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Sat, 11 Oct 2008 21:31:38 -0500
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After fixing the escape route, I noticed that Isadora would return to
it frequently. I also noticed she was more interested in getting to the
outside. But, I was now on my guard and NOBODY was getting past me! At
least not for another week!

Eight days later I allowed Issy and Duncan to play in the garage. I had
disassembled the pen and taken it down south where I am working three
days/week. I went out and re-assembled it and let the ferrets out to
play. Well, I forgot to close one of the spots and didn't notice it.
Issy & Duncan wanted to go in and they are safe in the garage. So, I
put Odie & Skitch in the back yard and watched them, but let Issy &
Duncan play inside. It was time to put up the boys, so I picked them up
and took them to the cage. I started to call Issy and Duncan and they
didn't answer. Now, Duncan's deaf, but Issy is pretty reliable about
coming when called. When nobody came and they were not in the usual
sleep spots, I started a search -- they were NOT in the garage! Where
could they be?

Looking along the only place they COULD have escaped, I found another
golf ball sized escape route! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Not again! I went
around back and heard something under the deck. I stomped on it and ran
to the only opening under it -- there was a little champagne snout
poking out at me. She allowed me to pick her up and I just thanked God
she was alive and safe! But, what about Duncan? He is deaf! Today is
garbage day and he can't hear the truck -- or the dogs -- or, or . . .
I was afraid he would wander into a yard with dogs and then I heard
them barking at something! I ran across the street looking for the
cause of their barking. It was a squirrel! Looking at the green yards,
I was not able to see the albino form against it. As I headed into the
back yard again to start an organized search -- I am getting WAY too
much experience at this -- there is Duncan, walking along the edge of
the flowerbed, sniffing the pavement. "Thank you, Jesus!" I pick him
up and place him inside in his cage and count the ferrets once again!
One. Odie. Two. Skitch. Three. Isadora. Four. Duncan. I need a nap!

Escape artists -- Lessons learned

Yes, there is some good that comes from all this. Let me share what I
have learned.

First, NEVER underestimate the determination of a ferret! If they want
something, they will go for it. The first missing ferret I ever read
about was in a cage in a bedroom in a house. It escaped the cage, got
past the bedroom door barricade, jumped the barricade to the kitchen,
went through the doggy door and dug under a backyard fence to escape.
I doubted it, but not any more!

Second, NEVER become complacent. If you have your ferrets outdoors,
expect them to try to escape. Do absolutely nothing but watch the
ferrets. And, don't have anymore out than you can watch at one time.
(I ask, how many can I round up fast in a disaster?)

Third, NEVER give up looking. They will probably be near the house.
And, the more you look, the more you get to share with neighbors about
ferrets. It increases your chances of your ferret's safe return.

Fourth, NEVER give up hope. It keeps you focused and positive. And,
when you least expect it, your hope will keep you afloat.

Fifth, DO anything you can to make people aware you are missing a
ferret. Put out posters with a picture and contact info on it.
Personalize it -- give your ferret's name and make them WANT to help
her home. Put out a carrier or cage with food and familiar smells. If
you have a live trap, use it! Retrace your steps many times. Your
ferret may be hiding right under your nose. Ask for help. You never
know when your ferret may head into the path of a car, an animal or an
open drain. If your neighbors have dogs, let them know that even if
they find their dog found your ferret first, you want to know. I can't
blame a dog for being a dog, but I do want to know what happened to my

As Winston Churchill said, Never, Never, NEVER give up! To those of you
who ever need this info, best wishes. I sincerely hope you never do.

Renee Downs
"Eventually we will realize that if we destroy the ecosystem we destroy
 ourselves." Jonas Salk
"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." Amelia Earhart
It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets the
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)
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International Ferret Congress
American Red Cross

[Posted in FML 6121]