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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0807 11308 70 21_interaction with [log in to unmask], 19 Jul 2008 11:07:15 -0400360_- We have to be smarter than the vets. If you want to know why they're
doing something, ask. If you think they should be doing something, tell
them. It's your pet. Vets don't know everything, and certainly not
about ferrets. Don't be afraid to af anyone is able to take these two girls please
let me know. My email is [log in to unmask] and my phone is
585-259-2831. There shouldn't be any charge for them and they have
a playpen and cage and toys. Please, somebody let [...]44_28Mar200819:34:[log in to unmask] 0803 15786 124 25_Loss of my special babies14_Joelene [log in to unmask], 28 Mar 2008 10:31:41 -0800419_- It has been some time since I have been able to read the FML, my hard
drive bit the dust and it took a month for the Geek Squad to step up
and fix it properly. I left Las Vegas with 16 fuzzies over half sick
with one or both of the dreaded diseases they seem to get. I sadly now
only have 5 babies left. I lost five while in the Reno area and seem
to be doing well after returning to my hometown. [...]38_28Mar200810:31:[log in to unmask] 0803 15911 56 35_Loss of one of my McKids... Goliath15_Michele [log in to unmask], 28 Mar 2008 09:58:39 -0700596_- I haven't been able to bring myself to write this email before now-but,
I think it's something of which people need to be aware...(regarding
the DMK Kids)

I lost my little man, Goliath on Wednesday, March 19. He was among the
first 12 McKids that came to Massachusetts.

Over the weekend I noticed that he had lost some weight (which, in New
England is perfectly normal this time of year) and he wasn't acting
totally himself--so, I was keeping an eye on him. He wasn't getting
worse, but he wasn't getting better-so, on Wednesday I made an appt
with his [...]44_28Mar200809:58:[log in to unmask] 0803 15968 62 54_In Memory of Carol Simeon "Ferret Lady Extraordinaire"15_Denise [log in to unmask], 28 Mar 2008 19:29:13 -0700388_- The ferret community lost a very special lady and I lost a wonderful
ferret mentor and very special friend Thursday, March 27th at 3:40am,
because of a freak car accident on Hiway 18 in Auburn, WA. Her older
model Lincoln Continental (which we called a "land yacht") slipped on
ice and she proceeded to hit a State Patrolman's car...killing her
instantly. [...]45_28Mar200819:29:[log in to unmask] 0803 16031 53 24_Any idea on the breeder?12_Sara [log in to unmask], 28 Mar 2008 10:50:27 -0400361_- Dear fellow FML'ers,

Having worked in the pet and shelter industry before moving to the VI,
I have definitely noticed a trend in characteristics associated with
certain ferret breeders. Reading yesterday's FML with the post about
the Rainbow ferrets has prommpted me to ask you all, who are located
across the country, for some input. [...]46_28Mar200810:50:[log in to unmask] 0803 16085 33 12_Liver Cancer15_Torrie L [log in to unmask], 28 Mar 2008 18:17:29 -0400544_- Hi,

I am new to the FML and haven't posted yet. I brought one of my
little girls in today Kali because she had a swollen abdomin. She has
been acting fine. Eating, drinking, active, going to the bathroom all
normal. After running a few tests the vets found that she had a very
big mass in her liver. They told me it is most likely cancerous. I
won't know for sure until they get the tests back. They said they have
never seen anything like this in a ferret. It came on very quickly and
aggressively. If it is [...]46_28Mar200818:17:[log in to unmask] 0803 16119 50 23_Problems Drinking [log in to unmask], 29 Mar 2
Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:03:17 EDT
text/plain (62 lines)
Hello Everyone,

I wanted to drop a note before I forget with an address where I will
be. So many have asked for it and I can't remember who all did so
sending it to all of you.

This will be my address for at least 3 or 4 weeks starting Monday.

Helen M. Wojciechowski
Western PA. Hospital
4800 Friendship Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15224.

The first three days I am there I will be in short stay. After that I
will be admited into the main hospital. Then I will have a room number
and a phone.

I also have a care page here is the link if any of you would like to
check it out..or read updates as they are posted.

CarePages.com | Support and Community for Coping with Illness_
I think all you do is type in my name not sure how it works.

I am praying my lap top will work so I can email and read emails. I am
trying to figure out how to close down my eamil box and just get email
from certain people right now because I just can't handle all the mail
I am getting. If I don't figure out how to close it AOL will shut it
down when it hits 1000 pieces of mail.

For those of you that have me on mailing list please take me off until
further notice. My ferret email has 939 pieces of email in it. I just
can't seem to get it caught up with being in and out of hospitals. To
FML Group should my mail shut down remember I still want to get mail so
please don't take me off the list. I was trying to figure out how to go
on no mail with it until I get out of the hospital but couldn't figure
it out so I left it alone.

My HM105 email has 319 in it. It is the one I use for my Prayer groups
that I belong too. I was going to send this out over the weekend but
was afraid I would forget.

Remember one thing while I am gone you will be free of me and all
my mail for quite some time now LOL :-) Unless I can get my lap top
working hehehehehe. Still I won't be sending out very much.

Also never forget that I love each and every one of you and I do pray
for all of you.

To all my ferret groups I pray all the fuzzies stay healthy and well..
Peggy your address was full I hope you get this on Prayers For Pets.

God Bless Each and Everyone of YOU

Hugs Love and Prayers Always

[Posted in FML 5925]