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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0712 15780 31 23_our Giving Tree ferrets15_Debbie [log in to unmask], 19 Dec 2007 20:14:28 -0500566_- Howdy gang!

Just a quick note to let you all know most of our ferrets are listed on
the tree now but only 4 of the 23 have been chosen. Listed so far we
have 10 from the Ohio rescue and 13 "regular" shelter kids with 2 more
pending posting, one for each classification. You can see our shelter
kids on tree 34 and the ones still needing Secret Santa are Mocha,
Miss, Lucky, Luci, Leon, Latte, Dezi, BG Boy & Sophie. Our Ohio kids
can be found on trees 46 & 47. Their names are Klondike, Harvey,
Ginger, Gilligan, [...]55_19Dec200720:14:[log in to unmask] 0712 15812 34 21_New Year's Resolution15_Gerri [log in to unmask], 19 Dec 2007 02:40:55 -0800538_- I think that my New year's Resolution, for next years giving tree is
going to be to collect things throughout the year, as I could only
sponsor a few ferrets and there are so many left. I did want to let
everyone know that if you go to your local pet store, or feed store,
or whatever store you have which carries pet supplies, and ask for a
donation, tell what it is for-the giving tree ferrets- you may need to
coordinate with the shelter to get the company a tax point bonus, but
you may get them to donate [...]49_19Dec200702:40:[log in to unmask] 0712 15847 30 76_Thursday Night Ferret Chat Reminder for December 20, 2007 at 9:00 PM [log in to unmask], 19 Dec 2007 19:51:09 -0600611_- Title: Weekly Ferret Chat Reminder
Date: Thursday December 20, 2007
Time: 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm Eastern
Location: http://chat.pethobbyist.com/

Notes: If you love talking about your fuzz babies, please join me at
9:00 PM Eastern time very Thursday night in the Exotic Pet Chat Room on

This chat is a great way to connect with other ferret slaves, catch up
on the latest ferret gossip, or just to make new and interesting
friends. It's not hard, just go to the link above, then click on the
Chat link at the top of the main page, make a chat name [...]46_19Dec200719:51:[log in to unmask] 0712 15878 28 16_Free range birds13_Tony [log in to unmask], 19 Dec 2007 13:45:53 +0000484_- I have just been to the next village to have a look at 20 free range
hens that will be going in my freezer for all my ferrets in 2008.

Since posting on freecycle.org and other free sites on the internet I
am getting loads of offers to collect poultry, waterfowl and pigeons
that are no longer of any use to the owners. What is the use of a hen
that only lays one egg a month or a noisy cockerel that upsets your
neibours, when all you want is a few eggs. [...]48_19Dec200713:45:[log in to unmask] 0712 15907 11 24_Happy Birthday Blizzard!11_Alison [log in to unmask], 19 Dec 2007 07:30:47 -0600123_- Happy Birthday Blizzard and congratulations on a budding career
Wed, 19 Dec 2007 13:40:32 +0000
text/plain (33 lines)
Firstly, I'd like to than Kris for all the extremly time consuming and
hard work he puts into the tree every year. Kudo's for continuing it.
So many ferrets have a special christmas thanks to him.

I know this year was tough, so many, many DMK kids out there who
deserve christmas, one they've never had. But, I would like to add
something. We'll really the only thing is to start earlier and (baring
this year) keep the numbers per shelter down.

I know, I know.. it doesn't matter if they receive their gifts late to
the ferrets but sometimes, us humans want to try to hard to get them
there. Five days before christmas is too late to get them to their
destination on time. Yes, I know kids pass on. That, each and everyone
of us deal with (though not to the extent shelters do numbers wise).
But, even if we start taking names in September, through October and
cut it off in the first week of december it makes a lot of difference.
I know shelters are busy, but it really would help out us folks wanting
to help a kid from the tree. Come December, funds are tighter. So,
maybe if we had a little more time to plan?

Just a thought. I could only get one kid from the tree this year which
makes me sad. Due to extenuating circumstances that's all I could do.
Yes, Im a last minute louey this year due to some reasons I won't
mention but in all honesty it buys time to pick up little things if you
have that chance to know before hand, before the holiday rush. I know
the kids appreciate anything... but sometimes you really like to know
earlier what their special present would be.


[Posted in FML 5826]