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Sun, 22 Mar 2009 17:36:51 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
There have been too many cases of them getting under the brake pedal or
gas pedal when those were needed in an emergency. The result -- even
when the ferret is squashed -- has been dead ferrets AND car accidents.
Those would have been such easily avoided accidents and deaths by just
putting the ferrets into a carrier in the first place.

>Yesterday you posted an FLO telephone intercept that had me describing
>a ferret bite to Sukie as being " just on the inside of my big toenail
>and also directly underneath on the fleshy bottom."

Besides which, of course, it never happened. The last time I had a
bite from any of the ferrets was ages ago, and that includes broken up
fights between Morney and Pivot (which sadly still happen many days).

Now, what HAS happened recently, including 5 minutes ago was that I was
Poofed by Pivot for breaking up the fight, and yes my feet are among
the stinky parts of me now, so maybe Edward was thinking of that?

Me getting bitten is just a fiction Edward was trying out. Maybe a
story would be better told with chickens instead of real people if
bites are involved? Opps, sorry Hebert! Didn't mean to scare you.

Now, years ago we had a ferret who would GENTLY cradle my big toe in
her mouth when she was ill or in pain to let us know, but that was
long ago. She was a famous ferret, too, who was often on All Things
Considered because she was in love with, Richard Harris, their main
science reporter's voice -- absolutely, totally, irrevocably in
complete love with his voice. The speakers boxes got many kisses and
she danced so much when he spoke. So, Meeteetse was on National Public
Radio about 4 or 5 times, including her obituary when she passed away
well into her 8th year. In her final months she was having us hold her
up to the speaker so that she could kiss him when he came on the air.

I don't know when Alexandra was last bitten or poofed.

Personally, I think that FLO is working on a flying saucer again. Just
my guess...

Alexandra being draft horse (by her own admission) explains why she
knits such big hats.

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:

[Posted in FML 6280]