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Mon, 5 May 2008 21:12:01 -0400
Sara Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (106 lines)
It was a lovely day at de bridge, however it didn't matter to
SaraFerret as she was on vacation. She was catching up on some
much-needed sleep in her cottage. So peaceful, so quiet. De kits were
away visiting at camp. All of a sudden she heard a knock at de door.
She turned over in her hammie and played Possum and hoped de noise
would just go away. Den de door came open and in flew Dexter, de little
boy courier. She tried to ignore him, but he playfully flipped her
hammie and she fell onto de hammie below her. (Good thing dat was
dere). Well dat wokes her up for sure.

Wakes up, SawaFewwet, I has a note from de BOSS for you. Dis lady wants
you to gweets her fuzzy. You best huwwy and do it wights away.

So she checks de note and sure enough, a Miss Debby has asks special
for her to greets her fuzzy, so she asks Dexter to gets his friends and
take dem to de meeting place and she heads for de entrance thinking to
herself, Gee I hopes he gets de right ones: not three rats and two
bunnies like he did once before.

Just in time! An elderly sable Siamese blind fuzzy with a tiny backpack
was getting ready to cross de bridge. Mercy! He was having a hard time.
Dis was his last journey; de one dat everyone, human and fuzzy alikes
must take all alone, and he knew dat he must do it and so he plodded
on. Finally toward de entrance I reaches out my paw to him and he grabs
at it and I helps him across. He hugs me tight and says I knows who you
ares and den kisses my paw.

My Mommy says dat I is de most polite fuzzy in de whole wide world and
us TX ones knows how to behave with a girl fuzzy and even tho I can't
sees you, I can tells dat you is a girl.

Well, I blushes, and introduces myself. I am SaraFerret, de
bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. DIs is your new forever
home. Here you has no more pains or suffering and you gets to run on
green grass forever. You gets to have lots of cheerios and all de food
you wants.

By de way, I asks him, whats in your backpack (fuzzies, unlike people
are allowed to take anything dat dey can stuff into dere secret
backpacks when dey cross de bridge)? He looks at me and says, Does I
has to give it up? Oh no I replies, I is just nosey like any fuzzy. So
he just unzips it and takes out a small cloth bag, but den he tells me
dat he can't open it, because he will lose everything he has in it,
like de kisses and hugs Mommy gave him so he can remember her until she
comes, and a few tears dat she cried when she had to let him go, and of
course a piece of her heart. Den he took out a few strands of her hair
and held dem close to his heard and den he packed all of it inside de
backpack again so dey would be safe and he could have Mommy close to

And at dat moment, something happened: POOF! Ozzy looked around and he
could SEE everything and he felt so good. He started jumping up and
down and hugging me and dooking with joy. Den I showed him another

See dese wings on my shoulders, you gets dese too. You will gets to
fly like a bird. You gets to wear a halo too.

Ozzy was so happy he could barely dook. So off we went down de path
toward de Wing House where de wings were stored and den he got another
surprise! At de door were his old friends, Daisy Mae and Mimi, who had
crossed before him. Oh happy days, but reunion time just had to wait
for a bit. We opened de door and on de counter was a big box (of
course). Ozzy opened de box and took out de wings--Silver with blue
streaks. So perfect for the sable Siamese. Daisy Mae helped him put on
his wings and Mimi adjusted his halo. Den he rushed to de big vanity
mirror and gazed at his reflection and saw for de first time what a
handsome fuzzy he was. He turned to me and says, Gee I wish dat Mommy
could see me now. Den I gots an idea.

Offs we went down de garden path toward de Misting Pond and sat down
beside de cool clear water. With one swish he could see de vision of
his Mommy Debby and his Daddy Gary and all de fuzzies and even de
family in NC so far away. Ozzy saw dem look up at de sky as tho dey
could see something and he started waving and dooking with all of his
might, Thanks for saving me, thanks for loving me. I loves you so much.
I can see now and I feels so much better. I gots pretty wings and I can
fly now. Den dey all starting throwing hugs, promises, and kisses and
wrapped dem with dere love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star, but
as it left here it started to explode heading to TX and NC so everyone
could get his love. And with another swish de vision was gone.

We headed again down de path and he saw a banner strung across de
trees: WELCOME TO DE BRIDGE OZZY!. How did dey know I was coming,
he asked. Oh we has our ways, I replied. Den he saw it: Canyon Lake
Retreat: it looked almost, but not quite like home. A cottage with
limestone around it. But here fuzzies had laid out a picnic and music
was playing and around de corner was another surprise! Ozzy spotted it
right away! De big big box of cheerios! Even tho dere was food all over
de place, Ozzy dove into de box and de last I sees of him was his tail
and one foot. I thought to myself, Oh well, he will come up when he's
thirsty. Soon he will know dat dere is always plenty of all de cheerios
dat he could ever want.

I waved bye to all and shook Ozzy's foot and headed off to my cottage.
To heck with my nap, my cottage could do with cleaning anyway now dat
de kits are away. Such a blessing dat nice lady rescued him from dat
flood. Blessed are de rescuers for de shall wear crowns of gold in


[Posted in FML 5962]