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Sat, 12 Jul 2008 22:37:12 -0500
SaraFerret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (95 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge; de sun was shining and cool breezes
was blowing softly. SaraFerret had been playing with de kits and was
just tired. Si she just decided to lie down across de entrance to de
Bridge. Of course de alarm bells would always sound when a fuzzy as
criss and of course de courier would always drop a note to notify her.
ALWAYS. SaraFerret wasn't sleepy at all, but she wanted to rest for a
bit and slowly her eyelids began to close and before you could say
FERRET! she was in a deep sleep. A short time later, Dexter, de little
boy courier, flew up to her, with de all-important note announcing dat
a fuzzy was getting ready to cross de bridge. BUT he decided not to
wake her (for de first time in his life) and just laid de note on her
chest, probably thinking to hisself dat for sure de alarm bells would
wake her in time. So guess what happens. Dey malfunctioned.

All of a sudden, SaraFerret felt herself being shaken by someone and
she awoke to a little boy fuzzy asking her a question. Are you ok? My
name is Robbie. I was sick, and I got lost crossing dis bridge thing
and now I can't find my way home and I know dat my owner is gonna be
real upset. Can you help me? Oh yeah and dis piece of paper fell off
you. And he hands it to her.

Well, she was wide awake then and on her feet in an instant. (SHOCK AND
AWE--what would de other greeters think of her--embarrassment yet). I
quickly introduces myself to Robbie, I am SaraFerret and I am one of de
bridgegreeters. Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. You are not lost, Robbie.
Dis is your new forever home. You were very sick and your time on earth
was done. But here you will have no pain or suffering. You will run on
cool green grass forever and have lots of friends and treats. There are
some rules but not many. You are surrounded by constant love here as
you were on earth.

Robbie said but won't my owner wonder where I am at? After all I didn't
tell my person bye. And I don't know anyone here. How can I have any

Robbie, I said. I will tell you something, when I came here, I didn't
know anyone. I was de first ferret of my group to come and I got to
know lotsa fuzzies right away. You won't be lonely I promise. As for
your owner we will take care of that later and you do feel better
don't you.

Well, Robbie admitted he felt a whole lot better in fact he felt great.
His stomach didn't hurt and even de zipper seemed to have disappeared.

And den he noticed my wings and he said what are dose things on your

I said dese are wings for flying about de heavens. Sure beats jumping
from cloud to cloud. Dat got him to laughing.

Do I get dose, he asked.

Well of course you do.

So off we went down de path to de Wing House where de wings were
stored. We opened de door and on de counter was a big box marked
"ROBBIE". He opened de box and tooked out de wings--Lavender with
black streaks. Perfect for a courageous fuzzy.

Den we left dere and went down de road to de Misting Pond and sat down
beside de cool clear water. With one swish Robbie could see a vision of
de One he cared for de most and he started waving and dooking with all
of his might. Hey look at me. I have wings. I can even fly. I feel so
good now. I love you so much. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for
taking care of me. Thank you for everything. Then he started throwing
hugs, kisses, and promises and wrapped dem with his love and laid dem
on a nearby shootig star which exploded into two stars so one could go
to his owner and one could go to scott who was so nice to him. And with
another swish de vision was gone.

As we wandered on down de road, we saw a group of fuzzies carrying a
big banner. Robbie wondered what it said and ran ahead to see. And to
his surprise, it read: Welcome to the Bridge ROBBIE.

How did dey know I was coming? he asked.

Oh I guess we has our ways, I replied. Den all de fuzzies turned around
and began to introduce demselves:---of course dey leave the banner
against the trees first. Dere was Bubba, Bodie, Blizzard, BonBon, Pal,
Flower, Max and starring ABBA herself de dancing queen. High-fives all
around and slap tails. It seems that Robbie had made new friends. A
war dance was started by Abba and de rest danced. In fact I think they
snake danced clear to dere cottage as dats de last I saw as Robbie
waved 'bye' to me.

Oh gee I hopes de Boss isn't too upset with me. Den I hear de Big Voice
say, SaraFerret, Its Ok, I know its just one of those days at the

Loveys and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6030]