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Wed, 20 Aug 2008 23:19:48 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (98 lines)
It was a rare day at de Bridge. It was rainy and SaraFerret just
decided to stay inside and play with de kits. After all, she was off
today and she had been so busy. She decided to just sort out things
and put dem away. Just de sort of thing she does when days are like
dis. Just den she heard a knock at de door and Serena, one of her
kits, ran to answer it.

In flew Mimi, de little girl courier, with de all important note. "Hi
SaraFerret, This is a note from the Boss. I know its your day off, but
this James requests that you greet his ferret, Max. And oh by the way
did you know it was just a bit wet outside."

SaraFerret already knew dat, as Mimi was wet and de note was damp. She
took de note and finished reading it and then with a sigh, she told de
kits to behave and sent Mimi to gather the other fuzzies. She ran thru
de raindrops and woudn't you know it, she found de only mud puddle in
de whole place and slid in it. Well, she looked really good to be
greeting but she continued on.

Just in time, a little boy fuzzy reached de entrance and de sun
came out and it shined so brightly and everything sparkled pretty.
SaraFerret just looked at herself and gave a big sigh and quickly
introduced herself.

"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering."

Well de little boy fuzzy said, "My name is Max and I belong to Daddy
James and he was so nice. But I has to asks you a question. Why are
you all muddy and wet looking? You look as though you went out and
played in the mud. And what are those funny things on your shoulders?
Do we get to go on road trips here. Do we get to climb on things
Do = we get chew toys and things like that?"

"Max, I replied. I know I don't look good right now, but dat is a
looong story. Sometimes we do get to play in de mud and I will show you
later and we do climb on things too. We have lots of fun and games and
lotsa treats too. But as to road trips, no road trips, but you will get
wings like dese things on my shoulders. Den de wonders you will see and
de places you will go. But first Let me go to a place so I can clean up
a bit before I get all yuckky for good."

So off we went down de path and SaraFerret saw a little house where she
asked Max to wait a moment and she dashed in and gave herself a quick
scrubby so her fur wouldn't look so ratty and returned to her looking
spic-and-span. Den dey arrived at de Wing House where de wings were
stored. Dey opened de door and on de counter was a big box (of course).
Max opened de box and took out de wings--Bright green with black
streaks--perfect for a courageous fuzzy. Just den, de door opened and
in ran his old friends Fred and Bebe. Oh he was so happy. I helped him
on with his wings and Fred adjusted his halo. Max ran to de big vanity
mirror and gazed at his reflection and saw what a handsome fuzzy he
was. Den he turned to me and said, "Gee, I wish Daddy James could see
me now." Den I gots an idea.

We went out de door and down de road toward de Misting Pond. We sat
down beside de cool clear water and with one swish he saw a vision
of Daddy James appear. He started waving and dooking with all of his

"Hi Daddy, I love you. I got wings now and I can travel everywhere now.
I got Fred and Bebe with me so I won't be by myself. Thank you for
loving me and thank you for helping me cross de bridge. I promise you
that I will visit you one day in your dreams and you will know it is
me by my fuzzy whiskers against your cheeks."

Den he started throwing hugs and kisses and wraped dem with his love
and laid dem on a nearby shooting star whch was headed to your house
and by de time you should read dis it should have landed dere. And with
another swish de vision was gone.

We turned on another path and den he saw a group of fuzzies he had
never met, Dey were holding a cardboard sign dat read "Welcome Max"
and den all started cheering.

"Who are dese ferrets?" He asked.

Well dey introduced themselves right away, dere was Jake, Riki, and
then there was Riley.

Dey all explained together dat dey had all come to de bridge way before
him but dey all knew Daddy James, so dey would all be one big family.
So we continued on to another place and Max's eyes got big and wide:
He saw de Otter Mud Slide and he knew dat it was climbing and sliding
heaven. Here he could climb and slide with no trouble and get all muddy
and have lotsa fun. We all stacked our wings as I figured, what de
heck, I might as well get muddy again. Den we all climbed up de big
log and took turns sliding down de big mud slide and oh mercy were we
muddy messes.

And so ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6069]