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Sat, 25 Oct 2008 08:09:44 EDT
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I have eight little fuzzy luvs. Each has such a different personality.
They control me just like a puppeteer controls his puppet LOL.

Buddha-(the OLD man) name fits-He has always been the wise one that
keeps the rest under control, even when he was one of 14.

Topp-fits-he will whirl, spin and pop when he wants attention.

Gunny-fits- when he was a youngster-open the cage and he shot out the
door before you could blink. Has settled in his middle age.

Casper-fits-white as snow and sweet as can be. Not an aggressive bone
in his body.

Little One-fits-she is my tinniest, loves to be cuddled.

Patches-fits-she has white patches on her knees and elbows.

Peanut-fits as far as her color goes, as a baby she did not like to be
held but now she loves snuggling for a few minutes before wanting to
'splore the house.

Skeezer-fits-He is my fat boy, clown, hellion, white with dark stripe
down his back. He loves to play HARD.

Well, that is it for my babies today. I cannot even start to list those
that have crossed the bridge. I have had ferrets for 19 years now.
cannot even start to imagine being without them. They keep he hopping.

Terry and Eight Fuzzy Luvs

[Posted in FML 6135]