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Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:07:17 -0400
Pie O' Pah At the Bridge <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (245 lines)
Dear Grandma,

I was sleeping in my favorite hammie, when I heard someone softly
whisper my name. At first I thought it was my sister Mazzie. She use to
do that to me all of the time, whisper all sweet like, and when I come
out of my sleepy sack, she'd jump right on top of me as we would have a
good wrestle. But as I woke the rest of the way up, I knew right away
who it was and I ran as fast as I could to the Viewing Pool. I looked
down into that beautiful, blue basin and saw my mum. That's not unusual
in the least, because she goes out there all of the time just to talk
to us. This was different though, she standing out on her back porch
and she was crying and calling out for me. She told me she had just
read that a very special fur kid had passed away and she wanted to make
sure I was there to greet her. She told me all about your beautiful
Fergie, and how, even though she never had a chance to meet her, she
loved her all the same and wanted to make certain that I would be
there to greet her.

At the same time, as I was listening to her, Hobbes came around, and he
could hear her as well, "Looks like you already know about the next
assignment Pie." he whispered, then he opened up his well-worn courier
pouch and handed me a scroll, "Is there anything I can do to help out?"

I took a deep sigh and asked if he wouldn't mind heading over to the
Guardian's manor and to please send down Frostman and Butter Boy to
look after the both you and Billy, and then I added that it would be
really nice if Bear could go as well. He's still taking flight lessons,
but I figured with Frostman and Butter Boy at his side, he would do
just fine on the trip over to you. So if either one of you saw a slight
fluttering from the corner of your eye, or maybe a soft, wavering light
dancing in the shadows, that would be your very own special guardian's
looking in after you.

Me? I had a few questions I wanted answered, so I went directly to the
Big Guy himself. One would think He is busy helping others and would
have no time for a fuzzit like me, but he does, because he cares about
each and everyone of us. I found Him sitting on a large hill, over
looking a field of sunflowers, and He was carrying on an animated
conversation with a dozen or so other animals. I slowly walked up,
scroll in hand, and waited for a lull in the conversation. From where
I stood I could see a rabbit, a snow lynx, four field mice, a raccoon,
two tabby cats', a kangaroo, a grizzly bear, five geese and a golden
retriever that I knew by site as Trixie. Anywhere else this would seem
an odd gathering, but here, it's par for the course.

I did my best to not be rude, but when the Big Guy looked up at me, He
quietly handed off the conversation to Trixie and motioned for me to
follow him. He knew I was troubled, so instead of making me say it He
simply said, "Fergie is on her way, and you have a greeting to do, am
I correct?"

It was just as simple and as plain as that. I shuffled a bit and rolled
the scroll in my paws and then I looked up at Him and asked why, why so
soon, why not more time. He then gathered me up in His arms and cuddled
me close and kissed the top of my head and gave me a good scritch on my
side, exactly where I like it best, and then He sat me down right in
front of Him and began talking.

"I had a grand time creating all of you, from the wee little honey bee,
to the majestic blue whale. Each and every creature has its purpose,
and its need, and its place on earth. Most were created to be wild and
are free to roam the land as its silent guardians of nature, they are
also meant to be a subtle reminder to all that I am everywhere and in
everything. I created working animals, like oxen and mule and other
draft animals to help out where normal human strength and speed would
simply not do and then lastly I created companion animals. My desire
being that these particular creatures would become part of a family and
add to it in their own special and unique way. I made dogs for those
who sought loyalty, cats for those who were more aloof and independent,
and birds for those who desired a companion with longevity and a talent
for mimicry, and finally ferrets."

He took a deep breath and smiled at me and continued, "The funny thing
is, when I first created ferrets, I did so, not so much with who would
desire you as a companion, as much as the idea of how, out of all the
animals I had created, none had been done so purely for love and dare I
say, for entertainment as well. I know that in the history of ferrets,
it took awhile for them to find their way into the hands of people who
would indeed enjoy, cherish and love them every bit as much as I do,
but they finally did."

