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Fri, 15 Feb 2008 16:39:54 +0000
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Hi everyone,

It's been a hectic week, but I wanted let everyone know how Oreo
is doing. He's our little three legged boy who had to have his leg

I also wanted you all to know that we have received several packages
from all over the country from the nicest folks in the world, "the
ferret people", all of you. Some special packages came from the Ferret
Giving Tree and some special deliveries for Oreo, some for the hospice
ferrets and some just to share with all of the ferrets here at South
Shore Ferret Care. I cannot describe how fun it is to bring a big
box into the ferret room and sit in the middle of the floor with the
ferrets "helping" me to open it up. Oreo and Serafina usually sit on
my lap with interest, Buddy and Turbo (from Ohio) help to unpack the
box Blazor (another Ohio guy) climbs into the box, and all the other
shelter guys surrounded me as each one sniffed each precious item in
appreciation. One by one they all decide what they like and whisk it
away to their private hidey places. Mikey steals the bundle of socks
that someone has sent him, Rudy takes the bubble wrap paper, Buddy and
Turbo hop in the biggest hand made hammock I've ever seen, Chloe pushes
a ball across the floor, her favorite type toy, Moosey dances around
with an N-Bone in his mouth, others take crotched eggs and race away
shaking them in every direction. Some remain at the source of enjoyment
the box of goodies and I dole out bandit treats of every flavor to
little open mouths.

Back to Oreo, he has had a rough week. He had a bad seizure last week
so we upped his prednisone, we almost lost him. Thank goodness for warm
fluids, nutrical, special soup and tubes of glucose 45 on hand, as well
as an Angel in the form of Michele who came over at 11:30 at night to
medicate the other hospice ferrets while I worked with Oreo to bring
him out of his seizure and back to us. He went back again to the vet's
office for another re-check as he isn't gaining any weight and I
haven't seen him eating kibble, just the special soup I make him and
doesn't show any interest in playing. His blood sugar was up from 33
but only has reached 37. So we have added diazoxide to his prednisone
that he is already on. As well I had a full work up done on him and he
also has an intestinal bug, so now he is on the dreaded flagyl as well.
My vet made a super concentrated mix for him so he only has to take
0.15. He is a tooper though, with a bit of a scruff, handles it like
he did the Baytril he was previously on. After we left the vets I
actually heard him crunchy on kibble. Music to my ears as I don't think
he's eaten much kibble in a month. That night he was a little more

Today though, I think he is a little sad, he knows when mommy is sad.
We lost another hospice ferret yesterday and she lreally oved Oreo.
Missy was a ferret who was taken in with two other ferrets as an abuse
case I worked on with the local animal control officer in the Boston
area. Apparently one of the ferrets pooped in the wrong corner so to
teach him a lesson they ground out a cigarette into his back. Thank
goodness someone reported this and animal control stepped in and
removed all three. Missy was an old soul in a little naked body. She
was the very first ferret we tried the melatonin implant with and
because she was so small (under 800 grams) we had to order a special
small implant for her. She was the matriach of our shelter and we were
hoping that she would see her 10th birthday in April but it was not to
be. Because of her we have helped alot of ferrets with implants and
educated folks manage adrenal disease for their ferrets.

Oreo has lost five of his friends in six weeks that he met when he
first arrived. Missy was his favorite cuddle buddy. So this morning he
and I sat together while he ate his soup and I cried for Missy.I told
Oreo over and over again how happy I was that he came to help me say
good bye to the others. Since I work full time as well as running the
shelter, and we have to help someone to the bridge I try to make the
appointment when possible, during lunchtime. Afterwards I have to go
right back to work after saying good bye. I never have the luxury of
taking time to reflect and grieve properly for them. All I get is about
fifteen minutes in the car to cry all the way back to the parking lot,
wipe my eyes and walk back into my office to work. You shelter moms and
dads know how it is, we love them so much and at the end feel honored
to be the last ones to say good bye to them, giving them the last
kindness of releasing them from little bodies that no longer work
for them trading legs that can't help them to stand for wings.

Oreo and I would like to suggest something to help others. Missy's
favorite thing in the world was little soft animals that were her
"Babies". She would tug her babies across the room, even if they were
bigger than her to "put them to bed" in a special spot. It anyone else
touched her babies she would hiss at them. Over the past few months
Missy received many new "Babies" that she didn't even get to play with
as her time was short and she grew weary. In Missy's honor we would
like to share her precious "Babies" and also include some of our dry
dook soup to help another TLC Ferret. Maybe you have or know of a
ferret who has lost their friend, or a hospice ferret who could use
one of Missy's Babies to cuddle up with. Please send me an email with
a picture of the ferret and some information of how we can send them
a "Missy's Baby" to them in her honor. I would like to make this an
ongoing program and will be including it on our website once it is up
in the next month or so.

Thank you everyone for praying for Oreo,
It means so much - Diane Wall
South Shore Ferret Care 

[Posted in FML 5884]