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Sun, 7 Sep 2008 13:34:06 -0400
Brenda Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (213 lines)
September 2008

Master Largo's News

Possum Senior Reporter Ziggy Reporter of a higher order Andy watching
from Rainbow Bridge

Possum here: WHERE IS MY MUM?

Suzie Q here: Stop screaming Possum, mum is back to work on the big
yellow thingy.

Possum here: WHAT? Why? It is still summer out side!

Suzie Q here: Possum you keep telling me that you have been here longer
than me, and yet you do not know that the beginning of September is
when the 2 legged furless kids go back to school, so that means Mum
needs to get them there. Geeezzzzzzzz you really need to get a grip
on life girl!

Possum here: I have a grip on life I just do not keep track of the
months, I go by the weather and it is not suppose to be school time
when it is still hot out, Okay? Hey Suzie Q; have you seen all the mail
we got about writing a book? Even Miss Sue B. wroted us to say she
would help do illustrations for our book!

Suzie Q here: Yes I have seen them they were addressed to both of us!
This is not just about you! Take a look at all the people that wrote
to us about our idea. Ummm I mean mums idea.

Miss Sue B here....
I think it's a GREAT idea that your MUM writes a book-and if I can
help in any way, just holler! Tell your Mum I called and told her

Sue B

i would buy a book if you wrote one! i think its a great idea! when
we lived in wa i wrote short stories about tweeter and gidget, their
adventures, lol. you'll have fun doing it! Tonya

Dear Suzie Q,
Miss Meg thinks that Mum would write a very amazing, wonderful
children's book, and if she does write one, Meg would buy them for
every child she knows! (including her beautiful granddaughter!)
Pleaseencourage her to do it!
Miss Meg W

Suzie Q here: Possum did you happen to notice to whom that last message
was addressed? There are more.


Dis is Bizzy.
I tink Suzie Q an Possum needs ta wite da book. I iz blind an can't
weed, but da momma say she weed it to me and my buddies. da book make
niz fun waiser, yez?
Yur fren,

Yes you guys should write a book I know I would love to read it. You
guys are really funny. I enjoy reading the news every month I would
love a book. Go for it fuzzies
Jane owned by Jake Stewart Mario and Samantha, n rip my dear Cujo and
Bandit, and also Bandit from your shelter and Andy pants. Jane G.

Possum here: oaky okay I get it! Now we have lots and lots of news to
tell so I am going to start the news. Mum has had many new kids come
into the shelter, Miss Susann T. picked up and brought mum the 3 that
had their dad go to jail.

Then miss Stephanie N. picked up a kid in Greece and met mum in Avon
N.Y. This little girl was living with a person that had to go to the
hospital and did not get to come home. So she had to come here, Only
she already has a new home up in Constantia N.Y. Susan had a little one
about the same age as this little girl so she came to see if they would
like each other. They did so Susan took Pogo home with her., remember
the two fur kids that were posted by our mum from Westchester CO. they
did not find a home for a long long time, then Mr. Harry P. said he was
ready for some new kids, well mum had this idea so she contacted the
lady in Westchester and Mr. Harry in Ma. And told them maybe they could
help each other out! Yup yup yup the kids are in their new home with
Mr. Harry! Then Miss Cathy R. Picked up 2 more kids that needed to come
here, they stayed at her house for several days because Ralfie (with an
f please) was having trouble peeing so he went in to our favorite Doc 4
days later for surgery. They are here now, doing great! So in 2 months
mum has had more kids come in so now she is all filled up again. She
has had to turn away 35 fur babies so far this summer. Miss Cathy R
says there is no room at the INN.

You two furballs are killing me over here........I was laughing my butt
off! Thank you for the kind words about the help I have offered - it is
very nice to be appreciated. CR

Suzie Q here: My turn! The 2 Talledo girls came to camp for 10 days,
they had a good time. Miss Mary B. Miss Joy D. Miss Kristie B all came
to our house on the same day so mum put them all to work, when they got
that done then mum had them help her treat all of us for fleas. Oh yeah
then on the 23rd of August mum went to Miss Stephanie's house for the
club picnic, there were lots and lots of our shelter friends there.
They ate lots of food and had a good time, there were ferrets there
but mum did not take any of us with her.

