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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0908 390 46 43_Bridge Greeters, please watch for Silverado13_Carol J [log in to unmask], 31 Jul 2009 2other shelters to that song, but
not the ferret one. Can anyone send me a link so I can post it? [...]41_19Mar200908:59:[log in to unmask] 0903 9628 29 36_Travis nomination for Animal Planet?12_Cindy [log in to unmask], 19 Mar 2009 18:59:43 -0800393_- Has Travis ever been nominated for Animal Planet's Hero of the Year
award? If not, maybe he should be. Here is the link to the site and
rules. I can't nominate him because I don't know him personally (one of
the rules-you have to know him or be acquainted with him). So how about
it... Robin, Wolfy, Alex, Renee, Suki,... anyone? Maybe all who know
him can nominate him. [...]39_19Mar200918:59:[log in to unmask] 0903 9658 39 37_SOS Easter Card Exchange SIGN UP [log in to unmask], 20 Mar 2009 09:38:18 -0700525_- The Easter Card exchange sign up is under way! This card exchange will
go towards the vet bill for Ferret with Soul(e) Shelter

It's really easy to sign up and LOADS of fun. Everyone loves getting
cards and letters in the mail... and who better to get it from than
from your FERRET FRIENDS! This is a wonderful Card Exchange for
everyone. It's not just fun receiving the cards..but sending them too
is loads of fun for everyone! Get your kids involved (hooman and furry)
make an evening of it! [...]46_20Mar200909:38:[log in to unmask] 0903 9698 15 9_Thank You14_Hallee [log in to unmask], 20 Mar 2009 12:40:45 -0700303_- Hello everyone,

I just wanted to thank everyone from Crafty Weasel Bedding who worked
on the wonderful bedding Great Lakes Ferret Rescue got today. It will
be put to good use. It is wonderful thing you all do.

Hallee Kuecken
Great Lakes Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 6278]54_20Mar200912:40:[log in to unmask] 0903 9714 15 23_Prostate Problem & [log in to unmask], 20 Mar 2009 16:12:13 -0400349_- Does anyone know which is better for shrinking the prostate:
flutamide or finesteride (propecia/proscar)?

My vet prescribed flutamide, but a vet I wrote to online said
finesteride was better.

If you've had experience with both, or are aware of any studies,
please let me know as soon as possible.

[Posted in FML 6278]40_20Mar200916:12:[log in to unmask] 0903 9730 47 62_Hello My Name is Mondo and I need you to pray for me [log in to unmask], 20 Mar 2009 13:44:07 EDT413_- Hello My name is Mondo,

I would like to ask you to pray for me. I am not feeling good. Mama is
going to take me to see the Doc, Doc on Tuesday. Until then please keep
me in your prayers.

I am 8 years old and Mama took me and my cage mate Runner in 3 years
ago from another shelter that was closing down. My cage mate Runner
since passed away. He was 7 when he crossed the bridge. [...]44_20Mar200913:44:[log in to unmask] 0903 9778 63 14_When to let [log in to unmask], 20 Mar 2009 17:01:45 -0400505_- Can anyone tell me the signs that a ferret is suffering from pain?

I know what it looks like if he's in extreme pain/discomfort, from a
near blockage incident years ago. He doesn't look like that now even
though he's had insulinoma for 2+ years, was recently diagnosed with
adrenal disease (though I thought he's had it longer but was told "no"
by a couple of vets) and probably has lymphoma, plus is nearly blind
from cataracts. Howev
Thu, 19 Mar 2009 19:27:55 -0400
text/plain (28 lines)
When I posted about the really colorful and fun newsletter you can get
from Ferrets Magazine online, I didn't give an url for those who want
to sign up. The funny part about it is that I specifically said that
at a glance one might not see that you have that option so you don't
ever miss new issues, contests, etc. Being a good friend and all
that ... I told you with a casual wave, "But it "is" there, just go
look for it". And went back giggling at Shenanay's bristle tail she
had running around. Sigh. Ferret people. SO easily amused.

Well, I woke up to a few nice requests asking me how to sign up.
This being one of them:
"Hey goofus, you didn't post the SIGN UP url for the newsletter to the
FML. (Flicking your nose.)"

"A" ... hmmm "A" ... who could "A" be? ::scratching my head::
What friend of mine ... hell of yours (all of ours)... has "A" as their
first initial? ::in my best valley girl talk:: Well, um, it's like
this is very difficult of me? 'Cause being a "goofus" and all that?
Does not allow like common sense into the scrambled eggs of which you
call my brains? So like, who are you? "A FMLer"? Oh crap. NOW you did
it. sigh. My brain just hemmoraged.


[Posted in FML 6277]