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Thu, 29 May 2008 06:53:02 -0700
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Sigh. Kevin, you disappoint me.

Sixteen different people sent me a copy of Kevin's post titled, "World
Travelers." It is apparently a new record in the number of emails that
can be generated regarding something I had little or nothing to do
with, except for the adoption of a ferret (that is, the McKay ferret
rescue). It just makes me sadly shake my head and sigh.

I don't know what Kevin has against Lori nor do I care a single iota
(actually, less). I don't waste my time worrying about such things. I
was very well informed about the rescue, including some details I am
not sure I can legally divulge, and certainly would not do so on
ethical grounds. My personal involvement was limited to verbal support
and my adoption of Samson, one of the rescues. With that said, I have
to address Kevin's post.

Kevin said,
>It's good to know that dedicated ferret people have the resources to
>pursue wonderful adventures like that in the name of furthering ferret

You can do it as well, Kevin. All you have to do is get a second
mortgage on your house and go deeply into debt, as I have! I have a
major sponsor that is generously paying for a lot of my trip expenses,
and several people have donated monies that I have used to pay
unexpected "large debts," such as replacing hard drives, shipping
scientific materials home (VERY expensive), and other unforeseen costs.
My personal costs that are NOT directly part of the ferret project
(but caused by it) includes $12,000 in home expenses while I am gone
(ferret-sitting and boarding, mortgage, insurance, utilities, etc),
and approximately the same amount in lost income (I am not paid while
on this trip). I can't afford such a monetary loss; it may force me
to sell or even lose my house to foreclosure after I return. Yet I am
doing it because the research is important and the lessons are even
more so. I certainly cannot afford it, but I *have* done it. Your
sarcasm belittles the contributions I have made, as well as that of
others who have given towards the project. I don't care a bit if you
suggest my involvement is to have fun in the name of research (I know
the truth, as well as people who have seen my work), but your words are
hurtful to those who have made sacrifices so the work can move forward.
That makes your comments extremely offensive and I personally take
issue with them.

Kevin said,
>I would give a lot to be able to visit Australia & New Zealand, and
>to visit with ferret folk would just top it all off!"

Mr. Clark and Lori did not visit New Zealand. I did for over 6 weeks.
I spent 20+ hour days in New Zealand -- traveling, generating data,
visiting museums, collecting DNA, hiking trails, finding ferrets,
documenting husbandry, investigating reports, fixing computers, digging
information out of the library, searching for unpublished reports,
doing hundreds of ferret necropsies, and generally running myself down
to the point of exhaustion. At times I was so tired I would fall asleep
while talking to people! I once fell asleep eating some sausage and
woke up 5 hours later with the bite still in my mouth! The week before
I left for Australia, I was with a ferret hunter and slipped and broke
my left hand and thumb. I had so much work left to do that I cut off
the cast so I could wear protective gloves and continue the research.
That was JUST in New Zealand.

In Australia, I did basically the same thing, only with the help of Mr.
Clark and Lori (from the USA) and Shona and others (from Australia).
Without their help, not a dime of which was covered by my funding, my
research would have been greatly impacted and the lessons learned would
have been hurt. For example, because Lori and Mr. Clark were helping
me, I was able to find the time to document the teeth of a large group
of ferrets. That single visit (supported by other visits afterward)
was clear evidence that most ferret dental problems are environmental
(dietary) rather than genetic or age associated. It was a very
important visit, and without the help given to Dr. Clark and Lori,
I might not have had the time to make the stop. My "visit" was -- in
fact -- research.

I admit this comment really boils my gizzard and I might be
overreacting. But if so, I have some justification. I couldn't even
take the time to visit dear friends (I saw my friend Sam for maybe 5
freaking minutes and NEVER got to see her new baby, dammit). I couldn't
look at many tourist areas, sleep an adequate amount, or even take a
whole day off for photos because of the work load! Was there some
visiting? Absolutely! Part of my research is to document genetics,
husbandry, and ferret health, and visiting people is integral to that
effort. Was there some sight-seeing? Yes, because *I* demanded it! For
example, at one point Lori was hurrying me up while I was explaining
something to a ferret owner, and I publicly snapped at her and told her
not to do it again because every person involved deserved just a few
minutes of my time. Those who know me understand such public remarks
are a clear sign of stress and absolutely not my typical reaction. The
work was so intense and constant that I finally revolted and forced a
couple of half-day visits to zoos and conservation centers for my
personal decompression.

I had reason to demand some time off for recreation. I have an
auto-immune disorder which can be triggered by physical and/or
emotional stress. I have six basic symptoms I use to tell if I am
about to have a major flare; five of them were apparent by the time
the New Zealand and Australian work was done (oral sores and rough skin
patches, lack of "being thirsty," lower GI bleeding, painful fatigue,
and extreme joint pain; I just needed irritability to round out the
list). I point this out only because it is empirical evidence that the
work load was so large that it had a negative impact on health; it was
hardly a vacation spent visiting people. Shona, Lori, and Mr. Clark
worked as hard as I did. Kevin's comment's are a slander against the
work that was done and the contributions and sacrifices made by all
involved. I am personally deeply offended.

Kevin said,
>I'm glad to hear that Lori apparently has her finances back under
>control so that she could do this!

It can be a foolish thing to speak aloud without basic understanding.
I am not going to comment on who paid for what, but I will say you are
dead wrong in your suppositions. Mr. Clark wanted to take this trip to
help me with my research. I could not refuse Mr. Clark anymore than I
could refuse a request of my parents. My respect and admiration for Mr.
Clark has no bounds and I would have allowed him to accompany me the
entire trip had he asked. Mr. Clark is 79, almost 80, saw the trip as a
trip of a lifetime, and wanted someone to accompany him. Lori was Mr.
Clark's guest. The only people who have the right to comment on such
an arrangement would be Lori's husband and Mr. Clark's family, both of
which did not have a problem as far as I know. I didn't have a problem,

Kevin, your entire post was out of line; a clear sarcastic, personal
attack against Lori, with no clear purpose other than trying to harm
her reputation. It seemed to me -- as a third party outsider -- that
its sole purpose was to use the trip to generate anti-Lori sentiment,
with objections based on personal opinions and lacking empirical fact.
The ferret community deserves much better. You owe all of us an

FMLers, you don't have to tolerate this type of post, even if Bill
allows it. The number one complaint told to me by FMLers I meet on my
trips is that they greatly dislike the personal attacks that seem to
be all too common. I can't tell you how many times I've been told, "I
don't read the FML anymore because of the attack posts." So, get off
your a*s and complain! If you see a post like this and even if it does
not personally bother you, vote against it by sending in a few choice
comments to the list. If we -- as a ferret community -- held to a
higher standard, saying "We don't like or want personal attack posts,"
and back it up with action (ie, posts demanding it stop), it just might
make a difference. Vote against this type of personal attack with a
post decrying the practice!

This is my one-and-only comment on this matter, so feel free to attack
me with impunity. I have far, far better things to do with my time.

Bob C [log in to unmask]

[Moderator's note: Regrettably, the sarcasm of the post went right over
me at the time, but I admit now the post probably was meant to be a 
sarcastic one. Not sure I would have posted it had I thought about it,
at least not without comment. BIG]

[Posted in FML 5986]