Thank you ALL for participating in this raffle and making it such a
success.... we raised $815.50 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PP#1.... #1023...Sacred Journey Print...Katie Carr
PP#2.... #2025...Deva's 2008 Ferret CD...Denise Cummings,Denise's
Delightful Dookers
PP#3.... #3016...Crocheted Sleepsack/Magazine...Dianna Desrochers
PP#4.... #4009...Sean & Rocky Mag...Dianna Desrochers
PP#5.... #5017...Fairy & Angel Cards...Olivia Brett
PP#6.... #6046...Buttwiggles Socks...Deb Carlson
PP#7.... #7005...Necklace & Earrings...Debra Ann Velie
PP#8.... #8008...Mazuri Gift Cert...Melanee Ellis
PP#9.... #9025...Deva's Ferret in the Park CD...Dianna Desrochers
PP#10...#10003...Path Valley Food...Katie Carr
PP#11...#11063...Totally Ferret Food...Renee Downs
PP#12...#12042...Fleece...Brandi L Pierce
PP#13...#13045...Krackle Sack & $10.00 Ferret Depot Cert...
Kathleen Collins
PP#14...#14002...Wedding Outfits...Katie Carr
PP#15...#15006...$30.00 Gift Cert [6 @ $5.00] Ferret Depot...
Jamie Rasmussen
PP#16...#16008..."Dookers, Dancers and Bandits" book...Clover Williams
PP#17...#17045...$50.00 Gift Certificate to
Melanee Ellis
PP#18...#18127...Rose's Bedding Set...Ardith Raine
the next SOS Raffle will start October 15th...or there abouts....
CONGRATS to all the winners!!!!!!
[Posted in FML 5719]