Possum here: what? Mum went some place that we ferrets could go to
and she did not take me? What is up with that?

Suzie Q here: Oops sorry mum I forgot I was not supposed to say
anything about the picnic in front of Possum.

Possum here: you knew and didn't tell me? Some pal you are! You
should be fired for not doing your job.

Suzie Q here: What are you talking about not doing my job?

Possum here: Are you not a reporter? Reporters report things such as
what is going on around them. I should have been informed about that
picnic and that ferrets were going to be there!

Suzie Q here: Yeah right! I am not going to tell things mum does not
want told. Is that plain enough for you Possum?

Possum here: what ever! Anyway We had new shelter friends come to play
with us. Miss Mindy, Mr. Dick and Miss Gail When they found out that
mum was still doing the dial up thing on her computer, Mr. Dick told
mum he would look into that for her, well he sure did, with in one week
of being here mum had high speed installed and she is burning up the
computer waves with all the things she can do now. He works at the
place mum can get high speed so he put a bug in somebody's ear about
getting out to our house to get it done! So now our web site is
working again and we have a new address
[log in to unmask]
Now we can get and send pictures, mum does not have to make her bed,
do meds, and pick up the shelter while she is waiting for her mail to
come in. She hits receive and before she walks away from the desk it
is already here. Hey Suz did you see the presents I got in the mail
from my boy friend Ralphie? Daisy May, and mum got presents too. But
not from my boy friend they got them from his mom and Trixie.

Suzie Q here: Yes I saw you got presents so what? Miss Mindy came to
our house 2 days in a row to help mum do things she can not do by
herself, and while she was here she played with me. Miss Mindy fixed
mine and Mr. Gizmo's cage, and then she helped mum get play rooms
picked up. They worked really hard 2 days in a row.

We are going to send this iGive.com message out again, mum thought you
guys knew about iGive and how it helps us to get money for food. Mum
has us registered with them this is how it works

Rather than going directly to a web site to place an order, go to the
website through igive.com. Sign up for free at igive.com and choose
your charity. Every time you make a purchase from an Internet site
that you accessed through igive.com, a donation is made to your
charity. Some companies through igive.com: ferret.com, petcarerx,
PetSmart, 1-800-PetMeds, National Pet Pharmacy, dogtoys.com, PetCo.com,
petfooddirect.com, sitstay.com, jefferspet.com, Drs. Foster & Smith,
eBay, Family Christian Stores, Overstock.com, and many more.
Debbie Whorley
When you get into there look for Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter.

Possum here: hey suz don't forget to tell about the Raffle Miss Cathy R
put together for us.

Suzie Q here: STOP WITH THE SUZ! 

Possum and Suzie Q here to let you know we have a special job
assignment. Our expertise is needed to help run a raffle for one of
our shelter volunteers. Miss Cathy R. is such a worry wart, she is
ascared heating oil is going to cost a lot of monies so she wants
some in reserve so we don't need human coats on our fur to stay
warm. And if WE are getting cold you know our Mum will be living in
the deep freeze! So we have to help her put this thing together.


Suzie Q here: Okay Possum this news is getting way to long so we need
to get it done. There are just a couple more things I want to say; Mum
has the tool box, tool chest, storage cabinet and all the tools she
could possibly use in her possession. Miss Stephanie and Mr. Tom went
to Mindy's house to pick up the tool chest, they delivered it to mum
yesterday. So many humans camed to mums aid in getting the things that
she needed. Mum says she can not get over how very blessed she is to
have so many people that help her take care of us, and then when she
needs something they help her too. So; Possum and I want to say thanks
you guys for helpen us take care of our mum. Without you helping us
help mum, we would not have a place to live, food to eat and a human
to love us the way we do.

Possum here: sure we better. So to all of your from all of us!

Byeeee for now.

Suzie Q here: until next month

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