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Wed, 20 Aug 2008 00:33:15 -0400
From: Pie O' Pah At the Bridge <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (154 lines)
Dear Mommy, Nanny & Daddy,

What I love, more then anything else, is the time I get to spend with
all of my brothers and sisters up here. We try to get together at least
once a week, busy schedules permitting, and having a fun and relaxing
day. So we packed some yummy snacks into our backpacks, as well as a
half a dozen soft blankets and then hiked our way of to Ferretone Falls
for the day. It was warm and lovely and oh so very blue out, and being
the happy bunch we are, we invited everyone we saw along the way to
come and join us.

By the time we arrived I bet you there were nearly a hundred of us in
all! It was amazing to see so many fur kids in one place, and being
fuzzits, we are very good at making plans for getting here, but not
nearly as good at getting things organized once we arrived. Then over
all of the dooking and poofing we could hear a clear and very regal
voice speak out and everyone paused to listen. In the midst of of all
of the wonderful furry faces, there stood this petite and graceful
albino girl. I'd seen her around before, and have to admit I have a
slight crush on her as well ..... so *I* knew her by site, and it was
the ever popular, the always so darn beautiful Sno-Vicious!

Well she whipped that picnic into shape, and in no time we were
relaxing on a blanket covered mountain side, enjoying a lovely buffet
of craisins and raisins, chew weasels, foamy fries, chicken, red
liquorice and quite a few other yummy treats AND waiting for a chance
to snorkel some of that Ferretone. We played Hide-n-go-Dook and Pin the
Tail on the Woozle and we talked and shared and simply enjoyed the day.
My favourite part of it all was this sable fuzzit with a funny speckled
nose who had packed a tube of Coke in his back pack, can you believe
that? A WHOLE tube of the stuff! He just lay there on his blanket and
chugged that soda like it was going out of style. I remember standing
there with my brother Raphael laughing at the site of it and then Sno
walked up and asked what we were chuffing over, and I pointed him out.

"That's my brother Pooh. Ain't he grand?" and she giggled.

I have to tell you, I was so enamoured with this lovely lady fuzz, and
I was certain she could tell I was turning pink all over and under my
white coat, so I did my best to play it casually. Thing is, as I was
about to pull off some smooth reply, my brother Hobbes came up the hill
panting and yelling and waving an all too familiar courier's bag at me.

"I found you!! It took me only forever to find out where you went!" and
then he looked around and added, "And why wasn't I invited?"

I assured him that he had been. That invitations HAD been sent out,
and his was at the top of the pile, so I know he had been on the list,
but he's a stubborn fuzz and who truly enjoys grumbling, so I let him.
Naturally he grumbled some more while fishing out my next assignment,
and as he did a small, and distinctly familiar creme coloured envelope
fell out as well. I casually stooped down and picked it up and handed
it to him ..... face first so he could see the beautiful calligraphy I
had used to address each and every envelope ..... and then he quickly
grabbed it out of my hands and called me a wise-butt weasel .... but I
saw the huge grin on his face and he turned away to read it.

I remember Raph asking me who was arriving, and could he come along,
and then I unrolled the scroll and read the name written on it.

"His name is Blaise and guess what, he's a big handsome silver mitt
like yourself!", and I showed him the snap shot that was included.
Sno leaned over and asked me if she could see as well, so I showed
her, and it was nice because it meant I got to stand closer to her.

"That's my brother, my brother is coming!", she happily exclaimed and
then she called out to the pile of lounging fuzzits and three of them
perked their ears up and came right on over. One of them was the Coke-
a-Cola guzzler Pooh and the other two were sable gents she introduced
to me as Michael and Rocky.

"We need to find Lucy and Holly, and we need to make sure we all look
our best, and we to get going now!" and off she ran!

She was so quick that she made my head spin and she was gone and out
of my sight just like that! Lucky for me, Pooh needed to cap that tube
of soda and stash it his back pack, so I had him to follow to find
Lucy and Holly. I asked about you and mom and dad. I also got to hear
about Aiden, a single boy with an apparent harem all of his own, which
consisted of a bevy of beauties ..... (Cracker, Nellie, Scarlett,
Princess, Anna Belle, Alexis and the darling Rhiannon Maggie!)

We managed to make it down to the bottom of the falls without a single
stumble and also managed to catch up with Sno and the others and off we
went in search of Lucy and Holly. Holly was the easier of the two to
locate, as we found her smack dab in the middle of a big pile of shoes.
I remember that she kept going on about not being able to find a shoe
large enough for her to consider "stash worthy", and how none of them
seem to fit the bill, and Sno told her that Blaise was soon to arrive
and she dropped everything she was doing to come along with us. She
told Sno that Lucy had gone down to Murphy's Field to watch the baby
kits learn how to fly and that she had plans to drop by the Viewing
Pool later on that afternoon.

And we were off again!!! It didn't take all that long to find Lucy, but
what did take nearly forever, was all of the primping and grooming Sno
insisted we get done before Blaise arrived ..... that and she also
insisted that we had to put together a backpack full of balls so Blaise
would have a "Welcome to the Rainbow Bridge" gift when he got here....
she was so bossy and I liked it!

It was just starting to pink up in the sky as we headed towards the
Bridge .... fireflys were beginning to make their early evening
appearance and the night blooming jasmine was eagerly awaiting for
twilight to take its bow so it could release it's heavenly scent into
the night. We walked along and spoke of love and family and of all the
things we deeply cherish and at the top of everyones list is always
musings of our parents and of the homes they lovingly created for us.

How love is the best reward ... notice I didn't say treat?

It was Holly who sensed him first, and she pointed to the far side of
the Bridge, "I can feel him coming and look, it's like the Bridge is

She was right, he was coming, but the glow was not coming from the
Bridge, but from Blaise himself. I want to say he looked like he was
larger then life, but the truth is, and as you well know it, he simply
IS large! Then a light wind came up and ruffled the fur on the top of
his head and made it's way down his back and he stopped and smiled. He
seemed to be enjoying a private moment that was meant only for him,
but it wasn't too long before he placed his first paw on our side of
the Rainbow and Sno and the others rushed to him to give him a proper
welcoming. There was so much dooking and war dancing and kissing and
hugging that I didn't have time to even get in a welcome word in edge
wise, so I just stood by with Raphael and we just enjoyed the show.

Afterwards and as we were headed to the Viewing Pool, I had a chance
to properly welcome Blaise. I asked him how he was feeling and he told
me he felt great, that as he arrived he had carried with him the very
last moment that the two of you shared together.

He said, " he lay there with me, talking to me, telling me just how
much she loved me and that I should look for my brothers and sister's
when I got here. I heard everything she said, but for me the very best
part was the comforting sound of her heartbeat that carried me along
here, because it was filled with so much love. And when I arrived,
that is before I came on over, I felt her hands holding me close and
ruffling my fur and saying goodbye, and all I could think was, it's
not forever, I will get to see you again."

He looked right at me when he said that part about seeing you again and
I assured him that's exactly what will happen when the time is right,
but for now, we have this wonderful place where we can look upon you
as often as we would like, and do you know what he did?

He wagged his tail.

In Love & In Comfort,
Pie O' Pah

[Posted in FML 6068]