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Fri, 3 Apr 2009 16:28:41 EDT
text/plain (128 lines)
Dear Fellow FMLers..

Ok so this is yet another of Ed Lipinski doing his "thing". He has
purposely miss-quoted Norse Mythology to disrupt the flow of emails on
the FML. Shame on ya Ed what the heck is wrong with you boy? I dunno
about some people's children... Now I do agree with Ed that he has the
right to free speech but to impugn others with his miss representation
of old Norse Legends just to harm others or to hurt feelings.. No, that
is going too far. I do read his posts and try to figure out just where
this guy learned about frets. We all know that Ferrets are obligate
carnivores. They eat meat in the wild. They lack special enzymes that
allow them to break down veggies in the "wild". Ask Travis Leveri,
(sorry if I miss-spelled Your Name Travis..), what the Black footed
ferret eats in the wild Ed?? Ask Bob Church who has spent his adult
life learning about all things Mustelidae. If you are still in doubt
I suggest you read Kim Shilling's Book Ferrets For Dummies 2.

Folks...I for one would ask for censure of this individual for his
crash usage of old Norse beliefs to try to harm others... Not nice
Eddy ... not nice. If ya wanna play with others then you have to learn
not to misbehave. Your rights do not let you trample over the rights of
others.. Be nice and maybe we will let you stay...If not then maybe it
is time for you to go...

What say you fellow members of The Ferret Mailing List? I have said my
piece and I am content... Lets all stay fuzzy out there shall we??

Fred Hurd
Reno, Nevada

After All It Is For The Ferrets!!!

[A later P.S.]

Dear Fellow FMLers.

First of all I think I may owe all here an apology. I do not know if
I, as just a member of this forum, have the "right" to ask for censure
of a fellow member. I do find that Mr. Lipinski has in the past done
things like this just to irritate and belittle others he holds as not
his equal.. I think personally he has issues he is not dealing well
with but having said that I may be amiss myself for calling for his
censure or even worse asking for him to be displaced from this List.

I have learned a lot about these wonderful furry lil "Mouse killing,
thieving furry animals", we call Ferrets. From this list, and from
Meeting wonderful People Like Bob Church and Kim Shilling, have met
people who share this same desire to be all we can be as "owners" of
these wonderful small animals. We all know that yes, we are learning
more about them almost on a daily basis but certain facts we hold as
the truth are being challenged by Mr Lipinski in such a manner that is
combative in nature. If you want us to really agree why present your
ideas in such a conflictive manner Mr. Lipinski?

I do believe that all people have the rights to bear their own
opinions. I will fight for that right even if I do not agree with
anything they say... Such here is the case I find myself in. I do not
wish to see anyone disposed of from this list. I do think however that
Mr. Lipinski owes an apology to those he has harmed in such a cruel and
vulgar way. He purposely miss-used Norse Mythology in a vulgar way to
inflict what ever damage he could to those folks who in their own way
are comforted by the Bridge Greeters and their approach to help others
in times of grief. If you do not have grief over loosing one of your
fuzzies, maybe you need to reassess why you have ferrets in the first
place. If I am out of line on this then I will let the group of Mr.
Bill Grubber do what he feels is proper in this matter. I will abide
by his decision on this matter.

The very best to all

Fred Hurd
Reno, Nevada. USA

[Moderator's note: I'm obviously note going to get through this FML
without making a comment or two about E. Lipinski's post, so now is
as good a time as any.

Where to start?

Well, pretty much the crieria used to allow posts are that they be
related to ferrets (or in some cases to a subscriber's personal life)
and they don't severely "flame" people. I believe the post in question
met these criteria. And certainly it's not going to change any readers'
view of the Rainbow Bridge. All it might do is cause the few people
who still actually read E. Lipinski's posts to finally start skipping
them in the future.

On the other hand, the post was in very bad taste. At least I think so.
But who makes me the arbiter of good taste? I lost that title a long
time ago.

As moderator, I think I go pretty far out of the way to let people
express their views, however non-traditional they may be. I don't
believe in prohibiting posts just because I don't like or agree with
their content. But, as moderator, I do have to draw the line somewhere
and it's a struggle to make the decision every day. In this case, I
didn't count on the hurt the post would cause. I viewed the post as
a fairly useless trash post to tack onto the end because it did meet
guidelines and nobody would read it anyhow. But as was pointed out to
me, the fact that it was written in SaraFerret's "language" may have
moved it into a personal realm rather than a non-personal comment. I
apologize to SaraFerret for not giving it more thought before allowing
(or not allowing) it.

As for Fred's post above: the FML is defined in a large part by the
subscribers' wishes, but I don't agree in "mob mentality". I think
decisions hastened by knee-jerk emotions are seldom the correct ones.
And as already stated, I share Fred's believe of free speech.

Speaking of comments and free speech and drawing the line: some of the
comments readers posted in response were simply not something you want
your children -- or parents -- to read and were rejected.

All that being said, I personally believe sometimes E.L. posts things
for no purpose other that to annoy people. Those posts are sometimes
rejected, believe it or not. And while private communications with
subscribers stay private, I don't think it's inappropriate to say I've
told E.L. that repeated attempts to post garbage, successful or not,
will result in removal of his right to post. I suppose on consideration
that's come a step closer. Not there yet, but E.L. might just achieve
what seems to be his goal one of these days.

If you have a rebuttal, E.L. please post it. Otherwise I see no need
to continue the topic. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6292]