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Wed, 15 Apr 2009 09:18:53 EDT
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Hello Every One.

I wanted to update you on our trip to the vets. Fitz and Sammy 2 had
the Chorodoma tumors removed. They came in with them and they were so
big they had to go.

DR Wagner, could not get over Harriet last night. It has been 5 years
that she had the Deslorelin implant and she still has a full coat on
her. He doesn't even feel anything in her tummy said she is doing
great. He did a good exam on her and also on Adam.

Adam, my poor baby is blind and he is also Insulinoma plus his spleen
is a little enlarged. Not enough to worry about but it is. Just as soon
as I can get some more money I will make an appointment for Adam again.
He put him on Pedi Pred and also wants him on Amoxi for an inter ear

Tommy's Sahwhanee, is in perfect health. I am so glad. I have lost
Dandee's email address so if anyone knows her please tell her to email
me or just tell her that I want her to know that Sahwhanee is in
perfect health. She got her shots last night but DR Wagner told him
she will not get distemper for another 3 years. DR Wagner told Tommy
he had a very healthy ferret. Dandee needs to be proud that she has
such beautiful healthy babies.

He was also so glad to see how well I am now and how much hair I have
grown back. He kept commenting it all night. He has been so good to me
all through my sickness he kept up with what was going on with me. He
calls me a walking miracle :-).

Well, that is all the news for now got to check my mail it sure did
fill up since AOL ate it all I am up to almost 400 again. You all take
care and have a super great day.

God Bless you All

[Posted in FML 6303]