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Mon, 27 Oct 2008 11:07:06 -0400
text/plain (63 lines)
Hi guys, 

In the old days, we had "pen pals". Then "Internet buddies" became all
the rage. I've gone to the next level and enlisted "pictue phone pals"
from the FML. I love my picture phone. I love getting that unexpected
ring (for me it's actually a ringtone of Harry Connick Jr singing Happy
Ho Ho Ho to You because when I get a picture, it's like a present),
flipping open my phone, and seeing a fuzzy face, a random shot of
someone's silly shaved collies (no it's true, I got that one time,
thank you Debi), or a friendly face from someone in our ferret family
sporting a new ferret tattoo (got that too, ahem ... Kat Parsons
::cough cough::). I never know what I might see. It's always a great
surprise. In that moment in time, I know that someone thought of me.
They were going about their day just as I was, and took the time to
share what they were experiencing in a far away place... live. I don't
like talking on the phone. I hate to hear a ringing phone. But this has
to be the sweetest interruption of your day that you can get. Further,
my blood family does not "get" the whole "life with animals thing" with
me. Neither do my friends. And that can leave you feeling very lonely
at times. But now, when I get a new fish, or when my DMK gurlz make
a funny face, or when my idiot son (not Sean, he's autistic and has
been spared idiocy which has been generously bestowed upon his older
brother) dances around in an Alvin outfit at age 20 ... I can snap
a picture and instantly share that with say ... Kristine Khors of
MetroFerret in NY/NJ or some neat fella I've never been able to meet
named Joe from the FML (not to be confused with Joe The Plumber). I
have a short list of phone buddies and I"m always looking for more.
So if you are interested, feel free to email me privately and we can
exchange numbers.

Come November, I will be attending the Ferret Symposium. True to form,
I'll be donning at least three cameras. And I've already put out a
warning that everyone is going to be fair game for YouTube. I plan to
make a special YouTube channel just to share some of the silliness that
occurs at the event for you. Maybe you'll get lucky and see the Dutch
partying, BIG belly dancing, The Oracle peeing her pants, or The Bob
being ... well Bob. Who knows. Meanwhile it's going to take me quite
a bit of time to go through umpteem million photos, movies, editing
it all, never mind the uploading. That tedious and time consuming part
of photography sucks. It sucks ... well you know. And the waiting just
kills me. Then I thought to myself, why do I have to wait? Why do
"you" have to wait? Why should I waste my time there dancing around,
wringing my hands, thinking to myself "ooo I wish they could see this
right now!" Why when the photo-gadget Gods themselves have bestowed
upon me, the mother of all techie tools ... the BlackBerry? Yes, the
CrackBerry that can do everything in the world for me minus wiping my
butt, can help bring the Symposium to YOU.

So, who's interested? I won't go into details right now because
it's fairly boring and complicated, but unfortunately Sprints MMS is
not working for their Blackberrys. Their picture messaging program
probably wont' be up and running by Nov. But, I am able to send
you pictures/video "sometimes". I use a work-around that is mostly
successful. Also, I can send it to your email instantly. That is full
proof. So, while you're picking over your grapes in Walmart... would
anyone be interested in getting any "presents' from the symposium
live? Or heck, not just for the symposium, but just in general.

Contact me if you are interested in either or both.

[Posted in FML 6137]