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Fri, 2 Jan 2009 23:54:08 -0500
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (70 lines)
It was one of those nights at de Bridge. SaraFerret was tossing and
turning in her hammie and just couldn't sleep, so she finally got up
and went into de other room and started sweeping up. She carefully
swept de dust into de pan and opened de door and carried it outside.
All of a sudden she heard a flutter of wings and Dexter, de little boy
courier, flew up with a note in his paws.

"Hi SawaFewwet, I saw yous light on and I has a note from dis Mum
asks you to check on her fewwet Numbi." He handed me de note and just
stood dere while I read it. Den he began to began to speak somewhat
hesitantly again. "Uh SawaFewwet, I is sowwy abouts what I said a few
days ago. I didn't mean to say anything bad to you." And den he gots
a big tear in his eyes.

I looks at him and I gots misty-eyed and said, "Dexter, I has been
meaning to says I is sorry too. It was real nasty of me to stuff dat
toy in your mouth like dat. In fact, I was just downright mean. I is
really sorry. Will you forgive me?" And I hugged him really big. (I
think he was in shock as no one had ever hugged him before). Den I
headed for de New Zealand Village.

"Gee Whiz" I thought to myself, "Wonder if dey will even be up yet! But
oh well, it wouldn't hurt to try. Den I saw their flag with de Southern
Cross flying high and I knew I had arrived. I tapped on de door and
Chrony opened de door, yawning. "Hi, would Numbi happen to be awake, I
have a note from her Mum Liz wondering how she is?'

"Oh hi, SaraFerret" he said. "Numbi decided she couldn't sleep so she
decided to take some of the restless kits over for a swim at the Lily
Pond." So I apologized for waking him and said my good byes and thought
well swims were good in de middle of de night when one couldn't sleep.

Finally I got to de Lily Pond where I saw Numbi's hot pink wings and
two smaller pairs of wings.

I gave a big shout, "Numbi, I gots a message from your Mum, can you
come back to shore for a bit?" Den I saw all three of dem turn toward
me and with a splash head for shore. As she got dere, Numbi started to
shake herself dry and get de kits dried off and she got her wings on
and dose of de kits. Den she asked, "You've heard from my Mum, did you
say? "Yes, we have a message from her" I replied. "Just follow me and
we will let her know how you is doing."

So off we flew toward de Misting Pond and sat down beside de cool clear
water. With one swish Numbi saw de vision of Mum Liz with de ferrets
Repsol, Addy, Pirelli, and Joey appear.

She got so excited dat she started waving and dooking with all of her
might. " Hi Mum, I got here quite all right. I love you so much. I have
beautiful wings and I can fly about. I feel much better now. I have
kits to love and take care of and loads of friends to visit with. Thank
you for loving me." Den she started to throw hugs, kisses and promises
to visit one day and wrapped dem with all of her love and laid dem on a
nearby shooting star which was headed toward your house and by de time
you should read dis it should have landed dere. And with another swish
de vision was gone.

When dis was all over, I gave Numbi a hug as she headed back home and
I went back to my cottage where quite to my surprise, Dexter was still
standing dere still in de state of shock from being hugged. So I
invited him in for some cookies and sweet iced tea and a chat.

So ended another day at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6202]