"Now I want to talk about the people who choose to take a ferret into
their home, people like Grandma and Billy. They are blessed with many
wonderful qualities, such as an infinite amount of love, a strong
heart, a willing and patient soul, and the ability to be able to accept
that your life span is indeed a fleeting thing. The last of these
things is the hardest to accept, but they do so, and continue to do
so, because they, like me, have found that you are well worth it."

"As to why now, why not more time? The answer is simple; it was
Fergie's time to come home to me. She could have had more time, but
she would have had more pain and Grandma understood this and did what
was very right for Fergie. I know that is hard to hear Pie, but all
things have their time, and their place. A time to be born, a time to
die, a time to dance and a time to mourn, a time for every purpose
under heaven and that includes returning here. Grandma and Billy will
eventually cross over to this side of heaven and when they do, there
will be great cause for celebration, until then Pie, you have a job
to do, and I have other things I need to attend to this day."

He leaned over and kissed me on top of my head and then He was gone,
just like that. I really had so many more questions for Him, but I was
willing to accept what he gave to me, and I hope that you are able to
as well. We were made from His love, and we carry a part of him with
us everywhere we go and we get to share that with you. You were also
made in the very same fashion, but I think there is something more,
something grander, because you have a heart that is large enough to
accept and love a fuzzit, even though you know we won't be there

Gosh I wish I had a chance to know you in life Grandma, I would have
given anything to have been touched by your love and friendship. So I
am making this promise to you, I will be here when it is your time to
come over, I will gather everyone you have known and love, fuzzy and
non-fuzzy alike, and we will be here waiting for you (and Billy too
when it is his time) and then we can get to know one and another then
all right?

After I had my talk with God, or rather, my *listen*, I felt a bit
lighter and with a greater sense of purpose I flew off to place we call
The Comfy Spot. It's this very quiet place filled to the brim with all
manner of comfortable furniture and it is where many a fuzzit can be
found these days. I searched around until I found that familiar lime
green blanket, and I picked up the corner and found a pile of fuzzy
beings intertwined in peaceful sleep. I recognized Savannah's bum and
tail, Mollykins left leg and her tummy, Princesses shoulder and the
back of her head and Ditto's lovely little nose in the middle of it
all. They all looked so comfy, and I thought I should like to join in,
but there were places to go and fuzzits to gather so I woke them all
with a soft whisper.

I asked Savannah where she thought Dini, Hammie and Mama Hen might be
at. She giggled and told me that they had taken to going down to the
Flight Field to watch Bear learn how to fly, and that it had been the
best time of all because Bear was a bit uncoordinated and therefore was
very entertaining to watch. I knew then that they would have been told
by Hobbes to start for the Bridge so I gathered up Savannah, Molly,
Princess and Ditto of the single kiss and we made a bee-line for the
Viewing Pool where I knew P.C. and Nicky would be. They go there a few
times a day to check on No-No and of course to check on you and Billy
and everyone else, but since Nicky is No-No's personal Guardian, he
takes his position very seriously and wants to be the very best
Guardian ever. He is very dedicated in this and I admire him greatly.

When we arrived at the Viewing Pool, we found not only P.C. and Nicky,
but Bizzy as well, and Bizzy, had been very busy indeed. Gathered about
her and just about every surface where they could land where thousands
of rainbow butterflies. It was so dreamy to see so many in one place,
all different hues of the rainbow. P.C. looked up from the pool and
said," She is on her way, Dr. Chad and Grandma are saying goodbye to
her now, so we best get going."

It was all we needed, knowing she would be here soon, and so we headed
for the Bridge. The butterflies took to flight and created this lovely
pathway for us to follow, and for my part, I pictured Fergie in my
mind. I saw this beautiful, tiny albino girl with soft, lovely, white
fur and a pinky-pinky nose. She reminded me of my twin sisters Macari &
Maharet both every bit as lovely as Fergie. I then thought of a song my
mum made up for them for them and I began singing it as we walked on
over to the Bridge.

