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Fri, 1 Aug 2008 23:19:46 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (117 lines)
It was a lovely day at de Bridge. SaraFerret was playing with de kits,
Isabel and Serena. All of a sudden, Mimi, de little courier, flew up
with two notes in her paw. " SaraFerret, I have two important notes
here for you, I think at least. One is for a fuzzie crossing the
bridge. But the other one I don't quite understand. Here they are." So
SaraFerret took de notes from her and scanned de notes quickly and then
read them more carefully again. "Mimi, are you sure these are for me?"
"For sure, SaraFerret, see they have your name on them and besides
they have your name on them and besides you are the next greeter," she
replied. Then she looked over my shoulder and saw both the notes.
"Oh-oh, I see what you mean. I think they were meant for 421, but at
any rate, its too late to get him and besides you are next up and
besides she asks for you." So I sent Mimi on her way to pick up the
fuzzies and sent Isabel and Serena onto the cottage and I headed for
the entrance.

I was just in time to meet a black sable fuzzie with a black nose
carrying a heavy backpack. He seemed somewhat lost until I introduced
myself. "Hi, I am SaraFerret and I am the bridgegreeter. Welcome to
de Rainbow Bridge. Dis is your new forever home. Here you will have
no more pain or suffering. You will have lots of fun and friends and
treats and you will run on cool green grass forever. Did I mention all
the games we play here?"

Then de darling black sable boy said, "I am Buckey and I belonged to
first of all Mommy Valerie, but then she had to go away, so then I went
to Mommy Sandi, and then I went to live with Mommy Phyllis. All of them
were so nice. You seem nice too. I am feeling so much better now, so do
you think I can just go home now."

"Afraid not, Buckey, once you cross dat bridge, dere's no going back.
Dis is your new home now. Trust me, your Mommies know dat you are here
now. But dere are lots of fun things to do here. (Sometimes fuzzies
don't here what I say de first time dat I say it). Dere are lots of
fuzzies here dat you know."

"There are? He looked around and he couldn't see any. But I told him
he would see dem later on. But dem I asked, "What do you have in your
backpack?" He looked at me suspicious-like and said, "Why do you ask?
Do I have to give them up? They are all I have?"

I replied, "Of course you don'ts have to give up anything. I is just
nosey like any fuzzie." So he carefully undid his secret backpack and
took out his blue blanket and his multicolored ball that had been
packed with him and then a little cloth bag."

"What is in de little cloth bag," I asked.

"Oh, those are all the love and kisses my mommies gave me on earth
while I was there. I plan to keep them until they come to be with me.
Just something to remember them by. So I can't really open it or else I
will lose them." So he carefully packed everything back into the pack.
(You see unlike people, fuzzies can take it with them, anything that
they stuff into dere secret backpacks).

Den he noticed my wings. "Hey what are those things on your shoulders?"

Oh dese? Dese are wings. Dey are great for flying around de clouds.
Beats hopping around. Can you think of how funny dat would be."

He looked up and we both started laughing at dat. "Do I get a pair of
those?" he asked. "Of course you do." I replied.

And off we went down de garden path. But on de way we met Mojo, his
first lady friend. He was so surprised to see her. He grabbed her and
dey danced around, and asked her, "When did you arrive."

"Just last week," she replied.

"I am fairly new here also. But I am starting to find my way around.
Just wait until you see the fuzzies who are here."

So we continued on to de Wing House where de wings were stored. At de
door, we met two more fuzzies, he had known. Rosie and Sugar Babe. He
was so thrilled. More friends. We opened de door and on de counter was
a big box (of course). He opened de box and took out de wings--Royal
Blue with silver streaks--just perfect for a black sable with a black
nose. Mojo and Rosie helped him put on his wings and Sugar Babe
adjusted his halo. Den he ran to de big vanity mirror and he gazed at
his reflection and den he turned to me and said: "Gee I wish my Mommies
could see me now." Den I gots an idea.

So we left de place and went down de road to de Misting Pond and sat
down beside de cool clear water. With one swish he could see a vision
of Mommy Sandi, Mommy Phyllis, and Mommy Valerie. He started waving and
dooking with all of his might. "Hey Mommies, I feel so much better now.
See my blue wings, I can fly now. Thank you for taking care of me.
Thank you for loving me. I love you. I has friends here and lots of
lady friends here. You were so good to me. Den he started throwing
love, kisses, and promises and wrapped dem with his love and laid dem
on a nearby shooting star which just happened to explode into three
pieces so by de time you should read dis you should recieve dem. Den
without another swish de vision was gone.

As we left dere, we ran into another group of his fuzzie friends who
were shouting to him and he was waving at dem and all of a sudden he
saw his dog friend Duke with a cardboard sign which read "Welcome
Buckey". He got so tickled over dat, he just rolled on de grass
laughing. He had never seen anything so funny in his life. (I guess
dose Heaven Scent fuzzies are a barrel of laughs). Den on down de path
we came to Heaven Scent Village where he was to live. Music was playing
and food was laid out. I was invited to stay, eat, and dance. But I had
things to do and said my good-byes. It was so nice to know dat Buckey
had friends at de bridge and dances to dance.

Mimi flew up to me and I had de note in my paw and we headed to 421's
cottage to give him de thank you note dat Miss Sandi had sent. It was a
puzzle as I used to greet her fuzzies before I went on a leave awhile
back but who knew what happened. Anyway de thank you note would get to
de right greeter anyway.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

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