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Mon, 17 May 2010 09:01:23 -0400
Brenda Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (161 lines)
Possum Senior Reporter - Suzie Q cub reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge
May News 2010

Possum Here: Hey everybody, did you think me and Suz were not doing the
news? Wow I made a rhyme!

Suzie Q Here: Yeah big deal you know you are not suppose to call me
Suz, so rhyme or not you gotta stop! See I can make a rhyme too. Possum
you are always being such a snot, see there is another rhyme so it does
not take a really smart ferret to do rhymes!

I am going to start the news since you seem to think it rhymes time. It
has been a really busy month with all kinds of things going on. When
it was Easter Miss Genevieve brought us Easter Baskets with lots of
goodies in it, she really loves us. Miss Jackie R brought mum dinner
that day too. Shelter Mum is going crazy it is almost "melt down"
time for her because clinic day is just 3 weeks away.
you better let shelter mum know if you are coming so she can know how
much food to make.

Possum Here: Suzie Q are you going to let me tell some news?

Suzie Q Here: Are you going to stop rhyming words and tell some news?

Possum Here: Alright! Alright I get your point! Oops sorry!, Miss Gail,
Miss Genevieve, Miss Ginger, Miss Donna, Miss Mindy, Mr. Carl, Mr.
Dick, and Mr. Joe all came here to see us on the same day. Oh! Oh did
you know you humans out there went to our web shots site and there
were 954 of you that looked at our pictures? Then Shelter mum did a
community out reach program for the veterans at the Naples Activity
Center (NAC) the guys were thrilled to see the ferrets. Jackie R. went
with shelter mum to take pictures she did a great job. Chase and Fran
were the ambassadors; they did well for a couple of young ferrets, new
to shelter life and their first time out to do a community program.
You can see the pictures here under out reach functions
Oh yeah mum wants us to remind you that our shop site has moved to
http://www.notjustforferrets.com/ mum says book mark it for future
reference cause it is not on the shelter site any more. They need to
be separate.

Suzie Q Here: My turn!!! 
Back in February shelter mum had some surrenders' (a business of 3)
came in that were more bent on dying then staying here. Shelter mum got
them over the hump then took in a business of 2 more. Since the end of
February the kids that shelter mum has taken in were a struggle to keep
alive. Between Sub-Q and force feeding they kept shelter mum very busy.
All but a business of 2 that came in have come around and are doing
fine. One of a two group has come around but her brother is not so sure
he likes shelter mum. He loves Miss Mindy though. Thankfully the most
of them are now happy to be here. Shelter mum says we are full so she
will get a well needed break from intakes, because there is no more
room in the Inn to take on any more fur kids at this time.

Possum here: You know that is not true Suzie Q! Shelter mum has some
open cages but they are for fur kids that come from referrals because
of abuse, neglect or incarcerations when shelter mum is called by
authorities. Shelter mum says we are full to families that just do
not want to be bothered any more.

Shelter mum says she thinks she has all the 501 paper work done so she
sent it to Miss Kathy; Titch's far away mom. Miss Kathy will review
the papers shelter mum sent her and then let shelter mum know what, if
anything she needs to do before the application is mailed to the IRS.
Miss Donna, Miss Iliana, Miss Mary B came to hang out with us and help
mum do some things around here. Miss Iliana; Bandita and Delilah's far
away mom sends cyber candles lit for any of us fur kids' that leave
for Rainbow Bridge. Here is what she sent last week

Thanks Miss Iliana for loving us so.

Suzie Q Here: Okay I want to tell about the "wild" visitor we had on
our porch the other morning. Shelter mum did not let us fur kids have
our porch for a few days and nights because it was too cold. So when
shelter mum was making her morning coffee she heard movement and noise
out on our porch. Shelter mum said her heart stopped thinking she had
forgotten to take someone off and left them out there. Shelter mum
flipped on the light and started to unlock the door to go see who was
out there when through the window she saw this very large raccoon
jumping on top of the cage and over the wall to the other side of
the porch.

Shelter mum said her first thought was thankfully we fur kids were not
out there, the second was how the raccoon got in there in the first
place! Shelter mum went to the other side of the porch to see where the
raccoon got to; he had pulled the screen loose from the door and came
though there. Shelter mum was real glad she did not have to show him
the way out. The big guy made a mess, there were things all over from
him knocking them off the shelves, but he left the same way he came in.
Mum put the storm window back in that door and will add hardware cloth
to the screen when she repairs that screen insert to put back in the
door for summer.

Possum here: I want to tell about the next day! So the next morning the
raccoon not to be kept out and off the porch (again we fur kids did not
get to sleep out there) shelter mum opened the kitchen door to the
porch to see if we could be on the porch that morning to play, even
if it had been warm enough shelter mum could not let us use the porch
because shelter mum found the screen door to our side of the porch was
ripped apart, the raccoon pulled the hardware cloth and screen right
off the door and broke the wood that held the door together. Shelter
mum said that even if the raccoon had left us alone we would have found
we could get out the door through where the raccoon pulled it all
apart. Mum took pictures of the damage.

Shelter mum put the storm window back in the door but the raccoon dug a
hole in the bottom part of the wood, shelter mum put hardware cloth on
the inside and outside of the door until she can figure out how she is
going to get it replaced. We are no longer allowed to spend the night
on the porch, shelter mum brings us and the food in before she goes to
bed, locks up the doors and leaves the light on so the raccoon will
stay away. So far he has not come back since shelter mum has been doing

Shelter mum told Miss Kathy she did not mind the wild life being
around; but now she is a bit miffed that the raccoon has made it so she
can not allow us to be out on the porch at night because she can not
trust the raccoon will not come back. Shelter mum has lived here in
this house for 18 years shelter mum has allowed us to use our side of
the porch for camping at night for as long as she has been sheltering.
Not until now has there ever been a problem with wild life trying to
get onto our side of the porch to eat our food.

Suzie Q Here: So do we have all the things that mum had on the list for
us to tell in the news taken care of? I have all of my list done how
about yours?

Possum here: Yep I have my list covered too so I guess it is time to
close the news. We hope to see you on clinic day for lots of fun, eats
and treasures.

Suzie Q: signing off until next month.

Super Snooper Trooper Senior Reporter Possum signing off until next
month too!

Our new store site

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/shelter

Petfinder Page

Newest Shelter Video

Shelter Video

Fur kids with new homes

[Posted in FML 6701]