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Sun, 16 Nov 2008 17:51:03 -0500
Brenda Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (190 lines)
Possum Senior Reporter
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Andy watching from Rainbow Bridge

<<< Possum with my nose in the air; arms crossed
      over my chest and my toes tapping >>>
WE are not! I repeat not writing the news. Nope not this month, not
now, no way, no how! We are on strike!

Suzie Q here: Possum what is your malfunction this time? You may be
on strike but I am most certainly NOT!

Possum here: mum not only went to the symposium, leaving miss Cathy R
to take care of us, she left me, The senior reporter, the one that
could have brought back all the news about what went on in Pittsburgh
Pa. behind to help miss Cathy r. ! then! Then mum tells me that there
are no ferrets allowed to go to the symposium and what does she do?
Mum takes missy with her,. Missy of all the ferrets in this shelter
she took missy. Humph! I am on strike! Ralphie my big hunk of fur
where are you when I need you?

Suzie Q here: Hey fuzz brain did it occur to you that your tantrum IS
part of the news? Now let's get on with it. I am going to start with
what happened at the shelter and then we (if fuzz brain is ready to
come back to work) will tell all about what went on at the symposium.
Forest's mom was there, Miss April P. she was texting to Forest all the
news and he was sending it to us. However Miss Fuzz brain with all her
tantrums has not discovered that yet! So here we go. That new kid that
came in from Williamsville NY has a new home. 417 of you humans were
looking at our pictures last month, I bet there will be more this month
because Mr. Harry is putting up pictures that mum took at the symposium
and when Miss Stephanie gets her pictures to mum Mr. Harry will get
them up there for you too. Here is where you will find them
thanks Mr. Harry for helpen our mum!

We have had some visitors at the shelter; some are not even humans
owned by ferrets! Miss Shirley is one of them; she works with mum on
the big yellow thingy. Hey Miss Shirley thanks for coming to play
with us! Miss Sue B. did a new picture for our heating campaign you
can find that on our web site that Miss Mindy helps mum with
or the raffle web site Mr. Harry takes care for us

Then Miss Sue knew mum was going to be getting some time off from her
big yellow thingy and she also knew that mum wanted the new Indiana
Jones 4 pack DVD so she surprised mum and sent it to her. Thanks Miss
Sue, mum is going to have an Indi marathon over Turkey day vacation.

Possum here: hey! Hey are you going to save me some news to tell?

Suzie Q here: I thought you were on strike; that you were not going to
do the news ever again! I have already asked little Ginger to help me
with the news.

Possum here: what? How dare you do that! What does ginger know about
doing the news?

Suzie Q here: Ginger knows that temper tantrums are not allowed, Ginger
knows that when we have a job to do it needs to be done, Ginger also
knows that the news is about the shelter, mum and what WE ALL have
going on here, so you can have your tantrums; Ginger and I will go on
with the news!

Ginger here: Miss Cathy R. Came to the shelter a couple of times to
do training, she must have trained well because she did good when mum
was gone. We worked her really hard too! Mum has been helping some
new humans owned by ferrets here in Naples ferret proof their house,
the fur kids they got are always getting into trouble. How am I doing
Suzie Q?

Possum here: awful you are doing awful!

Suzie Q here: Possum stop it! You are being naughty and nasty! Your
tantrums have got to stop. If you can be nice you can tell some news.

Possum here: what do you mean? I am the senior reporter I do get to do
the news.

Suzie Q here: I heared mum talking to Miss Stephanie, she was telling
her that if you do not straighten out and start behaving she is going
to take you off the news, make me senior reporter and let Ginger take
my spot. So are you ready to get to work or what? Oh and Little Ginger
you did great girl!

Possum here: All right! What ever! Here is a note that Miss Cathy sent
to us about last month's news!

