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Sat, 10 Jan 2009 00:30:36 +0000
Tara Radford <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (75 lines)
Hello again..... I just wanted to add updated info and stop the

I just talked to Lacy shelter mom who lost her shelter in the
horrible flooding in Washington State... The shelter was totally
destroyed.. She does not (nor did not) have renters or homeowners
insurance or insurance of any kind!!! People are assuming she did...
she does NOT!!

So far (and I say that because it rained a tiny but today and more
is expected both Saturday and Sunday ) her tiny rental home has been
spared but that could change any minute, the flood waters are only a
few feet away.. Lacy built the entire shelter herself, it was her own
blood, sweat,tears and cash that went into that dwelling for her loved

Her landlord and she had an agreement.. Anything that happens to the
shelter is HER responsibility not his... Its her building not his. He
and his wife feel horrible but it's not his responsibility. What does
that mean?? It means Lacy has to start over from ground zero... This
flood happened in a matter of hours.. being a one gal show she had no
time to relocate the ferrets food, liter, paper goods, bedding, cages,
everything a shelter needs to effectively parent 100 plus shelter
kiddos.. Lacy is just so very thankful she got to the ferrets in time..

Please remember Lacy is not an "asker" she is really
confused as to what to do or even say about this horrific situation...
That's why I'm posting again.. Please do not assume anything?? I'm
noticing on lists that erroneous info is being posted or suggested..
Its upsetting me and really upsetting Lacy.. She feels horrible about
this as it is... Ok more facts: 
1: no insurance.
2: shelter is destroyed and will have to be rebuilt from the walls
in and out...
3: approx 64 ferrets have been relocated. 
4: lacys really hurting mentally and doesn't have the first idea
where to start.
5: lacy is staying in the house but it is only a few feet from the
flooded shelter dwelling and the possibility of it flooding is a
6: she currently has 36 ferrets she is keeping for now but needs
fosters lined up "just in case".
7: lacy could use man power (or woman power) immediately to help
salvage things like the cages and help break them down. 
8: Lacy was able to take time off from her Sheriffs duties but it
is UNPAID.. The faster she gets this done the better..
9: her phone numbers once again are : 360-707-2739 or cell
10: she is able to take monetary donations by phone from either debit
or credit cards. This is fantastic!
11: if you are able to send goods (food, bedding, litter, gift cards
< Costco, Walmart, Lowes, Pet Smart > or anywhere online, etc...)
she can receive them at her moms home , send to.
Lacy Ruddell.
9281 Pulver Road.
Burlington, Washington 98233.

If you are unable to help in any of those ways how about a simple
card ??

I have known Lacy since she started sheltering almost 10 years ago at
the tender age of about 18.. I watched her become a Vet tech so she
could better care for her ferrets, put herself through college, watched
her become a sheriffs deputy and watched her endure endless health
problems all the while never asking for help of any kind and always
providing fantastic personal and vet care for the shelters who were
lucky enough to find her...;). She is 501c3 and her paypal addy is
the same as her Email [log in to unmask]

Thanks sooo much everyone and God Bless!!!!!!
Tara Radford and a very thankful Lacy Ruddell :).

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