"Little girl, little curl, soft and sweet, tiny feet. Fur so white,
soul so bright, hugged and kissed, she will be missed."

I know it's not much of a song, but it was simple and sweet, just like
Fergie and I hoped she would appreciate it. I know the others did,
because they picked right on up on it and sang along.

Once we arrived, the butterflies settled on the Bridge and just about
everywhere there was free space to be had. It was like watching a
graceful wheat field, bending and flowing as the wind dances through
it, only more breath taking because it was a living, moving rainbow,
and we all stood I awe of it. A few minutes after we arrived, the
butterflies started to turn a soft shade of pink, and the Bridge began
to glow in muted tones of gold and white and I heard a slight
fluttering of heavier wings and we heard a slight "oooFtttt" and Bear,
still in practice mode, landed with a thump and a slight tumble and
then a less then graceful landing on his rather grand back side. The
girls began tittering like a flock of geese and Bear got up and did
this over exaggerated bow and then came across the Bridge and stood
by me.

"See it's the backpack that puts me off landing every single time." he
whispered, and then he turned slightly so I could see the camo backpack
he had on.

"Then maybe you should leave that at home when you go to practice." I
whispered back. He looked at me like I was nuts and said, "Are you
kidding, and leave my favorite blue blanket at home too? Forget that
nonsense, I'll learn to get the hang of it eventually, and besides, I
love it when I make my sisters laugh like that!"

More fluttering came and then I saw Frostman and Butter Boy and in
between the two was Fergie. She seemed dwarfed by these two, so small
and delicate, but then I saw the HUGE back pack she was dragging behind
her and I had to laugh. You could hear her telling the boys that she
could handle it on her own and stop asking her if she needed any help,
and that they would all have to wait and see what was inside of it.

After she got across, she let go of the bag and everyone crowded around
her to admire her lovely new coat of fur. Something I guess she had
been without for some time now, but as God always has it, we are made
whole and leave all sickness and pain behind. Even she admired herself,
she kept touching her arms and saying "Look, look, I have all of fur
back and I feel so good and so strong and I feel wonderful!", and then
she began twirling about like a miniature ballerina. When she finally
stopped, she looked up and saw everyone standing there smiling at her
and she jumped up and down and clapped her tiny paws and opened the
backpack up and began doling out the gifts she had brought for
everyone. There were treats and toys and more blankets then anyone
could imagine and they all smelled like home. There were pictures and
mementos and then she reached in and came back out with a large flat
parcel and came over and handed it to me. "My Grandma wanted to say
thank you, and I want to as well. You have given her the best gift in
the whole wide world simply by being here for us when we arrive and
letting her and Daddy know we got her safely, so thank you Pie!"

I carefully opened the package and in it I found, not just one or two,
but a WHOLE bag of red licorice whips in it ..... My VERY favorite
treat in the whole wide world!! I was so happy that I gathered Fergie
up in my arms and gave her a very big, squishy hug, because like with
all the other gifts she brought, this one came with a little bit of
love from home in it.

We spend the rest of that day, and well into the night enjoying our
gifts and looking over the pictures and talking about our most
cherished memories and when sleep finally took us over, we had taken
all of those special blankets and made a huge sleeping area for
everyone to pile onto, and then we went to sleep. The last thing on
everyone's mind that evening was their love for you and Daddy. So,
I am to tell you, straight from Fergie, Frostman, P.C., Butter Boy,
Mollykins, Nicky, Bizzy of the Butterflies, Hammie, Mama Hen, Savannah,
Bear, Dini, Princess and Ditto, "We love you, Grandma and Daddy. We
also miss you dearly, and promise to look in on you every single day
until you come home to us."

So until that day comes .........

In Love & In Comfort,

Pie O' Pah

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