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Sun, 14 Dec 2008 08:43:32 -0800
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Passings throughout the year are hard enough. The Bridge can wait until
after the holidays to take another fur babe. But no, as if the holidays
aren't hard enough , we've had to endure yet another loss. The fifth to
be exact since the end of October. Our 2.5. years young Ferdi, who fell
ill suddenly and died within a week. The necropsy showed that he was
loaded with liver cancer. Thanks again to the Millers and their crappy
breeding practices that are costing innocent animals their lives at
very young ages. Ir was this time last year whe we lost another babe at
only a year and a half old to lymphoma, our sweet big albino Webster.
Ironic that he came from the same breeder as Ferdi? I don't think so.

Bandito passed from insulinoma, my dear old lady Fairy Buttercup,
followed behind the same day. I am totally convinced that she had a
heart attack when he went into screaming seizures. She was after all at
least 9 maybe 10 years old, but what a super senior. Trey passed after
months of hand feedings and never gaining an ounce.(another Miller
ferret)... and now my sweet little Noel who showed no signs of anything
until she bloated up with edema, began to struggle with her breathing
and then passed in my arms friday evening. Through tears I look to the
living for consolation, for the strength to continue and in doing so
discovered magic fur.

Twas a few weeks before Christmas and all through the rescue.
All the creatures were dooking, with N Bones to chew
The stockings hung by their cages with care
In hopes that Santa would enter on a dare
The elves had all gathered and waged their bets
On how brave the fat guy really would get.

Front doors were a breeze
Chimneys were a snap
But you don't see too many weezils atop Santa's lap.
Does Santa deliver to ferret rescues?
Would he risk soiling his boots with pretzel shaped poos?
He scratched his head and chuckled, the answer was quite clear.
I'll come up with something different this year.

As mom sat crocheting a ferrety gift,
She noticed the demeanor of a sick fuzzy shift.
Knowing the signs, that Noel's time was near,
She held the ferret close and whispered in her ear.
"It's ok little girl, your short time with me is done."
"Cross to the Bridge for a new life and some fun."

Gallagher and Merlin, some new fuzzys here,
Hopped up to the couch to dry momma's tear.
Momma momma, whatever is the matter?
They looked at each other, they had heard no clatter.
Was it something we did? Something we should not chew?
I swear I didn't poop in your shoe!
No my sweeties, mommy's just down
Because of the passing of another fuzzy clown.
They turned to each other knowing just what to do.
As their fuzzy mom needed some emotional rescue.
Santa had given them a special gift this year.
The magic power to wipe away momma's tears.

They looked up at her lovingly
Whispering in a language only they know.
"We have a gift for you mom, ...and it doesn't even need a bow."
She followed their lead, picking up the pair,
Snuggling them to her face, soaking in the fuzzy, musky air.

As fur went up her nostrils, it seemed different on this cold sad
It seemed to sparkle, giving off a magic glistening light.
She rubbed their sweet bodies over her tear stained face
Aware that something truly magical was actually taking place!
As the fuzzys bestowed upon her a very special gift.
With the snuggle of their fur and a great big whifft
The rescue mom's heart began to lift.

When the holidays are here
And your eyes are a tear
Reach for the living, the touch of those that go on.
As they bear a special magic in the fur that they don
Shower them with kisses , to your face hold them near,
And feel the magic fur as it wipes away the tears.

To all of the FML'rs and rescue moms who struggle with the loss
throughout the year and especially throughout the holidays. This is
a cute poem based on a very real experience and how the fur of two
sweet healthy fuzzys can remove the stiffness of a tear stained face.

Hugs to all,
Kimberly Fox
Somethin Up My Sleeve Ferret Rescue
Pay Pal accepted for donations at this email address

[Posted in FML 6183]