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Tue, 5 Aug 2008 01:30:34 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (93 lines)
It was late at nite at de Bridge. SaraFerret had decided to let the
kits stay up late and play as she knew that she wasn't on duty. The
kits finally wore out so she plopped dem in dere hammies. She yawned
and climbed into her bed to sleep. She had just begun to doze off when
she heard a tapping at de cottage door. So she stretched and started to
get up, but de kits beat her to de door. In came Mimi, de little girl
courier with a note.

"Sorry to bother you, SaraFerret. I know that it is your day off, but
it seems that Father Nature has lost another ferret and he has asked
for you. See, its all in dis note and this ferret is getting ready to
cross de bridge." She handed me de note and I read thru it. Sure
enough, it said, SaraFerret, please greet my fuzzie. So I asked Mimi
to contact de other fuzzies and I headed for de entrance.

I was just in time to see a light champagne frail little boy slowly
making his way across de bridge and MERCY! was he having a time of it.
But as he reached de entrance he began to perk up a bit. He looked
around a bit and saw me.

I introduced myself, " Hi, I am SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter.
Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you
will have no more pain or suffering. You will have lotsa friends and
treats and run on green grass forever."

Den he said, "My name is Murray and I was at Father Natures place and
I guess I has been on a long trip. All I remember is that Mommy was
holding me cause I had been so sick and then I wents to sleep and den I
started across this long bridge thing. That thing is really wobbly, you
know. But I don't feel so bad now. But I remember Daddy saying that I
was going to go somewhere and it would be awhile before him and Mommy
could see me again and I felt so sad and they were sad too. But I felt
really lousy. Is this really my new home? You mean I won't have to go
anywhere else? This is really it? But I don't know anyone here. It will
be lonely without Monty and all de other fuzzies at home."

I put my paws on his shoulders and reassured him, "Murray, trust m dere
are fuzzies here dat you know and dere are other fuzzies dat came from
your Mommy and Daddy's place. And yes dis is your new home and you will
never have to go anywhere else."

Den he asked another question, (New arrivals are always full of
questions). "Do you have trucks at de Bridge? Daddy always took me
riding in de truck so I could try to look out de window?

I replied, "No Murray, we don't have trucks, but we have something
even better. Do you see these wings on my shoulders. These are made
for flying thru de clouds. You can feel de wind thru your ears and
thru your fur."

"Really?" He replied. "Yes, really. I answered. Every fuzzie gets a
pair of wings."

So off we went down de garden path toward de Wing House where de wings
were stored. We opened de door and on de counter was a big box (of
course). He opened de box and took out de wings--black-tipped with
gold inserts--sorta like one of dose monarch flutter-byes. I helped him
on with his wings and adjusted his halo and he ran to de big vanity
mirror. He gazed at his reflection and saw de handson light champagne
fuzzie in de prime of his life dat he had been. He turned to me and
said--"Gee I wish Mommy and Daddy could see me now." Den I gots an

We opened de door and went outside. When what to his surprise: Blondie
Boy and Princess, his friends were dere and dey hugged and danced in
welcome. So on we went on down de road to de Misting Pond and sat down
beside de cool clear water. With one swish we saw a vision of Mommy
and Daddy appear. He started waving and dooking with all of his might.
Mommy, thank you for holding me while I crossed. Daddy thank you for
de truck rides. Thank you both for loving me and taking care of me. I
love you. I feel lots better now and I has wings like a flutter-bye
now so I can fly on my own. Den dey he started throwing hugs, kisses
and promises and wrapped dem with his loved and laid dem on a nearby
shooting star which was headed to your house and by de time you should
read this it should have landed dere. And with another swish de vision
was gone.

So on down de road we went to another sign which said, Welcome Murray.
Den we saw it--Father Natures' Cottage. Dere were fuzzies dancing and
dere was food laid out. Oh trust me, dose NY fuzzies sure do know how
to party. Murray was pulled into de crowd and he fit right in. He
started wardancing with de best of dem. I was invited to stay, but I
was pretty tired, so I said my good-byes.

As I headed to my cottage, I thought to myself: Blessed are de
rescuers, for dey shall wear crowns of gold in de heavens.

Loveys and Hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

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