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Tue, 21 Oct 2008 21:37:15 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (111 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was spending her last day
of vacation resting in her cottage. De kits were playing with dere
toys and all was quiet. Then she heard a banging on de door. She knew
instantly who it was, so she didn't even bother to get up to answer
it. De door opened and in flew Dexter, de little boy courier.

"SawaFewwet, how comes you didn't answer de door wights away? I has an
message fwom de Boss. A fewwet is getting weady to cwoss de bwidge and
you has been off longs enough. You don't wants de Boss to get mad at
you, so you best get huwwy up and gets over dere."

SaraFerret was really laid back from her rest, so she just took de note
and read it and told Dexter to go on his way and she would take care of
de rest. With dat, she gave de kits a hug and sent Dexter out de door
and headed for de entrance.

I was just in time to see a wee white fuzzy with a heavy backpack
slowly creep across as though it was hard for her to see. I stood right
at de entrance in case my help was needed to dash to de middle to help
her. But no way, dis little feisty girl managed to get herself all de
way to me.

So I introduced myself, "Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter.
Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you
will have no more pain or suffering and you will run on green grass

Well, de little fuzzy replied, "I am Leizl and I belong to Mommy Joan.
Do you know her? I has been real sick, but I feel lots better now. Do
you think you can fix my eyes so I can see better?. I don't know anyone
here and I am kinda scared. Do you ever get scared I wish I could go
back home, but I know that I can't cause Mommy did kiss me bye when she
said bye but I wish I could see her again."

"Hmm. Leizl, you have lotsa questions. But dis is de place to ask.
First of all, I don't know of your Mommy personally, but I has greeted
one or two of her fuzzies before. I know dat your Mommy must be
wonderful. I was so scared when I first came here, cause I was de 
first fuzzy in my group to cross, but den I met lotsa new friends and I
wasn't scared anymore. You probably will see your Mommy later if you
are patient. As to your eyes--are you sure you are still having trouble

Leizl began looking around and everything was clear and bright as it
was when she was a kit and her insides no longer hurt anymore. It was
really some kinda miracle.

Den I asked her what was in her backpack and she looked at me
suspicious-like. "What do you need to know for? Don't you have any
secret things? " I replied, "Leizl, I won't take dem away from you, I
just wants to know what new fuzzies bring across. Its been a long time
since I was on earth and I likes to know what things are going on."
"Oh, if that's all, she answered. Then she unzipped her backpack and
took out a black string bag and her nappy sack and a small cloth bag
and held dem close to her.

"What is in de little cloth bag?" I asked. "Oh dese are all de hugs
and kisses dat Mommy gave me before I left her. She doesn't know
about dis little bag. So I can't open it or I will lose dem, Leizl
said. "I understand about de cloth bag," I replied. So she carefully
put everything into de pack and zipped it up again.

Den I showed her my wings. "You will get a pair of dese." I said. "Why
will I need those things," she replied. "Well, dey are great for flying
about de clouds. Sure beats hopping from cloud to cloud. Besides dey do
look kinda nice too. And once you get your flying lessons you will fly
like a bird."

So off we went down de path toward de Wing House where de wings were
stored. We opened de door and on de counter was a big box (of course).
She opened de box and took out de wings--Red with black edging--perfect
for a wee white weasel. I helped her put on de wings and adjusted her
halo. She ran to de big vanity mirror and gazed at her reflection and
smiled at de beautiful ferret she had become. Den she turned to me and
said, "Gee I wish Mommy could see me now." Den I gots an idea.

We opened de door and went down de road to de Misting Pond and sat down
beside de cool clear water. With one swish, Leizl saw a vision of Mommy
Joan appear. She started waving and dooking with all of her might.
"Mommy, thanks for rescuing me from the door of the pet store. Thanks
for loving me and holding me all of this time. I love you so much."

Den she started to throw hugs, kisses, and promises and wrapped dem
with all of her love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star which was
headed to Mommy's house and by de time you should read dis it should
have reached you. And with another swish de vision was gone.

On down de path we went. And dere in de trees was a banner, Welcome to
de Bridge Leizl". "How did they know I was coming?" she asked. "Oh we
has our ways," I replied.

And den to her surprise, she came into a clearing where dere was a
group of fuzzies who rushed out to meet her. "Hya Leizl, we are Mommy
Joan's ferrets who came before you. You aren't by yourself. See you
have a place here with us. We have a Wrecking Crew here. We have a
party planned." So we all went into de cottage and sure enough, dere
was iced cold pepsis, sweet iced tea, squirt cheese, crackers, soup,
chocolate ice cream, m&m''s, anything you could think of. Music was
playing. Wowsie, dis Crew really knows how to party. I was invited to
stay, but I knew I should head home. I gave de darling little white
weasel with de beautiful red wings with black edging a hug and headed
for my cottage.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Loveys and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6131]