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Fri, 13 Feb 2009 08:54:41 -0500
Forgewizard <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (116 lines)
Apparently one must circumnavigate the world personally to talk about
the Earth's spherical shape! Not only must one undertake such an
adventure but one needs to notate every wave swell and crest, every
landfall made and every cloud viewed then present these observances
and experiences for "peer review" to satisfy several self proclaimed
experts on the FML!

hankfully I am intelligent enough to be able to read and research
information offered by others who have already undertaken such
explorations - I can rest assured that on the off chance I do win
a cruise around the world - that I will not just fall off the edge
because the world is indeed round and NOT flat like previous
generations absolutely KNEW was true!

No, Miss Kathleen from Florida (and others)- I do NOT have ferrets yet
that have lived to a ten year mark - or beyond - as I have already
explained I AM new to the ferret world, all my ferrets are still very
young. But that does NOT make me new to feeding animals appropriately!
I've met similar closed minds in the horse world. Decades ago I was
offering my horses more natural housing, more natural fodder (as in
mostly free choice, wet roughage and very little concentrate and 24/7
free roam) and would share my experiences with others. Those folks
too were entrenched in stabling their horses, feeding buckets of
concentrates, and limited dry roughage on strict schedules. They
invariably complained when their poor horses suffered repeated
instances of life threatening, sometimes life ending digestive related
systemic assaults, but my horses have NOT suffered like theirs. I DO
have almost half a century of experience with herbivores.

Finally, in just the past ten years, horse feed companies are coming
in line with proven low carb/high roughage diets and people are
recognizing that the way mother nature designed the horse is what is
healthiest for the horse; irregardless of the high dollar stables,
fancy beddings and high powered feeds that humans utilize. Grain was
originally offered to hard working horses that spent long hours toiling
for humans because they could not spend the majority of the day feeding
their bellies on normal, natural roughage. Stables came into use to
contain these working animals and make it easy for the humans to
maintain them. After machines replaced the horse for working, horses
became hobbies - but humans liked the convenience of concentrates and
stabling and kept these practices, to the detriment of countless
animals. These stabled animals suffered from heaves, founder, colic and
psychological problems because their natural needs were NOT being met!

Humans will always try to do what is easiest and suits them best, often
totally ignoring what the animal really needs. It wouldn't matter to
many of you any way, even if I DID have a couple decades worth of
feeding ferrets naturally under my belt; you'll believe what you choose
to believe. There have been several other posts on this list from
people who have fed their ferrets naturally much longer than I and you
still refuse to believe that offering natural raw meaty bones, whole
prey or even live prey IS in FACT what ferrets were designed to eat
and what does offer them optimal health.

I have repeatedly stated that feeding kibble can keep a ferret healthy
- just not optimally healthy. I have repeatedly said I've fed Totally
Ferret foods and even recommended them to other people as a step up
from former kibble choices. Yet many of you want to twist my words.
I've never admonished shame on any one for feeding kibble, maybe those
that are claiming guilt are feeling that way because deep down they see
the truth of a natural diet? Do I eat a natural diet myself? As much as
I possibly can, YES! I prefer raw fruits and veggies to processed or
cooked. Do I eat raw beef, lamb, venison, moose, buffalo? Not quite
raw, but bloody rare definitely; just lop off the horns, scare the crap
out of it, and slap it on my plate -YUMM! I don't eat much pork, but
that gets cooked - usually in a pot of beans. I love sashimi (raw
fish). I do cook and eat chicken, turkey and Cornish game hen. The only
"grain" I eat is oats, as in oatmeal and NOT quick oats - traditional
whole rolled oats. I do not eat processed foods regularly, no fast
foods, and avoid all gluten, wheat, corn and soy products, also avoid
coconut or "vegetable" oils, sticking only to olive or canola oil. I
am NOT a fanatic, nor stupid - my digestive system has evolved around
COOKED and whole foods. But not PROCESSED foods. My ferrets on the
other hand have digestive systems evolved around raw meats, fats and
whole animals - so that's what they get!

As usual, you will feed what you choose to feed to your ferrets.
I choose to offer my ferrets optimal health that doesn't entail
non-descript recipes, fancy wording, big advertising campaigns or
mysterious studies. The proof for me of the optimal diet is the
thousands of years ferrets spent devouring natural prey items.

Nobody on the FML has bothered to offer a response to my question
about why kibble mfrs offer "new, improved, better tasting, better
ingredients" to their formula and are not met with outraged consumers
for such changes; instead kibble feeders are happy to put their faith
and their ferret's health into the hands of the manufacturer. Kibble is
a convenience food for humans. Manufacturers make this stuff to create
profits for themselves. They put the least cost items in to get the
most profits out - it's a simple business plan. Some people feed better
quality kibbles, some don't - they all profess to "love" their ferrets -
I NEVER said anything different! When I am asked a direct question, I
give a direct response.

I guess its o.k. for a kibble feeder to offer something to their
ferrets that someone else supposedly "studied" and "tested" and has
made claims about. It's o.k. for a kibble feeder to proclaim how one
kibble offers improved health for their ferret over a previous kibble,
or how one kibble is much better than another. None of these kibble
feeders has undergone specific decades of feeding studies on their own
ferrets, yet this is acceptable as "proof" that kibble is just fine
for ferrets. But someone who offers a diet based upon evolutionary
PROOF and who observes night and day differences in ferrets that were
previously on the "improved and high quality kibble diets" shares these
observations and experiences - kibble feeders DEMAND proof that this
"New World" has been circumnavigated by the individual proponent!

Explore for yourself! You too will be amazed!


[Posted in FML 6244]