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Wed, 10 Dec 2008 09:33:17 -0600
kat parsons <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (136 lines)
and, folks, i mean that literally!

ok...i have known "a time or three" when God has stepped in to keep
tommy and me safe...usually on a road trip...to see friends far
away...a ferret show...the symposium...family...whatever...He has
"arranged" for us to be late...or make a wrong turn....something you
are usually mad about at the time...right?...that ever happen to any
of you? ...THEN...when you get back where you are supposed to be...
or up to where you would have been had you left on time...there is
this horrendous accident that you just missed...or some such that you
may have been right in the middle of...if not for His delay...

i always stop and say a prayer right then...thanking Him...

well, yesterday [tuesday for those on the FML since this will be a day
later for you]...anyway...things conspired to keep me from my usual nap
in the afternoon...

i had an afghan i HAD to finish...so i made myself sit in the living
room...facing the big window....crocheting...

my sis was coming over to pick something up....again...i had to be in
the living room...

we visited...i crocheted...

Something made me look up...at the window....i thought it was a
kitten... running acroos on the windowsill....

but NO!!!!..THAT IS A FERRET!!!! i screamed at my sis... but MY ferrets
can not get out!!! no one else around here has ferrets that i know of

so we both jump up and go outside to look...she was faster than me...got to
the porch...and asked "Who is this?"

i looked..."IT'S SANDY !!!" again...i yelled...i was full in PANIC
MODE... she grabbed her...i called my husband and YELLED that sandy had
gotten out...and YELLED at him some more...poor tommy was at work...i
was in FULL PANIC MODE...now that Sandy was safe....go figure!

anyway...we went out to look to see HOW she could have gotten out...i
did not see a way on the inside right off...

tommy had worked on winter-proofing their window the day before...the
piece he put over the window was loose...came undone...

now...this is not exactly an easy window to get to...[on the
outside...only by ladder...yes..this is the first floor we are talking
about...] first she had to climb the radiator...THEN climb up the large
window a/c unit there...then grab on to the plastic covering the inside
of the window...which admittedly was not secure enough...[BAD tommy!]
...but she evidently got that, pulled herself up... climbed in BEHIND
it and pushed the 'protective' piece of wood that was over the window
on the outside...and then out on to the large a/c unit...and from
there...jumped to the ground...oh...say...8-10 feet
down?...sigh...luckily...we still have plenty of grass to soften that

i have NO idea how long she was outside...i never even knew she was
gone...now that i think BACK on the day...i do not remember her begging
tommy every 5 minutes to pick her up...

so...now i have to go count heads...did anyone go on this adventure
with her? can someone else be missing????

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-hmmmm...aren't there 8 in here?

let's try that again...1-2-3-4-5-6-7----8 there you are!   WHEW!!!!!
all there...

ok...so all safe and accounted for...

my sis found a piece of hard plastic and i screwed it over the inside
of the window...not big enough to cover the whole window...my windows
are 5 1/2 - 6 feet tall...but enough to foil our little excape

another amazing part of this...is God kept her safe...for however long
she was out there....be it 5 minutes or 3 hours....

IF she had gone to the back of the house and into the neighbors yard...
2 big dogs...

IF she had crossed our small side yard to the empty house next door...
the basement windows are broken out and at ground level...she could
have gotten in there and we might never find her...she would not have
been able to get back out...

IF she had gone into our own basement...well..we won't go there
either... the other neighbors have a female pit bull that runs loose
quite often...i saw her out just monday afternoon...loose...IF...thank
you, again, God!!!

but somehow...she went around front...up the front steps...into the
porch and up on the couch thing...and then UP ONTO THE WINDOW SILL...
walking across it in front of the window...for me to see her...

now...i have been making myself sick about this afghan not being
done... it is way late...the lady is being very patient with me...BUT
IF IT HAD BEEN DONE...IF i had not had to rip out 2 rounds of the trim
'cause i was not happy with it...I WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN SITTING THERE at
that time of day in the living room facing the window that sandy walked
across...i would have been upstairs reading or napping....

again...for the thousandth time since finding Sandy yesterday
afternoon... THANK YOU, GOD!!!!

i did not even know she had gotten out...i guess she wanted to show
off her new luxurious winter coat...who know....

all i know is she is back...safe and sound...and thanking God for it...

a grateful....
"Blizzard" products......profits to go to SOS
SOS Christmas Raffle IS OVER!!!
The Spring one starts Feb. 1st, 2009

**"Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some people will
  ever read!"
**Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. ... Leave
  the rest up to God.

[Posted in FML 6179]