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Thu, 14 Aug 2008 06:21:25 -0700
text/plain (71 lines)
Sukie comments:

>Apparently, one FML member was confused by my reply to Kim, but
>others who realize that the latest thing that she wrote was merely a
>continuation of what has appeared elsewhere and other times (and which
>get forwarded to me now and then) understood and wrote to me privately.

So are people only allowed to say something one time and then never
again? I see plenty of Sukie's posts reiterating things she has posted
umpteen times before. Does anyone reply - oh this has been posted
before? Nope, because conversations and discussions often get re-hashed
and re-expressed. Often because some one new has entered the arena and
wishes to learn other people's points of view.

>using "Kimmie" is just something I do on very rare occasions when
>she misspells my name -- misspellings which she has never done any of
>the times she asked for my help

So now I am being taken to task for typos or misspellings ? Good grief!
I didn't realize Webster's Dictionary was necessary to post on the FML!
If there was an error in spelling it was NOT intentional as was Sukie's
deliberate repeated mis-use of my name. I am trying to enjoin an
intelligent discussion with a varying viewpoint and Sukie resorts to
childish name calling?
> (and I have given help including at least one all-nighter and and at
>least one almost all-nighter finding her info when ferrets were in
>real trouble:

Yes, I posted on the FHL seeking information when my ferrets were
sick - isn't that what the FHL was intended for? If Sukie took it upon
herself to spend all night dredging up links or information, that was
HER choice, NOT a direct request nor an expectation from me! I posted
to the LIST not directly to Sukie. My first post to the FHL about
Fozzy's insulinoma was Jan 20 at 10:13 am, Fozzy passed away in March
when I made my last post on that subject. Sukie responded only four
times; at 3:34 AM and 12:13PM on Jan 23rd, then at 2:06 PM and 5:45 PM
Jan 24th regarding Fozzy. Sukie made another 7 posts in the same 24
hour period to OTHER FHL posters also! There were many other posts
offering help from many other people besides Sukie!

I've spent many sleepless nights reading about ferret illnesses and
nutrition and history too. Does that mean I am not supposed to have
any discussions - because I've already read something?

>Do I get a bit peeved when someone I have helped turns around and
>takes digs at me? Well, does anyone?

Expressing a personal viewpoint that is contrary to what Sukie
believes is NOT a "dig" it is called a discussion, or a conversation,
or a debate, exchanging viewpoints, or at the very core its called
independent thinking ~ something I thought was part and parcel to
being an American!

I don't participate in public forums to be a troll or to wreak havoc
among members. I participate in public forums to exchange ideas,
express viewpoints, share experiences, get questions answered, offer
help, to learn, to disspell myths and allay fears, to offer comfort,
to share comraderie. And yes, very often the same topics get repeated.
Sometimes the second or third time around a topic branches out with
new thoughts and ideas or new references to research. That is why
discussions should NOT be stifled just because a viewpoint doesn't jive
with another person's viewpoint! Adults can discuss things without
resorting to name calling or diversion tactics!


[Posted in FML 6063]