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Sun, 28 Dec 2008 11:18:07 EST
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For caring enough to take the risk of being flamed. I for one, truly
appreciate the info you provided......It sure has stopped me from
picking up ferrets at Petco or anywhere else, even tho I hand sanitize
afterwards....I'm not taking one chance of bringing anything home to
my babies that could cause them the pain and suffering yours went
through......I am so sorry you have suffered this miserable heartbreak.
Losing any of these little ones is so hard, as most of us are all too
well aware, but to hear them scream in pain must have ripped your heart
right out...........I hurt for you......

As for the flamers, isn't it ironic that "anonymous" seems to be the
common name. If people don't agree with something, why can't they have
the good old fashioned gumption to step up and put a name to their
post......instead of hiding behind the cowardice of "anonymous"

BIG, thank you for your comments on Susan's post. You said it
beautifully....and perfectly. Susan's post DID do a lot of good....who
knows how many others that post has stopped from picking up strange
ferrets, or other good that has come out of it....

Again, with all my heart Susan, this ferret grandma thanks you for
making sure I stopped doing something that could be disastrous for my
babies. Thanks to ALL of you who provide information to us, you do so
much good.......and BIG, hope you're doing much better now :-)

[Posted in FML 6197]