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Tue, 11 Nov 2008 11:34:11 -0500
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As I write this post I'm filled with a bit of sadness at the need for
it. I would like to reach out to you all again and ask you to please
sign up for SOS's Thanksgiving Card Exchange.

The idea is simple, you sign up and will receive a small list of
shelters to send a Thanskgiving Card to. As simple as that, a card
giving them thanks.

Think about it, a card thanking them for all they do. All they do
everyday. Think about what they do everyday, on their own, day after
day. Think about how easy it would be to feel alone in their efforts,
with each new rescue bringing discouragement of the human race. How
simple to show them that we all care, that we are thankful for what
they do, that they are not alone in their struggle.

I know most of us are very busy. And I truly know from the response
that the ferret community gives in times of special need and all
through the year, how much we all care. Please, take this bit of time
to brighten a shelter operator's day. To send them the thanks they
deserve. I wish we could show them every day, I wish we did show them
everyday. But please, on this special day, let's show them together.
It's time for giving thanks.

This is the last day to sign up. Please e-mail Joanne of SOS at
[log in to unmask] . It's as simple as that.

Thank you

[Posted in FML 6152]