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Sat, 27 Dec 2008 19:32:32 -0800
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There's two different kinds of people - Flamers and those that are
flamed. I fall into the latter category because I wanted ti give a
heads up about a problem in the ferret community new to me. I have
been in the business of caring for ferrets, my own and others, for
near 15 years. This is the first time I've EVER had to deal with this
kind of problem, called distemper

This is mostly addressed to three different flamers, all with the same
name - anonymous. The problem I was addressing existed two full weeks
before any of the mysterious, named and un-named illnesses surfaced.
I was told not to say anything until positive proof from testing came
back to the vet's. Proof that the kits had died from canine distemper-
died horrible, painful, screaming deaths that were alleviated only with
help from the vet to cross over to the Bridge. There were two seperate
vets and three kits involved - so far.

Flamer #! - I was only giving a heads up about this because we have not
pinned down where this started and I felt it important that those in
and around the AR area be warned.

Flammer #2 - This would be a really sick way just to get attention.
Listening to a screaming kit crying in pain is NOT on the top of my
list of favorite things to do. Even suggesting it is sick to my way
of thinking. I hope and pray no one ever has to experience this. It's
horrible and 100% fatal in ferrets. If you think this is just attention
getting behavior, I will be glad to provide proof and contact info from
the vets.

Flamer #3 - I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy
Holiday. I hope it was a good one - mine was miserable because of this
and the misery of these little kits. For your information, I did
contact SOS and got no answer. I put it off as the holidays and that's
probably why you heard nothing if you're a part of SOS or the IFC. I
figured SOS and IFC were too busy.

Why can't you flamers put your time to better use in encouraging and
supporting ferrents experiencing things like this. One kind or
encouraging word would go a lot further than the flaming you seem to
delight in. Before I sign off, I won't be posting anymore, for a heads
or otherwise.

Have a Happy Holiday

Director of The Arkansas Ferret Rescue Shelter

[Moderator's note: Would appreciate a copy of those flames to see if
I can trace them at all -- they were not sent to the FML. My general
feeling about these things is to consider the balance: your message
got out to thousands of people, most of whom learned something. A few
people were uncomfortable or simply like to make trouble, and wrote to
you to express an opinion they have every right to express, even if
opinions expressed in such a cowardly manner are seldom of much value.
But certainly this doesn't negate all the good your post did. Hitting
the delete key a few times is a small price to pay. BIG]

[Posted in FML 6196]