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Thu, 26 Feb 2009 21:50:29 -0500
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (94 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was playing with de kits
when all of a sudden she heard a knock at de cottage door. Isabel, one
of de kits, ran to open de door and found a visibly upset Mimi, de
little girl courier, with a note in her paw.

"SaraFerret, there has been an accident on earth and there is a group
of ferrets crossing the bridge. Here is the note. Do you want me to
fetch some of their family?"

I took de note and read it with a SIGH! and sent Mimi on her way to
way to get the family. I went to de entrance, but I didn't run at my
usual quick run.

But nevertheless, I was just in time to see de line of fire-singed
fuzzies slowly making dere way across de bridge. My, dere was so many
of dem. One by one dey gathered around me. I introduced myself to dem.

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering and you will run on green grass forever. And you will have
lotsa friends." (Den I realized dat dey were all surrounded by lotsa
friends and family. Oh well.)

Den A big DEW said, "I am Yogi, and I guess I is de spokesferret for de
group cuz Daddy always said I had every piece of his heart." A little
sable girl said, "I is Sweet Pea." Another fuzzy named Coco showed me
how he could play dead on command. (How cute! But I didn't have a treat
for him). PJ just wanted to have her adrenal problem taken care of
right den. Butters, de fat champagne, had his paw wrapped around Little
Dude--he said, "I am his big protector." Bindi Sue and Dakota seemed to
be de Mommas of de group and were trying to keep everyone moving along.
Especially poor little Odis who didn't much care for de other fuzzies
in de group. But den little Odis spoke up in a tiny voice, "Are Momma
Evelyn and Poppa Keith ok? I don't see dem anywhere."

I tried to reassure dem all and said, "Dey are ok. If dey were not, dey
would be dancing at de Bridge with you right now. However your house is
ashes now."

Den Yogi spoke once again, "Well, all I can remember is dat dere was a
kinda explosion and den a lot of heat and den we were here. But I don't
recall hurting all all. But now dat we are here can we get some new fur
and get rid of dis smoky stuff and all dis smell?

At dat moment, POOF! dey became like dey were when dey were adolescent
fuzzies and dey looked at each other in amazement. "Hey dat was pretty

Den I showed dem my wings. Butters said, "You know, I noticed dem, but
I just thought dey were just some sort of growth and I didn't want to
be rude, so I didn't say anything." So why do we need wings."

"Oh, I said, "We need wings to fly about de heavens. Sure beats hopping
from cloud to cloud."

So off we went down de garden path to de Wing House where de wings were
stored. We opened de door and managed to all squeeze inside and on de
counter were 25 boxes--of course. Each fuzzy took out his wings and we
helped him put on his wings and adjusted his halo. Each ran to de big
vanity mirror and gazed at his/her reflection. Den dey all turned to me
and said, "Gee I wished Momma and Poppa could see us now." Den I gots
and idea.

So we opened de door and went down de road to de Misting Pond and sat
down beside de cool clear water. With one swish we saw a vision of
Momma and Poppa appear with dere 3 fuzzies. All 25 began to wave and
dook with all of dere might.

"Momma and Poppa, we love you so much. Thank you for loving us. Thank
you for rescuing us. We don't hurt anymore. We has wings now and we
will be able to fly. We promise to visit you one day in your dreams."

Den dey began to throw kisses and hugs and wrapped dem with all of dere
love and laid dem on a very big shooting star which was headed to your
house and by de time you should read dis it should have landed dere.
And with another swish de vision was gone.

As we left dere, we were met by a large group from Father Nature"s
Cottage, carrying a banner: WELCOME TO DE BRIDGE". "How did dey know
we were coming?" asked Coco. "Oh we has our ways." I replied.

They all trooped down de road to a group of cottages where a large
feast was laid. Music was playing and fuzzies was dancing. I waved
goodbye and headed for home. I knew dey had no more need for me as
dey had now reached dere new forever home.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6257]