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Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:49:19 -0400
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (113 lines)
>This Questionarre Is For Ferrets Only!
>A Hooman Can Help!
>But, The Answers Must Come From The Ferret!

(1) What Is Your:
(A) Name(s)? We's Felicity, Evelin, Babs, Xena, Foster, Ferris (we fill
   dis together with help from mum- she say it take forever if we do it
   separate) She say she and we have to be anonimouse cause we all
   illegal (How come we illegal mum? We feels OK)
(B) Sex? Felicity, Evelin, Babs, Xena -- we ladies, Foster, Ferris is
    Da Boys (oops forgot we's anonimouses)
(C) Age? Hmmm, Felicity, she 4( but head/boss ferret), Evelin, maybe 6,
    Babs, 3, Foster 3, Ferris bout 3, Xena 4.

(2) Do You Have A Favorite: (If Yes, What Or Who)
(A) Hooman? We all like Mum, Xena likes mum's friend, (anonimouse
    housemate) Rest of us likes him too -- he up early like us and
    give us all treats.
(B) Food? We all eats a mix Totally Ferret, Innova, Foster and Smith
    superior choice. Foster want fridge food, but mum scream when she
    find him in fridge -- two, tree times last year
(C) Treat? We'ze all love N bones, Evelin she get Gerbers chicken --
    she get it for health, and she come down and lick her lips to
    tell housemate or mum she ready for chicken, get her medicine and
    raisinflavor treat. Foster, Ferris give mum's friend the look and
    beg and beg for peanut butter treats. Felicity, Xena like peanut
    butter treat, small raisin, Babs like everyting -- but get one
    peanut butter treat (she chubby, big butt).
(D) Toy? Ooooh, all of us loves squeakies (cept Evelin) but we chew
    rubber too much and Mum takes away. Xena likes ringy plastic
    rollers, and funny eggs which catches in her tooth. Rest of us
    like like toilet rolls and paper towels best (make sculptures and
    paper snow).
(E) Blanket? Just in bottom kitchen drawer where Foster and Ferris
    sleep in mum's old sweater
(F) Hammock? Only go in when Mum sticks us in cage when cleaning lady
    come every 2 weeks.
(G) Sleep Sack? Yup sometimes by mum's bed and for Xena in housemate's
(H) Bed? Felicity and Babs we like to sleep with Mum, but we's fighting
    since Felicity want to sleep inside quilt next to mum, Babs want to
    sleep on top of mum, or under quilt and scratch mum's ankles. Babs
    sleep too some in friend's sock drawer. Foster and Ferris -- we
    sleep diffrent places to fool humans-under bed in spareroom, in
    kitchen drawer, Xena sleep in sack in kennel or on housemate's bed
    cos others make her scream at 2 in the morning. Evelin move around,
     sometimes next to mum's bed, sometimes with Ferris or Foster, or
     in friend's room
(I) Pet? Nah,
(J) Other? Felicity want to cook, she take Mum's rubber spatula, and
    hide it till she gets lesson. Foster help recycling -- sort beer
    cans on floor, makes things go bang.. Babs enjoys use butt to push
    big bottles Windex, Dawn, Ajax, dishsoap out sink cupboard at 3am
    to make big crashes, hear hoomans wake, yell.

(3) Do You Steal And/Or Stash Hooman: (If Yes, What)
(A) Clothing? Ooohhhooo we Babs and Felicity loves mums bras and
    panties -- we wear on heads, noses in the morning and roll around.
(B) Food? Foster like steal fridge food -- he take big cantaloupe in
    plastic bag and try to take it in drawer. Foster open fridge door
    if not tight shut, take cheese, Brussels sprouts (rollers), bread.
    Drags bag on floor to drawer, sprouts and stuff falls out.
(C) Treats? Foster climb up from his drawer to kitchen counter and
    pull treat bags, nutrical, gerbers chicken from counter, chews
    through bag/tube, licks jar, get nasty poops, mum ticked off.
    Felicity climb up on counter and try to steal/make coffee -- mum
    ticked off, grounds all over F's nose and counter).
(D) Bank Card? No mum keep losing -- not our fault
(E) Check Book? Nah
(F) Money? Huh? Purse with clinky stuff OK
(G) Mail? We'ze toss letters, bills from computer desk onto floor,
    then weewee. humans scream (chair too close to desk!!)--great fun.
    Felicity write good email on putor too -- in ferret. She make puter
    buzz and beep.
(H) Remote Controls? Foster take 1, hide, hoomans search, search,
    kind cable person replaced free when mum said Foster be scolded,
    get no treats. Then found, but no work (buttons chewed), Second
    hidden (hoomans mad) for three days (Foster accidentally stash in
    housemate's workbag). Housemate tink he crazy - much naughty words,
    till he see how Foster drop it in bag.
(I) Keys? Hoomans hang on wall. We no climb walls (sigh)
(J) Toys? Nah, have lots
(K) Other? Anything in crinkly bag, toilet brushes (hoomans wake, roll
    eyes when brushes banged at night in bathrooms)
(4) Where Do You:
(A) Poop? Babs she mostly on paper(but sometimes in corner where she
    thinks paper should be). Ferris (new boy) no figure out where to
    go -- so anywhere he want, Evelin get forgetful -- close to paper.
    Others of us mostly on paper.
(B) Wee-Wee? Same. Mum hate her feet on damp spots when Evelin wee/poop
    on carpet. Mum complains buys too many cans spot cleansers.

(5) Do You Like To Bite Or Nibble: (If Yes, What And Who)
(A) Arms? Right in bend -- lick/nip (Foster, big nip for mum or
(B) Fingers? Nah -- too bony
(C) Hands? Scratch mums (Babs)
(D) Legs? Scratch/nibble backs of mums knees (Felicity)
(E) Toes? Babs love mums toes nibble
(F) Feet? Babs love nibble mums feets, Felicity love mums feets middle
(G) Shins? Felicity love scratch mums shins
(H) Noses? Too bony
(I) Ears? Ferris like ears =96small nip
(J) Other? Ferris like nip chin. Felicity like to lick anywhere sweaty

Sweet Charity

[Posted in FML 5946]