Hey gals, thanks for helping me laugh and stop worrying about Eggie if
only for a few minutes. Your newsletter was great as always. Maybe we
should give Mum a pogo stick to help her either burn off some calories
or get into her pants! Cr

Possum here: see miss Cathy R. thinks our news is good. mum has some
new products in our store and on our web site. They are 100% solid
wood, made in the U.S.A. by some very talented ladies. Some of you have
already seen this stuff because mum unveiled it at the symposium. You
know; that place I did not get to go to but missy did? On the web at
It is in the ferrets items for humans under here
Wood Designs by Twisted Willow
Mum and miss Mindy are working hard to get all of the new stuff up on
there so you can get some for Christmas. Mum gots lots of questions
about her tests for the big yellow thingy this is why she has to do
what she did.

Mum here: the test is NYSDOT mandated. The reason for some of the
physical test is because some guy with a prosthetic leg was denied a
bus job, (years ago) now we have to prove we can do all this stuff, I
guess a prosthetic leg would not do well under these circumstances, or
if they do then they can have the job. I had to get unbelted from my
seat, get to the back of the bus out the Emergency door onto the ground
in 8 seconds. I had a heck of a time getting down on my butt to get out
the door and on the ground. This test is Department of Transportation
mandated every 2 years. The entire test has segments that have to be
done on different days so it is not like I can get this all out of my
hair at once. Anyway that is why I had to do what I do for so long.

Possum here: thanks mum! Now, for some symposium news. Miss April
needed to go to the mall on Thursday, she flew to the symposium and mum
and Miss Stephanie drove so Miss April asked them if they would take
her to the mall.

Mum said sure, so off they went to the mall. Mum does not do malls;
mum has not set foot in a mall in 15 yrs. So when they got there mum
documented Miss Stephanie and Miss April in the food court and they
documented mum in the mall coming down an escalator. Mum says that trip
to the mall fixed her up for another 15 years. The pictures Are here:
Mum says it was great to see so many new people and then to touch base
with far away friends again. Mum was sick all weekend, did not get much
rest, but said it was all worth every minute she did not sleep.

See if I had gone I could be telling you all this from MY point of view
not mum's. The hotel staff went above and beyond for everything they
were asked to do. Mum even got Dwayne to climb a ladder to put hooks in
the ceiling for her. They are the kind of hooks that do not hurt the
ceiling and can be taken down.

Oh and miss April and Mr Travis got engaged while they were there. Mr
Thomas R. Willard, PhD. (Forest calls him Mr.. w.) and Miss Trish
passed the torch and have retired from performance foods.

Mum took them, Miss April and Miss Stephanie to the shelter dinner
Thursday night, mum met miss barb c. at her shelter! mum says she sings
pretty and writes really cool songs for her fur kids. Miss Kat P. was
there she and mum blew a kiss to Gizmo's far away dad Tim B. That is on
Miss Stephanie's camera. So we need to wait to see that. Miss Stephanie
went with mum thinking it would not be so much work as the shelter is.
Ha mum sure fooled her. She worked really really hard to help mum. She
got to meet a lot of the people that mum talks about all the time..
While mum was gone 2 new kids came in to the shelter! Mum knew they
were coming and checked with Miss Cathy first before telling the lady
she could bring them. They was found out running around in a back yard
and the road. They are big and beautiful, about 4# each.

When mum walked in the door from being at the symposium Tinker was in
the dining room, she heard mums voice and immediately started banging
the littler box mum keeps toys in against the wall to get mums
attention. Tinker was so happy to have her mum home! Mum got a card
from the baker bunch, they are still far far away, waving at you Baker
Bunch, and we miss you. Well it looks like we got all the news covered.
Suzie Q; do you have anything else you want to cover before we close?

Suzie Q here: No I do not believe so. Wow Possum you can be nice when
you want to be! Thanks for your help Little Ginger!

Possum here: Not a fuzz brain! Byeeee for now.

Suzie Q here: until next month

Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/shelter

International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator

Petfinder Page

Shelter Video

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