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Sun, 11 Jan 2009 22:58:49 -0500
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (108 lines)
It was one those days at de Bridge. SaraFerret was just plain tired
and resting in her hammie. She had been sooo busy greeting fuzzies
crossing--dere mustve been some kinda epizzotie going on down dere.
All of a sudden, she heard a tapping at her door. "No use trying to
pretend it will go away," she thought to herself. She got out of her
soft hammie, stretched and trotted to de door. She opened de door and
dere stood Mimi, de little girl courier, with a note in her paw.

"SaraFerret, I know you are not supposed to be on duty but this is a
special request from this person. This ferret is getting ready to
cross the bridge. Do you want me to fetch the other ferrets?"

I took de note with a SIGH and read it and sent Mimi on her way and
raced for de entrance. I was just in time to see a little dark-eyed
fuzzy peeking around de post at de entrance. So I introduced myself.
"Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow
Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have no more pain
or suffering and you will run on green grass forever."

The little fuzzy looked at me and said, "Well my name is Gigabyte, but
Daddy always called me Gigs. Do you know my daddy? I had been feeling
sick for a long time but I really didn't want to let daddy know--you
know how us ferrets are, but then I just couln't hide it anymore. Then
Daddy took me in his arms and said I shouldn't be afraid; that I should
get ready for my next brand new adventure and that I would see a lot of
my friends here. So here I am. But to tell you the truth, I am just a
bit nervous about new things."

I replied, "Gigs, I have heard of your daddy as I have greeted some of
his fuzzies. We all get nervous about new things so I don't blame you
one bit. Your daddy was so good to tell you that you were going on a
new adventure as this will be the best adventure of your life, but you
will see things here you have never seen before. Don't you feel much
better now? Oh and by de way why is your secret backpack shaped so
funny--what are you carrying?

Gigs answered, "Oh, I swiped one of Daddy's cds since he said I was
gonna see my friends here, so I managed to stretch it to fit."

"Gigs" I asked, "D'ya need some help unzipping dat pack and getting
dat cd out?"

She nodded her head yes. So I carefully unzipped her pack and looked at
de cd title (Den I understood why she had taken de trouble to get it,
but I could feel a slight migraine coming on at de thought of how many
times in de future we were gonna hear it). So I asked her if she just
wanted me to hold it instead of stuffing it back into her pack since
her fur and skin seemed to have moved back into place. She once again
nodded yes.

Den I asked her if she noticed my wings and she kinda looked at me
funny. "Wings?" she said. I pointed to the things on my shoulders and
said, "These are wings and you will be getting your very own pair--
they are so great for getting around--perfect for flying from cloud to

So off we went down de path to de Wing House where de wings were
stored. We opened de door and on de counter was a big box (of course).
She opened de box and took out de wings--Hot Pink--perfect for a
dark-eyed white. I helped her on with her wings and adjusted her halo
and she ran to de big vanity mirror. She gazed at her reflection and
saw how beautiful her fluffy white fur was and how her dark eyes
flashed. Den she turned to me and said, "Gee I wish Daddy could see
me now." Den I gots an idea.

As we went out de door, there was a large group of fuzzies dere to meet
her--some who she knew (Abba, Bubba, Blizzard, Bodie, BonBon, Flower,
Beeper, Max, Bonnie, PAL, Clyde, Casio, and Bounder). Den she knew dat
Daddy had been right, dat really her friends were here to meet her. So
off we all went down de road to de Misting Pond. We sat down beside de
cool clear water. With one swish, she saw the vision of Daddy Scott and
her sis Wing Nut appear. She started waving and dooking with all of her

"I love you Daddy. Thank you for loving me. You were right--this place
is beautiful here. I am sorry I swiped your cd. You were so wonderful
letting me go when I didn't feel good anymore. I have wings now and
soon I will be flying around. Daddy, some of my friends are here and
you were right, there is cool green grass here."

Den she started to throw hugs, kisses and promises to visit him one
day in his dreams and wrapped dem with all her love and laid dem on a
nearby shooting star which was headed to your house and by de time you
should read dis it should have landed dere. Den with another swish de
vision was gone.

We went down de path to dere cottage where de party was planned. But
den Gigs asked me a question, "Gee what happens if there is no way to
play this thing." I replied, "Gigs, trust me we have cd players at de
bridge." Dere was food and drink laid out and music was playing. But
den I handed Gigs her cd and she put it on and all of a sudden, fuzzies
listened up. The music poured out to every nook and cranny of de
ferret bridge it seemed. Fuzzies came from far and wide (OK--I am
exaggerating), only a few hundred. What was de cd title--everyone
wanted to know? Why it was de GREATEST HITS OF ABBA! And Gigs was de
star and was dancing up a storm--she had at last discovered her own
special dance. Someone handed me a tamborine--I shook it for a while.
Den I handed it off and slipped out of dere and headed for home.

So ended another greeting at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,

SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6211]