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Mon, 28 Jan 2008 15:28:27 -0800
text/plain (64 lines)
Hello Everyone.

It's Joanne... Princess Peppers Mommy. I wanted to let everyone know
some very sad news. Princess Pepper passed away January 26, 2008. I
don't have the words to tell you how much I miss her... and how
unexpected this was.

Princess Pepper had begun to lose weight yet she remained active and
continued to eat really well. On Thursday she started having problems
walking. She had lost more weight. Friday morning she wouldn't eat
and she couldn't move. I had made a vet appointment for her in the
afternoon, however after going home to check on her at lunch, I decided
she couldn't wait any longer. She was cold and her limbs were stiff. I
rushed her to the vets office hoping for something....

The vet informed me that she was pretty much gone... but I felt that
she wasn't ready. They put her on an IV and gave her antibiotics. I
took her home with me on the IV and got antibiotics for her and the
rest of the kids in case this was a virus. She stayed on or by my bed
and I stayed with her.

On Saturday she began to have seizures. She was still fighting so hard.
I finally told her that she needed to tell me what she wanted done...
I kept getting that "blonde" look from her and from her eyes... she
wouldn't tell me. I got her through another seizure and she went to
sleep. I went to eat dinner in the dining room... I kept getting up and
checking on her... she was still sleeping so I didn't want to disturb
her... she hadn't been able to sleep due to the seizures every 15

After about 30 minutes of her actually sleeping... I lifted her blankie
and she wasn't breathing... she had passed away... She gave me her
decision on what she wanted to do. She fought for as long as she
good... and then went to sleep... and went to the Bridge to be with
her sister, Queen Spice and her daddy Bugz and her mommy Flower.

Pepper was the sweetest and silliest girl I ever met. She was such a
"blonde". She was my first ferret and the product of a breeder rescue.
I got her from the shelter (before I took it over) when she was 6
months old. I got her spayed at 9 months old... I could go on and on
about her funny stories ... but right now I just can't... I'm sure you
all understand.

Princess Pepper had the honor of helping Support Our Shelters with her
cute posts and her funny stories. She was passing the torch on to Bella
Bear and was going to enjoy her retirement. I hope and pray that the
work she and everyone else has put into the programs continue to be a
success. She would love to see that... Please continue to help Support
Our Shelters and remember... she send Hugz & Luvz to everyone....

She was and will forever be my Princess Pepper Sophia Louise Marie
Margarite.... AKO My Blonde Girl

Pepper... I miss you and love you... you showed me so much in your 7
years and gave me so much laughter and so many times of worry (you
remember what I'm talking about!)... Thank you for being you and for
loving me... I will see you again one day... until then, go play, hide
your babies and sockies and have a blast in your new hidey hole....

Joanne ---- Mommy

[Posted in FML 5866]