzie Q here: Possum what are you doing?

Possum here: Singing what do you think?

Suzie Q here: An Easter song in December?

Possum here: What? What is wrong with that?

Suzie Q here: HELLO!!!! It's December, Christmastime you sing Christmas
songs in December!! Like Here comes Santa Clause or Jingle Bells, or I
saw mommy kissing Santa Clause.

Possum here: hold it right there! What do you mean you saw mum kissing
Santa clause? When? Where? How did I miss that? Santa was here?

Suzie Q here: Oh brother! NO! Mum was not kissing Santa! I said that is
a song you could sing instead of singing Easter songs in December!
Santa has not been here yet! Man sometimes Possum!

Possum here: Well if mum was not kissing Santa Clause then why would I
sing a song saying I saw her Kissing Santa Clause? Are you sure mum was
not kissing Santa Clause? Are you sure Santa has not been here?

Suzie Q here: You are making my fur curl girl and my tail get all tied
up in knots! yes I am sure!! Now can we get on with the news? Please?

Possum here: Did you see I got a message from MY Ralphie in FL? Here
take a look!

IT iz I-RalPhie!
I iz sorry U didn't get to goez to the symposium with U MUm! Butz--Me
thinks you must have Hadz lots of Fun With MS.Cathy R. And--SHe Needed
YouR helpz with all you Brothers and Sisters, COusins, and fuzzy
friends! :) Soez--you had a VERY Importantz job!

Possum here: And then we got a message from Miss Shannon for both of
us and Miss K to mum but she tolds mum to give me a rub!

Thanks a bunch for your entertaining newsletter each month! I always
look forward to reading it!

Shannon F.
Queen Creek, AZ

Thanks again, Brenda! Not only for all the bulletins but all you do
for the fur kids! Give them all a good rub for me! (Especially Possum
'cause she'll be upset otherwise. ^_^) K

Possum here: Hey wait just a minute what is that Miss K said about me?

Suzie Q here: THE TRUTH!!!! Way to go Miss K! So let's continue or I
will get little Ginger to help me with the news. Mr. Peter B. stopped
by to play with us and brought us the mending Miss Lisa did for us, he
also took another big box back with him to Miss Lisa. Miss Lisa thanks
for making our things last longer! Mr. Peter thanks for coming to play
with us and doing the transporting of mending. You're the best!
Oh and look at this movie; it is Arnold and Ferris that came from here.
they live with Miss Lisa and Mr Peter now!

Miss Nicky brought us 2 new kids, they were living down near Olean NY.
With a family that thought they could take them in but Opie is another
challenge that mum needed to work with, he is afraid of hands so he
will bit them. Thanks Miss Nicky for meeting up with that lady to get
the boys to mum. Mum wore gloves the first 2 days they were here; but
now she does not have to. Mum picks Opie up with her bare hands. He is
doing so good. Mum still won't kiss his little head though. Dominick is
his cage buddy and he is a really cool little dude, he talks and talks
when he is out playing. Oh BTW Possum you better apologize to mum for
complaining that Missy went to the symposium! Missy went to Rainbow
Bridge on 11-23-08. Gizmo went to the bridge on 12-06-8 here is a
special tribute to her from Miss Kat and her far away family

Possum here: oh then I guess mum was not using Missy being sick as an
excuse? Sorry mum! What is BTW Miss Suzie Q?

Suzie Q here: How long have you been doing the news? What is BTW?
HELLO >>>> It means>>> By The Way!

Possum here: STOP YELLING AT ME! Why didn't you just write it out? You
know that when you do news articles you are suppose to write the words
out completely! I am now ignoring you!

Hey everybody, 1,899 of you looked at our pictures
and now Miss Helen said we could give you the link to see pictures she
took at the symposium too; they are here:

Here are some movie clips that mum got to see at the symposium, now you
can go see them on youtube, Miss Sue B made one of them! Waving at you
Miss Sue B!

If you haven't checked out the Giving Tree yet it is getting late you
better go see if there are any fur kids on there that need a Santa
here's the link

Suzie Q here: the 2 new babies that came in when Miss Cathy was
watching the shelter for us needed to go see our favorite Doc, so Miss
Kristie B. came to Naples to pick them up, Miss Kristie B. met Miss
Stephanie N. in Henrietta and Miss Stephanie N. took Tick and Tock to
Doc. in Brockport. Then Mr. Tom went to the hospital to pick Tick and
Tock up, he took them to his house until Miss Stephanie and Mr. Tom
could bring them home for mum on Saturday. Thanks you guys for helpen
mum transport the kids.

So Possum do you think we have all the news covered? I can't see
anything in mum's notes that we missed.

Possum here: Yep there was a special mention in the ferrets magazine on
line about us, from Miss April here is the link
And I see we did not tell about Mum locking herself out of her van!

Suzie Q here: Possum NO! That was not in the notes for us to put in the

Possum here: SO she did get locked out of her van, and that was when
old lady Kay was still down town and mum had no way of going back to
get her cause she don't have another key!

Suzie Q here: Boy oh boy Possum you are crus'in-for- a brus'en wait
till mum finds out what you have done! YOU know you're not supposed
to tell things like that in the news.

Possum here: Well I don't see why not, it happened and it is the truth.
Like you said Miss K was tell'en. Anyway mum called AAA and they camed
to get her in her van, so she is all better now. SO THERE!!!!

Suzie Q here: Okay before you get us into any more trouble we are
closing this news letter down!

From all of us to all of you; MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW YEA,. or
celebrate your holidays your special way with cheer!

Possum, Suzie Q, and all the fur kids that live here with mum.

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/shelter

International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator

Petfinder Page

Shelter Video

[Posted in FML 6177]