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Wed, 12 Nov 2008 01:46:36 -0500
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (104 lines)
It was one of those days at de Bridge. SaraFerret was busy cleaning
up the cottage when she heard a knocking at the door. No use going
to it as he would come on in. Sure enough, the door opened and in flew
a very upset Dexter, de little boy courier with a note in his paw.
"SawaFewwet, he yelled, "Dis is a vewy important note and you has
messes up big time. You has miss a gweet and you is in big twouble.
A Mommy Sue wants you to gweet her fewwet when she cwossed and you
missed you and wow, is de Boss gonna be mad at you and boy, do I hates
to be you, SawaFewwet."

"Oh do calm down, Dexter," SaraFerret replied. "Your eyes are gonna pop
outta your head with de way you are getting so excited like dat. Just
hand me de note and let me read it."

She scanned de note and nodded her head and quickly figured out de
problem. She checked her notes and found her notes.. "See Dexter," she
said, "Now read what happened on October 27, 2008 and they both began
to read SaraFerret's writings for dat date"

It was a lovely day at de bridge. I was at de entrance as she had
received a message from de Boss dat a fuzzy was getting ready to cross
de bridge. (No message had come from her human so she knew dat no one
had requested a special greeting). Den I saw a little furless fuzzy
trying to make her way and Wowsie was she having a hard time. She
wandered back and forth until finally I just crept out dere and reached
out my paw to her and she grabbed hold of it and together we made it to
de entrance. Once dere, I introduced myself.

"Hi, I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering and you will run on green grass forever and you will be
able to see as you did as you did before you were sick."

The little fuzzy said, "Well I guess I just has to believe you. But I
don't see you yet--I can feel your fur. Oh wait a minute! I can see
you! Just now, I can see! I can see! And I have fur now! How did that
happen? I didn't have fur before. Oh by the way, my name is Krikit--yes
I know its a funny name, but my Mommy said I always bounced around just
like some cricket so she wanted to name me something cute and
different, not the usual fuzzy names. Do you know my Mommy Sue?"

I just smiled at Krikit and replied, "I have never met your Mommy, but
I have heard something about her from her fuzzies dat have crossed
before you. As to your fur and new eyes, things like dat always happen
at de bridge. And I will tell you something else you will get wings
like mine so you can fly about de clouds. It sure beats hopping from
cloud to cloud."

So we went down de path toward de Wing House where de wings were
stored. To her surprise dere was Keiko standing by de door and a
REUNION took place--guess she thought she was gonna be alone here. Den
we opened de door and on de counter was a big box (of coiurse). Krikit
opened de box and took out de wings--Hot Pink wing Silver Streaks
(perfect for a little fuzzy dat had been thru so much). Keiko helped
her on with her wings and I adjusted her halo. Den she ran to big
vanity mirror and gazed at her reflection and saw what a beautiful
fuzzy she now was, as beautiful as she had been when she was an

Den we went out de door and headed down de road and were met by her
business who were carrying a big sign, "Welcome to de Bridge Krikit".
"How did dey know I was coming?" she asked. "Oh we has our ways" I
replied. Den we headed to dere hourse where a party was planned.

As Dexter and I finished reading de notes, he just looked at me and
kinda shuffled off into a corner. "Dexter, where are you going? I told
you dat I had greeted dat fuzzy. I can't help it cause de greeting from
her human gpt shuffled into de wrong mailbox and I didn't gets it.

Oh nevermind, Dexter, I will take care of de rest of it. Thanks for de
note." And den he just flew off. (I thinks he was glad just to get off
so easy after he yelled at me).

So I headed over to Krikit's place and told all of dem dat I had a
special message from dere Mommy Sue. Krikit's eyes lit up and I
gathered all of them together. Lets see, who was dere--Stitch and
Jenner, of course Keiko, Bandit, Pepper, Max, Nipper, Timon, Toulouse,
Blanca, and Sammy. We all headed down de road to de Misting Pond and
sat down beside de cool clear water. With one swish, Krikit saw a
vision of her Mommy Sue and she began to wave and dook with all of her
might. "Mommy, I can see now. I have fur and I have wings and they are
pink with silver streaks. I love your Mommy. I will see you again one
day Mommy. Thank you for loving me." Den she started to throw hugs,
kisses, and promises and wrapped dem with her love and laid dem on a
nearby shooting star which was headed toward Mommy's house and by de
time she should read dis it should have landed dere. And with another
swish de vision was gone.

At de end of all dis, we left de Pond and we headed toward a fork in de
road. I hugged all of dem good bye. And I headed home. It had been a
long day and I was ready for bed.

Sometimes things get a bit confused at de Bridge but in de end all gets
straightened out.

It just goes to show dat fuzzies are in charge of dis place up here and
any place dat we are in charge of gets a bit messy once in a while.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6152]